  [lux (.except Symbol Alias Global global function type_of undefined)
   ["[0]" meta]
    ["[0]" monad (.only do)]]
    ["[0]" io]
    ["[0]" maybe (.open: "[1]#[0]" functor)]
    ["[0]" try]
    ["<>" parser (.open: "[1]#[0]" monad)
     ["<[0]>" code (.only Parser)]]]
    ["[0]" product]
    ["[0]" text (.open: "[1]#[0]" equivalence)
     ["%" \\format]]
     ["[0]" list (.open: "[1]#[0]" monad mix)]]]
   ["[0]" macro (.only with_symbols)
    [syntax (.only syntax)]
    ["[0]" code]
    ["[0]" template]]
   ["@" target (.only)
    ["[0]" js]]
    [primitive (.except)]]]])

(with_expansions [<constant> (for @.js "js constant"
                                  @.python "python constant"
                                  @.lua "lua constant"
                                  @.ruby "ruby constant")
                  <apply> (for @.js "js apply"
                               @.python "python apply"
                               @.lua "lua apply"
                               @.ruby "ruby apply")
                  <new> (for @.js "js object new"
                             @.python "python apply"
                  <do> (for @.js "js object do"
                            @.python "python object do"
                            @.lua "lua object do"
                            @.ruby "ruby object do")
                  <get> (for @.js "js object get"
                             @.python "python object get"
                             @.lua "lua object get"
                             @.ruby "ruby object get"
                  <import> (for @.python "python import"
                                @.lua "lua import"
                                @.ruby "ruby import"
                  <function> (for @.js "js function"
                                  @.python "python function"
                                  @.lua "lua function"
  (primitive .public (Object brand) Any)

  (with_expansions [<un_common> (for @.js (these [Symbol]
                                     @.python (these [None]
                                     @.lua (these [Nil]
                                     @.ruby (these [Nil]))
                    <un_common> <un_common>]
    (with_template [<name>]
      [(with_expansions [<brand> (template.symbol [<name> "'"])]
         (primitive <brand>
           (type: .public <name>
             (Object <brand>))))]


  (with_expansions [<un_common> (for @.js (these [Number  Frac])
                                     @.python (these [Integer Int]
                                                     [Float   Frac])
                                     @.lua (these [Integer Int]
                                                  [Float   Frac])
                                     @.ruby (these [Integer Int]
                                                   [Float   Frac]))
                    <un_common> <un_common>]
    (with_template [<name> <type>]
      [(type: .public <name>

      [Boolean Bit]
      [String  Text]

  (type: Alias
    (Maybe Text))

  (def: alias
    (Parser Alias)
    (<>.maybe (<>.after (<code>.this (' "as")) <code>.local)))

  (type: Optional
     [#optional? Bit
      #mandatory Code]))

  (def: optional
    (Parser Optional)
    (let [token "?"]
      (<| (<>.and (<>.parses? (<code>.this_text token)))
          (<>.after (<>.not (<code>.this_text token)))

  (type: (Named a)
     [#name Text
      #alias Alias
      #anonymous a]))

  (with_template [<case> <name>]
    [(def: <case>
       (All (_ a) (-> (Parser a) (Parser (Named a))))
       (|>> (all <>.and

    [named <code>.local]
    [anonymous (<>#in "")]

  (type: Output

  (def: output
    (Parser Output)

  (type: Global
    (Named Output))

  (def: variables
    (Parser (List Text))
    (<>.else (list) (<code>.tuple (<>.some <code>.local))))

  (def: (generalized $ it)
    (All (_ a)
      (-> (-> (List Text) a a)
          (-> (Parser a) (Parser a))))
    (do <>.monad
      [variables ..variables
       it it]
      (in ($ variables it))))

  (type: Input
     [#variables (List Text)
      #parameters (List Optional)
      #io? Bit
      #try? Bit]))

  (def: input
    (Parser Input)
    (all <>.and
         (<>#in (list))
         (<code>.tuple (<>.some ..optional))
         (<>.parses? (<code>.this_text "io"))
         (<>.parses? (<code>.this_text "try"))))

  (type: Constructor
    (Named Input))

  (def: constructor
    (Parser Constructor)
    (<| <code>.form
        (..generalized (has [#anonymous #variables]))
        (<>.after (<code>.this (' new)))
        (..anonymous ..input)))

  (type: (Member a)
     [#static? Bit
      #member a]))

  (def: static!
    (Parser Any)
    (<code>.this_text "static"))

  (def: (member it)
    (All (_ a)
      (-> (Parser a)
          (Parser (Member a))))
    (do [! <>.monad]
      [static? (<>.parses? ..static!)]
      (at ! each
          (|>> [#static? static?

  (type: Field
    (Member (Named Output)))

  (def: field
    (Parser Field)
    (<| <code>.form

  (type: Procedure
     [#input Input
      #output Optional]))

  (def: procedure
    (Parser (Named Procedure))
    (<| (..generalized (has [#anonymous #input #variables]))
        (all <>.and

  (type: Method
    (Member (Named Procedure)))

  (def: method
    (Parser Method)
    (<| <code>.form

  (`` (`` (type: Sub
             (~~ (for @.lua (~~ (these))
                      @.ruby (~~ (these))
                      {#Constructor Constructor}))
             {#Field Field}
             {#Method Method}))))

  (`` (`` (def: sub
            (Parser Sub)
            (all <>.or
                 (~~ (for @.lua (~~ (these))
                          @.ruby (~~ (these))

  (def: parameters
    (-> (List Optional) (List Optional))
    (|>> list.enumeration
         (list#each (.function (_ [idx [optional? type]])
                      [#optional? optional?
                       #mandatory (|> idx %.nat code.local)]))))

  (def: (output_type it)
    (-> Optional Code)
    (if (the #optional? it)
      (` (.Maybe (~ (the #mandatory it))))
      (the #mandatory it)))

  (`` (with_template [<lux_it> <host_it>
                      <lux_?> <host_?>]
        [(def: .public (<lux_it> _)
           (-> Any Nothing)
           (as_expected (<host_it>)))

         (def: .public <lux_?>
           (-> Any Bit)
           (|>> <host_?>))

         (template.with_locals [g!it]
           (these (def: g!it' (' g!it))
                  (def: (host_optional it)
                    (-> Optional Code)
                    (.if (.the #optional? it)
                      (` (.case (~ (the #mandatory it))
                           {.#Some (~ g!it')}
                           (~ g!it')

                      (the #mandatory it)))

                  (def: (lux_optional it output)
                    (-> Optional Code Code)
                    (` (.let [(~ g!it') (~ output)]
                         (~ (if (the #optional? it)
                              (` (.if (<host_?> (~ g!it'))
                                   {.#Some (~ g!it')}))
                              (` (.if (.not (<host_?> (~ g!it')))
                                   (~ g!it')
                                   (.panic! "Invalid output."))))))))))]

        (~~ (for @.js [null "js object null"
                       null? "js object null?"]
                 @.python [none "python object none"
                           none? "python object none?"]
                 @.lua [nil "lua object nil"
                        nil? "lua object nil?"]
                 @.ruby [nil "ruby object nil"
                         nil? "ruby object nil?"]))

  (type: Declaration
    [Text (List Text)])

  (type: Namespace

  (type: Class
     [#declaration Declaration
      #class_alias Alias
      #namespace Namespace
      #members (List Sub)]))

  (def: class
    (Parser Class)
    (all <>.and
         (<>.either (<>.and <code>.local
                            (<>#in (list)))
                    (<code>.form (<>.and <code>.local
                                         (<>.some <code>.local))))
         (<>.some ..sub)))

  (type: Import
     {#Class Class}
     {#Procedure (Named Procedure)}
     {#Global Global}))

  (def: importP
    (Parser Import)
    (all <>.or
         (<code>.form ..procedure)
         (<code>.form (..named ..output))))

  (def: (input_type input :it:)
    (-> Input Code Code)
    (let [:it: (if (the #try? input)
                 (` (.Either .Text (~ :it:)))
      (if (the #io? input)
        (` ((~! io.IO) (~ :it:)))

  (def: (input_term input term)
    (-> Input Code Code)
    (let [term (if (the #try? input)
                 (` (.try (~ term)))
      (if (the #io? input)
        (` ((~! io.io) (~ term)))

  (def: (procedure_definition import! source it)
    (-> (List Code) Code (Named Procedure) Code)
    (let [g!it (|> (the #alias it)
                   (maybe.else (the #name it))
          g!variables (list#each code.local (the [#anonymous #input #variables] it))
          input (the [#anonymous #input] it)
          :parameters: (the #parameters input)
          g!parameters (..parameters :parameters:)
          :output: (the [#anonymous #output] it)
          :input:/* (case :parameters:
                      (list (` []))
                      (list#each ..output_type :parameters:))]
      (` (.def: ((~ g!it) (~+ (case g!parameters
                                {.#End} (list g!it)
                                _ (list#each (the #mandatory) g!parameters))))
           (.All ((~ g!it) (~+ g!variables))
             (-> (~+ :input:/*)
                 (~ (|> :output:
                        (..input_type input)))))
             (~+ import!)
              (~ (<| (..input_term input)
                     (..lux_optional :output:)
                     (` (<apply> (.as_expected (~ source))
                                 [(~+ (list#each ..host_optional g!parameters))]))))))))))

  (def: (namespaced namespace class alias member)
    (-> Namespace Text Alias Text Text)
    (|> namespace
        (text.replaced "[1]" (maybe.else class alias))
        (text.replaced "[0]" member)))

  (def: class_separator ".")

  (def: host_path
    (text.replaced .module_separator ..class_separator))

  (for @.js (these)
       (def: (imported class)
         (-> Text Code)
         (case (text.all_split_by .module_separator class)
           {.#Item head tail}
           (list#mix (.function (_ sub super)
                       (` (<get> (~ (code.text sub))
                                 (.as (..Object .Any)
                                      (~ super)))))
                     (` (<import> (~ (code.text head))))
           (` (<import> (~ (code.text class)))))))

  (def: (global_definition import! it)
    (-> (List Code) Global Code)
    (let [g!name (|> (the #alias it)
                     (maybe.else (the #name it))
          :output: (the #anonymous it)]
      (` (.def: (~ g!name)
           (~ (..output_type :output:))
             (~+ import!)
              (~ (<| (lux_optional :output:)
                     (` (<constant> (~ (code.text (..host_path (the #name it))))))))))))))
  (for @.lua (these)
       @.ruby (these)
       (def: (constructor_definition [class_name class_parameters] alias namespace it)
         (-> Declaration Alias Namespace Constructor Code)
         (let [g!it (|> it
                        (the #alias)
                        (maybe.else "new")
                        (..namespaced namespace class_name alias)
               input (the #anonymous it)
               g!input_variables (list#each code.local (the #variables input))
               :parameters: (the #parameters input)
               g!parameters (..parameters :parameters:)
               g!class_variables (list#each code.local class_parameters)
               g!class (` ((~ (code.local (maybe.else class_name alias))) (~+ g!class_variables)))
               :output: [#optional? false #mandatory g!class]]
           (` (.def: ((~ g!it) (~+ (case g!parameters
                                     {.#End} (list g!it)
                                     _ (list#each (the #mandatory) g!parameters))))
                (.All ((~ g!it) (~+ g!class_variables) (~+ g!input_variables))
                  (.-> (~+ (list#each ..output_type :parameters:))
                       (~ (|> :output:
                              (..input_type input)))))
                 (~ (<| (..input_term input)
                        (..lux_optional :output:)
                        (` (<new> (~ (for @.js (` (<constant> (~ (code.text (..host_path class_name)))))
                                          @.python (` (.as ..Function
                                                           (~ (..imported class_name))))))
                                  [(~+ (list#each ..host_optional g!parameters))]))))))))))

  (def: (static_field_definition import! [class_name class_parameters] alias namespace it)
    (-> (List Code) Declaration Alias Namespace (Named Output) Code)
    (let [field (the #name it)
          g!it (|> (the #alias it)
                   (maybe.else field)
                   (..namespaced namespace class_name alias)
          :field: (the #anonymous it)]
      (` (def: (~ g!it)
           ((~! syntax) ((~ g!it) [])
            (.at (~! meta.monad) (~' in)
                 (.list (`' (.exec
                              (~+ import!)
                              (.as (~ (..output_type :field:))
                                   (~ (<| (lux_optional :field:)
                                          (for @.js (` (<constant> (~ (code.text (%.format (..host_path class_name) "." field)))))
                                               @.ruby (` (<constant> (~ (code.text (%.format (..host_path class_name) "::" field)))))
                                               (` (<get> (~ (code.text field))
                                                         (~ (..imported class_name)))))))))))))))))

  (def: (virtual_field_definition [class_name class_parameters] alias namespace it)
    (-> Declaration Alias Namespace (Named Output) Code)
    (let [name (the #name it)
          g!it (|> (the #alias it)
                   (maybe.else name)
                   (..namespaced namespace class_name alias)
          path (%.format (..host_path class_name) "." name)
          :field: (the #anonymous it)
          g!variables (list#each code.local class_parameters)
          g!class (` ((~ (code.local (maybe.else class_name alias))) (~+ g!variables)))]
      (` (.def: ((~ g!it) (~ g!it))
           (.All ((~ g!it) (~+ g!variables))
             (.-> (~ g!class)
                  (~ (..output_type :field:))))
            (~ (<| (lux_optional :field:)
                   (` (<get> (~ (code.text name)) (~ g!it))))))))))

  (def: (field_definition import! class alias namespace it)
    (-> (List Code) Declaration Alias Namespace Field Code)
    (if (the #static? it)
      (..static_field_definition import! class alias namespace (the #member it))
      (..virtual_field_definition class alias namespace (the #member it))))

  (def: (static_method_definition import! [class_name class_parameters] alias namespace it)
    (-> (List Code) Declaration Alias Namespace (Named Procedure) Code)
    (let [method (the #name it)
          name (|> (the #alias it)
                   (maybe.else (the #name it))
                   (..namespaced namespace class_name alias))]
      (|> it
          (has #alias {.#Some name})
          (..procedure_definition import!
                                  (for @.js (` (<constant> (~ (code.text (%.format (..host_path class_name) "." method)))))
                                       @.ruby (` (<constant> (~ (code.text (%.format (..host_path class_name) "::" method)))))
                                       (` (<get> (~ (code.text method))
                                                 (.as (..Object .Any)
                                                      (~ (..imported class_name))))))))))

  (def: (virtual_method_definition [class_name class_parameters] alias namespace it)
    (-> Declaration Alias Namespace (Named Procedure) Code)
    (let [method (the #name it)
          g!it (|> (the #alias it)
                   (maybe.else method)
                   (..namespaced namespace class_name alias)
          procedure (the #anonymous it)
          input (the #input procedure)
          g!input_variables (list#each code.local (the #variables input))
          :parameters: (the #parameters input)
          g!parameters (..parameters :parameters:)
          g!class_variables (list#each code.local class_parameters)
          g!class (` ((~ (code.local (maybe.else class_name alias))) (~+ g!class_variables)))
          :output: (the #output procedure)]
      (` (.def: ((~ g!it) (~+ (list#each (the #mandatory) g!parameters)) (~ g!it))
           (.All ((~ g!it) (~+ g!class_variables) (~+ g!input_variables))
             (.-> (~+ (list#each ..output_type :parameters:))
                  (~ g!class)
                  (~ (|> :output:
                         (..input_type input)))))
            (~ (<| (..input_term input)
                   (..lux_optional :output:)
                   (` (<do> (~ (code.text method))
                            (~ g!it)
                            [(~+ (list#each ..host_optional g!parameters))])))))))))

  (def: (method_definition import! class alias namespace it)
    (-> (List Code) Declaration Alias Namespace Method Code)
    (if (the #static? it)
      (static_method_definition import! class alias namespace (the #member it))
      (virtual_method_definition class alias namespace (the #member it))))

  (def: .public import
    (syntax (_ [host_module (<>.maybe <code>.text)
                it ..importP])
      (let [host_module_import! (is (List Code)
                                    (case host_module
                                      {.#Some host_module}
                                      (list (` (<import> (~ (code.text host_module)))))

        (case it
          {#Global it}
          (in (list (..global_definition host_module_import! it)))

          {#Procedure it}
          (in (list (..procedure_definition host_module_import!
                                            (` (<constant> (~ (code.text (..host_path (the #name it))))))

          {#Class it}
          (let [class (the #declaration it)
                alias (the #class_alias it)
                [class_name class_parameters] class
                namespace (the #namespace it)
                g!class_variables (list#each code.local class_parameters)
                declaration (` ((~ (code.local (maybe.else class_name alias)))
                                (~+ g!class_variables)))]
            (in (list.partial (` (.type: (~ declaration)
                                   (..Object (.Primitive (~ (code.text (..host_path class_name)))
                                                         [(~+ g!class_variables)]))))
                              (list#each (.function (_ member)
                                           (`` (`` (case member
                                                     (~~ (for @.lua (~~ (these))
                                                              @.ruby (~~ (these))
                                                              (~~ (these {#Constructor it}
                                                                         (..constructor_definition class alias namespace it)))))
                                                     {#Field it}
                                                     (..field_definition host_module_import! class alias namespace it)
                                                     {#Method it}
                                                     (..method_definition host_module_import! class alias namespace it)))))
                                         (the #members it)))))

  (for @.ruby (these)
       (def: .public function
         (syntax (_ [[self inputs] (<code>.form
                                    (all <>.and
                                         (<code>.tuple (<>.some (<>.and <code>.any <code>.any)))))
                     type <code>.any
                     term <code>.any])
           (in (list (` (.<| (.as ..Function)
                             (<function> (~ (code.nat (list.size inputs))))
                             (.as (.-> [(~+ (list.repeated (list.size inputs) (` .Any)))]
                             (.is (.-> [(~+ (list#each product.right inputs))]
                                       (~ type)))
                             (.function ((~ (code.local self)) [(~+ (list#each product.left inputs))])
                               (~ term)))))))))

  (for @.js (these (def: .public type_of
                     (template (type_of object)
                       [("js type-of" object)]))

                   (def: .public global
                     (syntax (_ [type <code>.any
                                 [head tail] (<code>.tuple (<>.and <code>.local (<>.some <code>.local)))])
                       (with_symbols [g!_]
                         (let [global (` ("js constant" (~ (code.text head))))]
                           (case tail
                             (in (list (` (is (.Maybe (~ type))
                                              (case (..type_of (~ global))

                                                (~ g!_)
                                                {.#Some (as (~ type) (~ global))})))))
                             {.#Item [next tail]}
                             (let [separator "."]
                               (in (list (` (is (.Maybe (~ type))
                                                (case (..type_of (~ global))

                                                  (~ g!_)
                                                  (..global (~ type) [(~ (code.local (%.format head "." next)))
                                                                      (~+ (list#each code.local tail))]))))))))))))

                   (def: !defined?
                     (template (_ <global>)
                       [(.case (..global Any <global>)

                          {.#Some _}

                   (with_template [<name> <global>]
                     [(def: .public <name>
                        (!defined? <global>))]

                     [on_browser? [window]]
                     [on_nashorn? [java lang Object]]

                   (def: .public on_node_js?
                     (|> (..global (Object Any) [process])
                         (maybe#each (|>> []
                                          ("js apply" ("js constant" "Object.prototype.toString.call"))
                                          (as Text)
                                          (text#= "[object process]")))
                         (maybe.else false)))

                   ... These extensions must be defined this way because importing any of the modules
                   ... normally used when writing extensions would introduce a circular dependency
                   ... because the Archive type depends on Binary, and that module depends on this ffi module.
                   (def: extension_name
                     (syntax (_ [])
                       (do meta.monad
                         [module meta.current_module_name
                          unique_id meta.seed]
                         (in (list (code.text (%.format module " " (%.nat unique_id))))))))

                   (with_expansions [<undefined> (..extension_name)
                                     <undefined?> (..extension_name)
                                     <object> (..extension_name)]
                     (these (def: extension_analysis
                              (template (_ <name> <parameter>)
                                [{5 #1 [<name> <parameter>]}]))

                            (def: text_analysis
                              (template (_ <it>)
                                [{0 #0 {5 #1 <it>}}]))

                            (def: analysis
                              (template (_ <name> <bindings> <parser> <inputs> <body>)
                                [("lux def analysis" <name>
                                  (.function (_ name phase archive inputs)
                                    (.function (_ state)
                                      (let [<bindings> [name phase archive state]]
                                        (case (<code>.result <parser> inputs)
                                          {try.#Failure error}
                                          {try.#Failure (%.format "Invalid inputs for extension: " (%.text name)
                                                                  text.\n error)}

                                          {try.#Success <inputs>}

                            (def: generation
                              (template (_ <name> <bindings> <inputs> <body>)
                                [("lux def generation" <name>
                                  (.function (_ name phase archive inputs)
                                    (.function (_ state)
                                      (let [<bindings> [name phase archive state]]
                                        (case inputs
                                          (pattern <inputs>)

                                          {try.#Failure (%.format "Invalid inputs for extension: " (%.text name))})))))]))

                            (analysis <undefined>
                                      [name phase archive state]
                                      {try.#Success [state (extension_analysis name (list))]})

                            (generation <undefined>
                                        [name phase archive state]
                                        {try.#Success [state js.undefined]})

                            (def: .public undefined
                              (template (undefined)
                                [(.is ..Undefined (<undefined>))]))

                            (analysis <undefined?>
                                      [name phase archive state]
                                      (do try.monad
                                        [[state it] (phase archive (` (.is .Any (~ it))) state)]
                                        (in [state (extension_analysis name (list it))])))

                            (generation <undefined?>
                                        [name phase archive state]
                                        (list it)
                                        (do try.monad
                                          [[state it] (phase archive it state)]
                                          (in [state (js.= js.undefined it)])))

                            (def: .public undefined?
                              (template (undefined? <it>)
                                [(.as .Bit (.is .Any (<undefined?> <it>)))]))

                            (analysis <object>
                                      [name phase archive state]
                                      (<>.some (<>.and <code>.text <code>.any))
                                      (do [! try.monad]
                                        [[state output] (monad.mix ! (.function (_ [key value] [state output])
                                                                       (do !
                                                                         [[state value] (phase archive (` (.is .Any (~ value))) state)]
                                                                         (in [state (list.partial value (text_analysis key) output)])))
                                                                   [state (list)]
                                        (in [state (extension_analysis name (list.reversed output))])))

                            (def: text_synthesis
                              (template (_ <it>)
                                [{0 #0 {2 #1 <it>}}]))

                            (def: (pairs it)
                              (All (_ a) (-> (List a) (List [a a])))
                              (case it
                                (pattern (list.partial left right tail))
                                (list.partial [left right] (pairs tail))
                                (pattern (list))


                            (generation <object>
                                        [name phase archive state]
                                        (list.partial head_key head_value tail)
                                        (do [! try.monad]
                                          [[state output] (monad.mix !
                                                                     (.function (_ [key value] [state output])
                                                                       (case key
                                                                         (pattern (text_synthesis key))
                                                                         (do try.monad
                                                                           [[state value] (phase archive value state)]
                                                                           (in [state (list.partial [key value] output)]))
                                                                     [state (list)]
                                                                     (pairs (list.partial head_key head_value tail)))]
                                          (in [state (js.object (list.reversed output))])))

                            (def: .public object
                              (syntax (_ [it (<>.some <code>.any)])
                                (in (list (` (.as (..Object .Any)
                                                  (<object> (~+ it))))))))