(.module: [lux #* [abstract monad] [control ["p" parser ["s" code (#+ Parser)]]] [data [collection ["." list #* ("#;." fold)]]] [macro (#+ with-gensyms) ["." code] [syntax (#+ syntax:)]]]) (template [ ] [(type: #export (#.Primitive #.Nil))] [Object "object"] [Function "function"] [Symbol "symbol"] [Undefined "undefined"] ) (template [ ] [(type: #export )] [String Text] [Number Frac] [Boolean Bit] ) ## [Syntax] (syntax: #export (set! field-name field-value object) {#.doc (doc "A way to set fields from objects." (set! "foo" +1234 some-object))} (wrap (list (` ("js set-field" (~ object) (~ field-name) (~ field-value)))))) (syntax: #export (delete! field-name object) {#.doc (doc "A way to delete fields from objects." (delete! "foo" some-object))} (wrap (list (` ("js delete-field" (~ object) (~ field-name)))))) (syntax: #export (get field-name type object) {#.doc (doc "A way to get fields from objects." (get "ceil" (ref "Math")) (get "ceil" (-> Frac Frac) (ref "Math")))} (wrap (list (` (:coerce (~ type) ("js get-field" (~ object) (~ field-name))))))) (syntax: #export (object {kvs (p.some (p.and s.any s.any))}) {#.doc (doc "A way to create JavaScript objects." (object) (object "foo" foo "bar" (inc bar)))} (wrap (list (list;fold (function (_ [k v] object) (` (set! (~ k) (~ v) (~ object)))) (` ("js object")) kvs)))) (syntax: #export (ref {name s.text} {type (p.maybe s.any)}) {#.doc (doc "A way to refer to JavaScript variables." (ref "document") (ref "Math.ceil" (-> Frac Frac)))} (wrap (list (` (:coerce (~ (default (' ..Object) type)) ("js ref" (~ (code.text name)))))))) (template [ ] [(syntax: #export () {#.doc (doc ())} (wrap (list (` ()))))] [null "js null" "Null object reference."] [undef "js undefined" "Undefined."] ) (syntax: #export (call! {shape (p.or ($_ p.and s.any (s.tuple (p.some s.any)) (p.maybe s.any)) ($_ p.and s.any s.text (s.tuple (p.some s.any)) (p.maybe s.any)))}) {#.doc (doc "A way to call JavaScript functions and methods." (call! (ref "Math.ceil") [+123.45]) (call! (ref "Math") "ceil" [+123.45]))} (case shape (#.Left [function args ?type]) (wrap (list (` (:coerce (~ (default (' ..Object) ?type)) ("js call" (~ function) (~+ args)))))) (#.Right [object field args ?type]) (wrap (list (` (:coerce (~ (default (' ..Object) ?type)) ("js object-call" (~ object) (~ (code.text field)) (~+ args))))))))