(.require [library [lux (.except Location Code Label or and function if undefined for comment not int try ++ -- the type_of at , when) [control ["[0]" pipe]] [data ["[0]" text (.only) ["%" \\format (.only format)]] [collection ["[0]" list (.use "[1]#[0]" functor mix)]]] [math [number ["i" int] ["f" frac]]] [meta [macro ["[0]" template]] [type ["[0]" nominal (.except def)]]]]]) (def expression (text.enclosed ["(" ")"])) (def element (text.enclosed ["[" "]"])) ... Added the carriage return for better Windows compatibility. (def \n+ Text (format text.carriage_return text.new_line)) (def nested (-> Text Text) (|>> (format \n+) (text.replaced text.new_line (format text.new_line text.tab)))) (nominal.def .public (Code brand) Text (def .public code (-> (Code Any) Text) (|>> representation)) (with_template [ +] [(with_expansions [ (template.symbol [ "'"])] (nominal.def ( brand) Any) (`` (type .public (|> Any (,, (template.spliced +))))))] [Expression [Code]] [Computation [Expression' Code]] [Location [Computation' Expression' Code]] [Statement [Code]] ) (with_template [ +] [(with_expansions [ (template.symbol [ "'"])] (nominal.def Any) (`` (type .public (|> (,, (template.spliced +))))))] [Var [Location' Computation' Expression' Code]] [Access [Location' Computation' Expression' Code]] [Literal [Computation' Expression' Code]] [Loop [Statement' Code]] [Label [Code]] ) (with_template [ ] [(def .public Literal (abstraction ))] [null "null"] [undefined "undefined"] ) (def .public boolean (-> Bit Literal) (|>> (pipe.when #0 "false" #1 "true") abstraction)) (def .public (number value) (-> Frac Literal) (abstraction (cond (f.not_a_number? value) "NaN" (f.= f.positive_infinity value) "Infinity" (f.= f.negative_infinity value) "-Infinity" ... else (|> value %.frac ..expression)))) (def safe (-> Text Text) (`` (|>> (,, (with_template [ ] [(text.replaced )] ["\\" "\"] ["\t" text.tab] ["\v" text.vertical_tab] ["\0" text.null] ["\b" text.back_space] ["\f" text.form_feed] ["\n" text.new_line] ["\r" text.carriage_return] [(format "\" text.double_quote) text.double_quote] )) ))) (def .public string (-> Text Literal) (|>> ..safe (text.enclosed [text.double_quote text.double_quote]) abstraction)) (def argument_separator ", ") (def field_separator ": ") (def statement_suffix ";") (def .public array (-> (List Expression) Computation) (|>> (list#each ..code) (text.interposed ..argument_separator) ..element abstraction)) (def .public var (-> Text Var) (|>> abstraction)) (def .public (at index array_or_object) (-> Expression Expression Access) (abstraction (format (representation array_or_object) (..element (representation index))))) (def .public (the field object) (-> Text Expression Access) (abstraction (format (representation object) "." field))) (def .public (apply function inputs) (-> Expression (List Expression) Computation) (|> inputs (list#each ..code) (text.interposed ..argument_separator) ..expression (format (representation function)) abstraction)) (def .public (do method inputs object) (-> Text (List Expression) Expression Computation) (apply (..the method object) inputs)) (def .public object (-> (List [Text Expression]) Computation) (|>> (list#each (.function (_ [key val]) (format (representation (..string key)) ..field_separator (representation val)))) (text.interposed ..argument_separator) (text.enclosed ["{" "}"]) ..expression abstraction)) (def .public (, pre post) (-> Expression Expression Computation) (|> (format (representation pre) ..argument_separator (representation post)) ..expression abstraction)) (def .public (then pre post) (-> Statement Statement Statement) (abstraction (format (representation pre) \n+ (representation post)))) (def block (-> Statement Text) (let [close (format \n+ "}")] (|>> representation ..nested (text.enclosed ["{" close])))) (def .public (function_definition name inputs body) (-> Var (List Var) Statement Statement) (|> body ..block (format "function " (representation name) (|> inputs (list#each ..code) (text.interposed ..argument_separator) ..expression) " ") abstraction)) (def .public (function name inputs body) (-> Var (List Var) Statement Computation) (|> (..function_definition name inputs body) representation ..expression abstraction)) (def .public (closure inputs body) (-> (List Var) Statement Computation) (|> body ..block (format "function" (|> inputs (list#each ..code) (text.interposed ..argument_separator) ..expression) " ") ..expression abstraction)) (with_template [ ] [(def .public ( param subject) (-> Expression Expression Computation) (|> (format (representation subject) " " " " (representation param)) ..expression abstraction))] [= "==="] [< "<"] [<= "<="] [> ">"] [>= ">="] [+ "+"] [- "-"] [* "*"] [/ "/"] [% "%"] [left_shift "<<"] [arithmetic_right_shift ">>"] [logic_right_shift ">>>"] [or "||"] [and "&&"] [bit_xor "^"] [bit_or "|"] [bit_and "&"] ) (with_template [ ] [(def .public (-> Expression Computation) (|>> representation (text.prefix ) ..expression abstraction))] ["!" not] ["~" bit_not] ["-" opposite] ) (with_template [ ] [... A 32-bit integer expression. (def .public ( value) (-> Computation) (abstraction (..expression (format ( value) "|0"))))] [to_i32 Expression representation] [i32 Int %.int] ) (def .public (int value) (-> Int Literal) (abstraction (.if (i.< +0 value) (%.int value) (%.nat (.nat value))))) (def .public (? test then else) (-> Expression Expression Expression Computation) (|> (format (representation test) " ? " (representation then) " : " (representation else)) ..expression abstraction)) (def .public type_of (-> Expression Computation) (|>> representation (format "typeof ") ..expression abstraction)) (def .public (new constructor inputs) (-> Expression (List Expression) Computation) (|> (format "new " (representation constructor) (|> inputs (list#each ..code) (text.interposed ..argument_separator) ..expression)) ..expression abstraction)) (def .public statement (-> Expression Statement) (|>> representation (text.suffix ..statement_suffix) abstraction)) (def .public use_strict Statement (abstraction (format text.double_quote "use strict" text.double_quote ..statement_suffix))) (def .public (declare name) (-> Var Statement) (abstraction (format "var " (representation name) ..statement_suffix))) (def .public (define name value) (-> Var Expression Statement) (abstraction (format "var " (representation name) " = " (representation value) ..statement_suffix))) (def .public (set name value) (-> Location Expression Expression) (abstraction (format (representation name) " = " (representation value)))) (def .public (throw message) (-> Expression Statement) (abstraction (format "throw " (representation message) ..statement_suffix))) (def .public (return value) (-> Expression Statement) (abstraction (format "return " (representation value) ..statement_suffix))) (def .public delete (-> Location Expression) (|>> representation (format "delete ") ..expression abstraction)) (def .public (if test then! else!) (-> Expression Statement Statement Statement) (abstraction (format "if(" (representation test) ") " (..block then!) " else " (..block else!)))) (def .public (when test then!) (-> Expression Statement Statement) (abstraction (format "if(" (representation test) ") " (..block then!)))) (def .public (while test body) (-> Expression Statement Loop) (abstraction (format "while(" (representation test) ") " (..block body)))) (def .public (do_while test body) (-> Expression Statement Loop) (abstraction (format "do " (..block body) " while(" (representation test) ")" ..statement_suffix))) (def .public (try body [exception catch]) (-> Statement [Var Statement] Statement) (abstraction (format "try " (..block body) " catch(" (representation exception) ") " (..block catch)))) (def .public (for var init condition update iteration) (-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Loop) (abstraction (format "for(" (representation (..define var init)) " " (representation condition) ..statement_suffix " " (representation update) ")" (..block iteration)))) (def .public label (-> Text Label) (|>> abstraction)) (def .public (with_label label loop) (-> Label Loop Statement) (abstraction (format (representation label) ": " (representation loop)))) (with_template [ <0> <1>] [(def .public <0> Statement (abstraction (format ..statement_suffix))) (def .public (<1> label) (-> Label Statement) (abstraction (format " " (representation label) ..statement_suffix)))] ["break" break break_at] ["continue" continue continue_at] ) (with_template [ ] [(def .public (-> Location Expression) (|>> representation (text.suffix ) abstraction))] [++ "++"] [-- "--"] ) (def .public (comment commentary on) (All (_ kind) (-> Text (Code kind) (Code kind))) (abstraction (format "/* " commentary " */" " " (representation on)))) (def .public (switch input cases default) (-> Expression (List [(List Literal) Statement]) (Maybe Statement) Statement) (abstraction (format "switch (" (representation input) ") " (|> (format (|> cases (list#each (.function (_ [when then]) (format (|> when (list#each (|>> representation (text.enclosed ["case " ":"]))) (text.interposed \n+)) (..nested (representation then))))) (text.interposed \n+)) \n+ (.when default {.#Some default} (format "default:" (..nested (representation default))) {.#None} "")) abstraction ..block)))) ) (with_template [ + + +] [(`` (def .public ( function) (-> Expression (,, (template.spliced +)) Computation) (.function (_ (,, (template.spliced +))) (..apply function (list (,, (template.spliced +))))))) (`` (with_template [ ] [(def .public ( (..var )))] (,, (template.spliced +))))] [apply_1 [_0] [Expression] [[not_a_number? "isNaN"]]] [apply_2 [_0 _1] [Expression Expression] []] [apply_3 [_0 _1 _2] [Expression Expression Expression] []] )