(.module: [lux #* ["." host (#+ import:)] [abstract [codec (#+ Codec)] [equivalence (#+ Equivalence)] [monad (#+ do)]] [control ["." try (#+ Try)] ["." exception (#+ exception:)]] [data ["." binary (#+ Binary)] ["." text ["%" format (#+ Format format)] ["." encoding]] [number ["." i64] ["n" nat]]] [type abstract]]) ## TODO: Replace with pure-Lux implementations of these algorithms ## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1#SHA-1_pseudocode ## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5#Algorithm (import: java/lang/String) (import: java/security/MessageDigest ["#::." (#static getInstance [java/lang/String] java/security/MessageDigest) (digest [[byte]] [byte])]) (abstract: #export SHA-1 Any) (abstract: #export MD5 Any) (abstract: #export (Hash h) Binary (def: #export data (All [h] (-> (Hash h) Binary)) (|>> :representation)) (template [ ] [(def: #export ( value) (-> Binary (Hash )) (|> (java/security/MessageDigest::getInstance []) (java/security/MessageDigest::digest [value]) :abstraction))] [sha-1 ..SHA-1 "SHA-1"] [md5 ..MD5 "MD5"] ) (def: encode (Format Binary) (binary.fold (function (_ byte representation) (let [hex (:: n.hex encode byte) hex (case (text.size hex) 1 (format "0" hex) _ hex)] (format representation hex))) "")) (template [ ] [(def: Nat )] [20 sha-1::size] [16 md5::size] ) (def: hex-per-byte 2) (def: hex-per-chunk (n.* hex-per-byte i64.bytes-per-i64)) (exception: #export (not-a-hash {size Nat} {value Text}) (exception.report ["Pseudo hash" (%.text value)] ["Expected size" (%.nat size)] ["Actual size" (%.nat (text.size value))])) (template [ ] [(exception: #export ( {data Binary}) (exception.report ["Pseudo hash" (%.text (..encode data))] ["Expected size" (%.nat )] ["Actual size" (%.nat (binary.size data))]))] [not-a-sha-1 ..sha-1::size] [not-a-md5 ..md5::size] ) (template [ ] [(def: #export ( data) (-> Binary (Try (Hash ))) (if (n.= (binary.size data)) (#try.Success (:abstraction data)) (exception.throw [data])))] [as-sha-1 SHA-1 ..sha-1::size ..not-a-sha-1] [as-md5 MD5 ..md5::size ..not-a-md5] ) (def: hash-size (-> Text Nat) (|>> text.size (n./ ..hex-per-byte))) (def: encoding-size (-> Nat Nat) (n.* ..hex-per-byte)) (def: (decode size constructor encoded) (All [h] (-> Nat (-> Binary (Try (Hash h))) (-> Text (Try (Hash h))))) (let [hash-size (..hash-size encoded)] (if (n.= size hash-size) (loop [input encoded chunk 0 output (binary.create hash-size)] (let [index (n.* chunk i64.bytes-per-i64)] (case (text.split ..hex-per-chunk input) (#.Some [head tail]) (do try.monad [head (:: n.hex decode head) output (binary.write/64 index head output)] (recur tail (inc chunk) output)) #.None (case (..hash-size input) 0 (constructor output) (^template [ ] [ (do try.monad [head (:: n.hex decode input) output ( index head output)] (constructor output))]) ([1 binary.write/8] [2 binary.write/16] [4 binary.write/32]) _ (exception.throw ..not-a-hash [(..encoding-size size) encoded]))))) (exception.throw ..not-a-hash [(..encoding-size size) encoded])))) (template [ ] [(structure: #export (Codec Text (Hash )) (def: encode (|>> :representation ..encode)) (def: decode (..decode )))] [sha-1-codec SHA-1 ..sha-1::size ..as-sha-1] [md5-codec MD5 ..md5::size ..as-md5] ) (structure: #export equivalence (All [h] (Equivalence (Hash h))) (def: (= reference subject) (:: binary.equivalence = (:representation reference) (:representation subject)))) )