##  Copyright (c) Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved.
##  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
##  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
##  You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

  (lux (control monad)
       (codata [io #- run]
       (data [error #- fail]
             (struct [list "List/" Monoid<List> Monad<List>])
             [number "Nat/" Codec<Text,Nat>])
       [compiler #+ with-gensyms]
       (macro [ast]
              ["s" syntax #+ syntax: Syntax]
              (syntax [common]))
  (.. [promise #+ Monad<Promise>]
      [stm #+ Monad<STM>]

## [Types]
(type: #export (Actor s m)
  {#mailbox (stm;Var m)
   #kill-signal (promise;Promise Unit)
   #obituary (promise;Promise [(Maybe Text) s (List m)])})

(type: #export (Proc s m)
  {#step (-> (Actor s m) (-> m s (promise;Promise (Error s))))
   #end (-> (Maybe Text) s (promise;Promise Unit))})

## [Values]
(def: #export (spawn init [proc on-death])
  {#;doc "Given a procedure and initial state, launches an actor and returns it."}
  (All [s m] (-> s (Proc s m) (IO (Actor s m))))
  (io (let [mailbox (stm;var (:! ($ +1) []))
            kill-signal (promise;promise Unit)
            obituary (promise;promise [(Maybe Text) ($ +0) (List ($ +1))])
            self {#mailbox mailbox
                  #kill-signal kill-signal
                  #obituary obituary}
            mailbox-chan (io;run (stm;follow "\tmailbox\t" mailbox))
            proc (proc self)
            |mailbox| (stm;var mailbox-chan)
            _ (:: Monad<Promise> map
                  (lambda [_]
                    (io;run (do Monad<IO>
                              [mb (stm;read! |mailbox|)]
                              (frp;close mb))))
            process (loop [state init
                           messages mailbox-chan]
                      (do Monad<Promise>
                        [?messages+ messages]
                        (case ?messages+
                          ## No kill-signal so far, so I may proceed...
                          (#;Some [message messages'])
                          (do Monad<Promise>
                            [#let [_ (io;run (stm;write! messages' |mailbox|))]
                             ?state' (proc message state)]
                            (case ?state'
                              (#;Left error)
                              (do @
                                [#let [_ (io;run (promise;resolve [] kill-signal))
                                       _ (io;run (frp;close messages'))
                                       death-message (#;Some error)]
                                 _ (on-death death-message state)
                                 remaining-messages (frp;consume messages')]
                                (wrap [death-message state (#;Cons message remaining-messages)]))

                              (#;Right state')
                              (recur state' messages')))

                          ## Otherwise, clean-up and return current state.
                          (do Monad<Promise>
                            [#let [_ (io;run (frp;close messages))
                                   death-message #;None]
                             _ (on-death death-message state)]
                            (wrap [death-message state (list)])))))]

(def: #export poison
  {#;doc "Immediately kills the given actor (if it's not already dead)."}
  (All [s m] (-> (Actor s m) (io;IO Bool)))
  (|>. (get@ #kill-signal) (promise;resolve [])))

(def: #export (alive? actor)
  (All [s m] (-> (Actor s m) Bool))
  (case [(promise;poll (get@ #kill-signal actor))
         (promise;poll (get@ #obituary actor))]
    [#;None #;None]


(def: #export (send message actor)
  (All [s m] (-> m (Actor s m) (promise;Promise Bool)))
  (if (alive? actor)
    (exec (io;run (stm;write! message (get@ #mailbox actor)))
      (:: Monad<Promise> wrap true))
    (:: Monad<Promise> wrap false)))

(def: #export (keep-alive init proc)
  {#;doc "Given initial-state and a procedure, launches and actor that will reboot if it dies of errors.
          However, it can still be killed."}
  (All [s m] (-> s (Proc s m) (IO (Actor s m))))
  (io (let [ka-actor (: (Actor (Actor ($ +0) ($ +1)) ($ +1))
                        (io;run (spawn (io;run (spawn init proc))
                                       {#step (lambda [*self* message server]
                                                (do Monad<Promise>
                                                  [was-sent? (send message server)]
                                                  (if was-sent?
                                                    (wrap (#;Right server))
                                                    (do @
                                                      [[?cause state unprocessed-messages] (get@ #obituary server)]
                                                      (exec (log! (format "ACTOR DIED:\n" (default "" ?cause) "\n RESTARTING"))
                                                        (do @
                                                          [#let [new-server (io;run (spawn state proc))
                                                                 mailbox (get@ #mailbox new-server)]
                                                           _ (promise;future (mapM io;Monad<IO> ((flip stm;write!) mailbox) (#;Cons message unprocessed-messages)))]
                                                          (wrap (#;Right new-server))))
                                        #end (lambda [_ server] (exec (io;run (poison server))
                                                             (:: Monad<Promise> wrap [])))})))]
        (update@ #obituary (: (-> (promise;Promise [(Maybe Text) (Actor ($ +0) ($ +1)) (List ($ +1))])
                                  (promise;Promise [(Maybe Text) ($ +0) (List ($ +1))]))
                              (lambda [process]
                                (do Monad<Promise>
                                  [[_ server unprocessed-messages-0] process
                                   [cause state unprocessed-messages-1] (get@ #obituary server)]
                                  (wrap [cause state (List/append unprocessed-messages-0 unprocessed-messages-1)]))))

## [Syntax]
(type: Method
  {#name Text
   #vars (List Text)
   #args (List [Text AST])
   #return AST
   #body AST})

(def: method^
  (Syntax Method)
  (s;form (do s;Monad<Syntax>
            [_ (s;symbol! ["" "method:"])
             vars (s;default (list) (s;tuple (s;some s;local-symbol)))
             [name args] (s;form ($_ s;seq
                                     (s;many common;typed-arg)
             return s;any
             body s;any]
            (wrap {#name name
                   #vars vars
                   #args args
                   #return return
                   #body body}))))

(def: stop^
  (Syntax AST)
  (s;form (do s;Monad<Syntax>
            [_ (s;symbol! ["" "stop:"])]

(def: actor-decl^
  (Syntax [(List Text) Text (List [Text AST])])
  (s;seq (s;default (list) (s;tuple (s;some s;local-symbol)))
         (s;either (s;form (s;seq s;local-symbol (s;many common;typed-arg)))
                   (s;seq s;local-symbol (:: s;Monad<Syntax> wrap (list))))))

(def: (actor-def-decl [_vars _name _args] return-type)
  (-> [(List Text) Text (List [Text AST])] AST (List AST))
  (let [decl (` ((~ (ast;symbol ["" (format _name "//new")])) (~@ (List/map (|>. product;left [""] ast;symbol) _args))))
        base-type (` (-> (~@ (List/map product;right _args))
                         (~ return-type)))
        type (case _vars

               (` (All [(~@ (List/map (|>. [""] ast;symbol) _vars))]
                    (~ base-type))))]
    (list decl

(syntax: #export (actor: [_ex-lev common;export-level]
                   [(^@ decl [_vars _name _args]) actor-decl^]
                   [methods (s;many method^)]
                   [?stop (s;opt stop^)])
  {#;doc (doc "Allows defining an actor, with a set of methods that can be called on it."
              "The methods can return promisehronous outputs."
              "The methods can access the actor's state through the *state* variable."
              "The methods can also access the actor itself through the *self* variable."

              (actor: #export Adder
                (method: (count! {to-add Int})
                  [Int Int]
                  (if (>= 0 to-add)
                    (do Monad<Promise>
                      [#let [new-state (i.+ to-add *state*)]]
                      (wrap (#;Right [new-state [*state* new-state]])))
                    (do Monad<Promise>
                      (wrap (#;Left "Can't add negative numbers!")))))
  (with-gensyms [g!message g!error g!return g!error g!output]
    (let [g!state-name (ast;symbol ["" (format _name "//STATE")])
          g!protocol-name (ast;symbol ["" (format _name "//PROTOCOL")])
          g!self (ast;symbol ["" "*self*"])
          g!state (ast;symbol ["" "*state*"])
          g!cause (ast;symbol ["" "*cause*"])
          g!stop-body (default (` (:: promise;Monad<Promise> (~' wrap) [])) ?stop)
          protocol (List/map (lambda [(^slots [#name #vars #args #return #body])]
                               (` ((~ (ast;tag ["" name])) [(~@ (List/map product;right args))] (promise;Promise (~ return)))))
          protocol-pm (List/map (: (-> Method [AST AST])
                                   (lambda [(^slots [#name #vars #args #return #body])]
                                     (let [arg-names (|> (list;size args) (list;n.range +1) (List/map (|>. Nat/encode [""] ast;symbol)))
                                           body-func (` (: (-> (~ g!state-name) (~@ (List/map product;right args)) (promise;Promise (Error [(~ g!state-name) (~ return)])))
                                                           (lambda (~ (ast;symbol ["" _name])) [(~ g!state) (~@ (List/map (|>. product;left [""] ast;symbol) args))]
                                                             (do promise;Monad<Promise>
                                                               (~ body)))))]
                                       [(` [[(~@ arg-names)] (~ g!return)])
                                        (` (do promise;Monad<Promise>
                                             [(~ g!output) ((~ body-func) (~ g!state) (~@ arg-names))]
                                             (case (~ g!output)
                                               (#;Right [(~ g!state) (~ g!output)])
                                               (exec (io;run (promise;resolve (~ g!output) (~ g!return)))
                                                 ((~' wrap) (#;Right (~ g!state))))

                                               (#;Left (~ g!error))
                                               ((~' wrap) (#;Left (~ g!error))))
          g!proc (` {#step (lambda [(~ g!self) (~ g!message) (~ g!state)]
                             (case (~ g!message)
                               (~@ (if (n.= +1 (list;size protocol-pm))
                                     (List/join (List/map (lambda [[pattern clause]]
                                                            (list pattern clause))
                                     (List/join (List/map (lambda [[method [pattern clause]]]
                                                            (list (` ((~ (ast;tag ["" (get@ #name method)])) (~ pattern)))
                                                          (list;zip2 methods protocol-pm)))))
                     #end (lambda [(~ g!cause) (~ g!state)]
                            (do promise;Monad<Promise>
                              (~ g!stop-body)))})
          g!actor-name (ast;symbol ["" _name])
          g!methods (List/map (: (-> Method AST)
                                 (lambda [(^slots [#name #vars #args #return #body])]
                                   (let [arg-names (|> (list;size args) (list;n.range +1) (List/map (|>. Nat/encode [""] ast;symbol)))
                                         type (` (-> (~@ (List/map product;right args))
                                                     (~ g!actor-name)
                                                     (promise;Promise (~ return))))]
                                     (` (def: (~@ (common;gen-export-level _ex-lev)) ((~ (ast;symbol ["" name])) (~@ arg-names) (~ g!self))
                                          (~ type)
                                          (let [(~ g!output) (promise;promise (~ return))]
                                            (exec (send ((~ (ast;tag ["" name])) [[(~@ arg-names)] (~ g!output)]) (~ g!self))
                                              (~ g!output))))))))
      (wrap (list& (` (type: (~@ (common;gen-export-level _ex-lev)) (~ g!state-name) (~ state-type)))
                   (` (type: (~@ (common;gen-export-level _ex-lev)) (~ g!protocol-name) (~@ protocol)))
                   (` (type: (~@ (common;gen-export-level _ex-lev)) (~ g!actor-name) (Actor (~ g!state-name) (~ g!protocol-name))))
                   (` (def: (~@ (common;gen-export-level _ex-lev)) (~@ (actor-def-decl decl (` (Proc (~ g!state-name) (~ g!protocol-name)))))
                        (~ g!proc)))