(.require [library [lux (.except i64) [abstract [monad (.only do)]] [control ["[0]" pipe] ["[0]" try (.only Try)]] [data ["[0]" bit (.use "[1]#[0]" equivalence)] [number ["[0]" i64] ["n" nat] ["i" int] ["f" frac]] ["[0]" text (.use "[1]#[0]" equivalence) ["%" \\format (.only format)]] [collection ["[0]" list]]] [math ["r" random (.only Random)]] [meta [macro ["^" pattern]] [compiler ["[0]" reference] ["[0]" synthesis]]] [test ["_" property (.only Test)]]]] ["[0]" // ["[1][0]" when] [// [common (.only Runner)]]]) (def safe (-> Text Text) (text.replaced " " "_")) (def (bit run) (-> Runner Test) (do r.monad [param r.i64 subject r.i64] (with_expansions [ (with_template [ ] [(_.test (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol ) (list (synthesis.i64 param) (synthesis.i64 subject))} (run (..safe )) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueT} (n.= ( param subject) (as Nat valueT)) {try.#Failure _} false) (let [param ])))] [.i64_and# i64.and param] [.i64_or# i64.or param] [.i64_xor# i64.xor param] [.i64_left# i64.left_shifted (n.% 64 param)] ["lux i64 logical-right-shift" i64.logic_right_shifted (n.% 64 param)] )] (all _.and (_.test "lux i64 arithmetic-right-shift" (|> {synthesis.#Extension "lux i64 arithmetic-right-shift" (list (synthesis.i64 subject) (synthesis.i64 param))} (run (..safe "lux i64 arithmetic-right-shift")) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueT} (.i64_=# (i64.arithmetic_right_shifted param subject) (as I64 valueT)) {try.#Failure _} false) (let [param (n.% 64 param)]))) )))) (def (i64 run) (-> Runner Test) (do r.monad [param (|> r.i64 (r.only (|>> (.i64_=# 0) not))) subject r.i64] (`` (all _.and (,, (with_template [ ] [(_.test (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol ) (list (synthesis.i64 subject))} (run (..safe )) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueT} ( ( subject) (as valueT)) {try.#Failure _} false) (let [subject ])))] [.int_f64# Frac i.frac f.= subject] [.int_char# Text (|>> (as Nat) text.from_code) text#= (|> subject (as Nat) (n.% (i64.left_shifted 8 1)) (as Int))] )) (,, (with_template [ ] [(_.test (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol ) (list (synthesis.i64 param) (synthesis.i64 subject))} (run (..safe )) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueT} ( ( param subject) (as valueT)) {try.#Failure _} false)))] [.i64_+# i.+ Int i.=] [.i64_-# i.- Int i.=] [.i64_=# i.= Bit bit#=] [.int_<# i.< Bit bit#=] [.int_*# i.* Int i.=] [.int_/# i./ Int i.=] [.int_%# i.% Int i.=] )) )))) (def simple_frac (Random Frac) (|> r.nat (at r.monad each (|>> (n.% 1000) .int i.frac)))) (def (f64 run) (-> Runner Test) (do r.monad [param (|> ..simple_frac (r.only (|>> (f.= +0.0) not))) subject ..simple_frac] (`` (all _.and (,, (with_template [ ] [(_.test (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol ) (list (synthesis.f64 param) (synthesis.f64 subject))} (run (..safe )) (//when.verify ( param subject))))] [.f64_+# f.+ f.=] [.f64_-# f.- f.=] [.f64_*# f.* f.=] [.f64_/# f./ f.=] [.f64_%# f.% f.=] )) (,, (with_template [ ] [(_.test (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol ) (list (synthesis.f64 param) (synthesis.f64 subject))} (run (..safe )) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueV} (bit#= ( param subject) (as Bit valueV)) _ false)))] [.f64_=# f.=] [.f64_<# f.<] )) (_.test ".f64_int# && .int_f64#" (|> (run (..safe .f64_int#) (|> subject synthesis.f64 (list) {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .f64_int#)} (list) {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .int_f64#)})) (//when.verify subject))) )))) (def (text run) (-> Runner Test) (do [! r.monad] [sample_size (|> r.nat (at ! each (|>> (n.% 10) (n.max 1)))) sample_lower (r.lower_case_alpha sample_size) sample_upper (r.upper_case_alpha sample_size) sample_alpha (|> (r.alphabetic sample_size) (r.only (|>> (text#= sample_upper) not))) char_idx (|> r.nat (at ! each (n.% sample_size))) .let [sample_lowerS (synthesis.text sample_lower) sample_upperS (synthesis.text sample_upper) sample_alphaS (synthesis.text sample_alpha) concatenatedS {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .text_composite#) (list sample_lowerS sample_upperS)} pre_rep_once (format sample_lower sample_upper) post_rep_once (format sample_lower sample_alpha) pre_rep_all (|> sample_lower (list.repeated sample_size) (text.interposed sample_upper)) post_rep_all (|> sample_lower (list.repeated sample_size) (text.interposed sample_alpha))]] (all _.and (_.test "Can compare texts for equality." (and (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .text_=#) (list sample_lowerS sample_lowerS)} (run (..safe .text_=#)) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueV} (as Bit valueV) _ false)) (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .text_=#) (list sample_upperS sample_lowerS)} (run (..safe .text_=#)) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueV} (not (as Bit valueV)) _ false)))) (_.test "Can compare texts for order." (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .text_<#) (list sample_lowerS sample_upperS)} (run (..safe .text_<#)) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueV} (as Bit valueV) {try.#Failure _} false))) (_.test "Can get length of text." (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .text_size#) (list sample_lowerS)} (run (..safe .text_size#)) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueV} (n.= sample_size (as Nat valueV)) _ false))) (_.test "Can concatenate text." (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .text_size#) (list concatenatedS)} (run (..safe .text_size#)) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueV} (n.= (n.* 2 sample_size) (as Nat valueV)) _ false))) (_.test "Can find index of sub-text." (and (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .text_index#) (list concatenatedS sample_lowerS (synthesis.i64 +0))} (run (..safe .text_index#)) (pipe.when (^.multi {try.#Success valueV} [(as (Maybe Nat) valueV) {.#Some valueV}]) (n.= 0 valueV) _ false)) (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .text_index#) (list concatenatedS sample_upperS (synthesis.i64 +0))} (run (..safe .text_index#)) (pipe.when (^.multi {try.#Success valueV} [(as (Maybe Nat) valueV) {.#Some valueV}]) (n.= sample_size valueV) _ false)))) (let [test_clip (is (-> (I64 Any) (I64 Any) Text Bit) (function (_ offset length expected) (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .text_clip#) (list concatenatedS (synthesis.i64 offset) (synthesis.i64 length))} (run (..safe .text_clip#)) (pipe.when (^.multi {try.#Success valueV} [(as (Maybe Text) valueV) {.#Some valueV}]) (text#= expected valueV) _ false))))] (_.test "Can clip text to extract sub-text." (and (test_clip 0 sample_size sample_lower) (test_clip sample_size sample_size sample_upper)))) (_.test "Can extract individual characters from text." (|> {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .text_char#) (list sample_lowerS (synthesis.i64 char_idx))} (run (..safe .text_char#)) (pipe.when (^.multi {try.#Success valueV} [(as (Maybe Int) valueV) {.#Some valueV}]) (text.contains? (.int_char# valueV) sample_lower) _ false))) ))) (def (io run) (-> Runner Test) (do r.monad [message (r.alphabetic 5)] (all _.and (_.test "Can log messages." (|> {synthesis.#Extension .log# (list (synthesis.text (format "LOG: " message)))} (run (..safe .log#)) (pipe.when {try.#Success valueV} true {try.#Failure _} false))) (_.test "Can throw runtime errors." (and (|> {synthesis.#Extension .try# (list (synthesis.function/abstraction [synthesis.#environment (list) synthesis.#arity 1 synthesis.#body {synthesis.#Extension (symbol .error#) (list (synthesis.text message))}]))} (run (..safe .try#)) (pipe.when (^.multi {try.#Success valueV} [(as (Try Text) valueV) {try.#Failure error}]) (text.contains? message error) _ false)) (|> {synthesis.#Extension .try# (list (synthesis.function/abstraction [synthesis.#environment (list) synthesis.#arity 1 synthesis.#body (synthesis.text message)]))} (run (..safe .try#)) (pipe.when (^.multi {try.#Success valueV} [(as (Try Text) valueV) {try.#Success valueV}]) (text#= message valueV) _ false)))) ))) (def .public (spec runner) (-> Runner Test) (all _.and (..bit runner) (..i64 runner) (..f64 runner) (..text runner) (..io runner) ))