... This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. ... If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. (.require [library [lux (.except) [program (.only program)] [control ["[0]" io]] [test ["_" property (.only Test)]]]] ["[0]" / ["[1][0]" artifact] ["[1][0]" cli] ["[1][0]" command] ["[1][0]" dependency (.only) ["[1]/[0]" deployment] ["[1]/[0]" resolution] ["[1]/[0]" status]] ["[1][0]" hash] ["[1][0]" input] ["[1][0]" local] ["[1][0]" metadata] ["[1][0]" package] ["[1][0]" parser] ["[1][0]" pom] ["[1][0]" profile] ["[1][0]" project] ["[1][0]" repository] ["[1][0]" runtime]]) (def dependency Test (all _.and /dependency.test /dependency/deployment.test /dependency/resolution.test /dependency/status.test )) (def test Test (all _.and /artifact.test /cli.test /command.test ..dependency /hash.test /input.test /local.test /metadata.test /package.test /parser.test /pom.test /profile.test /project.test /repository.test /runtime.test )) (def _ (program args (<| io.io _.run! (_.times 100 _.announce_success) ..test)))