(.using [library [lux (.except type private) ["@" target] ["[0]" type] ["[0]" ffi (.only import:)] ["[0]" meta] [abstract ["[0]" monad (.only do)]] [control ["[0]" pipe] ["[0]" function] ["[0]" try (.only Try)] ["[0]" exception (.only exception:)] ["<>" parser (.only) ["<[0]>" type (.only Parser)] ["<[0]>" code]]] [data ["[0]" text (.only) ["%" format (.only Format)]] [format [xml (.only XML)] ["[0]" json]] [collection ["[0]" array] ["[0]" list (.open: "[1]#[0]" monad)] ["[0]" dictionary]]] [macro ["^" pattern] ["[0]" template] ["[0]" syntax (.only syntax:)] ["[0]" code]] [math [number [ratio (.only Ratio)] ["n" nat] ["i" int]]] [time (.only Time) [instant (.only Instant)] [duration (.only Duration)] [date (.only Date)] [month (.only Month)] [day (.only Day)]]]]) (with_expansions [ (these (import: java/lang/String "[1]::[0]") (import: (java/lang/Class a) "[1]::[0]" (getCanonicalName [] java/lang/String)) (import: java/lang/Object "[1]::[0]" (new []) (toString [] java/lang/String) (getClass [] (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))) (import: java/lang/Integer "[1]::[0]" (longValue [] long)) (import: java/lang/Long "[1]::[0]" (intValue [] int)) (import: java/lang/Number "[1]::[0]" (intValue [] int) (longValue [] long) (doubleValue [] double)))] (for @.old (these ) @.jvm (these ) @.js (these (import: JSON "[1]::[0]" ("static" stringify [.Any] ffi.String)) (import: Array "[1]::[0]" ("static" isArray [.Any] ffi.Boolean))) @.python (these (type: PyType (Primitive "python_type")) (import: (type [.Any] PyType)) (import: (str [.Any] ffi.String))) @.lua (these (import: (type [.Any] ffi.String)) (import: (tostring [.Any] ffi.String)) (import: math "[1]::[0]" ("static" type [.Any] "?" ffi.String))) @.ruby (these (import: Class "[1]::[0]") (import: Object "[1]::[0]" (class [] Class) (to_s [] ffi.String))) @.php (these (import: (gettype [.Any] ffi.String)) (import: (strval [.Any] ffi.String))) @.scheme (these (import: (boolean? [.Any] Bit)) (import: (integer? [.Any] Bit)) (import: (real? [.Any] Bit)) (import: (string? [.Any] Bit)) (import: (vector? [.Any] Bit)) (import: (pair? [.Any] Bit)) (import: (car [.Any] .Any)) (import: (cdr [.Any] .Any)) (import: (format [Text .Any] Text))) )) (def: Inspector (.type (Format Any))) (for @.lua (def: (tuple_array tuple) (-> (array.Array Any) (array.Array Any)) (array.of_list (loop (again [idx 0]) (let [member ("lua array read" idx tuple)] (if ("lua object nil?" member) {.#End} {.#Item member (again (++ idx))}))))) (these)) (def: (tuple_inspection inspection) (-> Inspector Inspector) (with_expansions [ (for @.lua (~~ (these ..tuple_array)) (~~ (these)))] (`` (|>> (as (array.Array Any)) (array.list {.#None}) (list#each inspection) (text.interposed " ") (text.enclosed ["[" "]"]))))) (def: .public (inspection value) Inspector (with_expansions [ (let [object (as java/lang/Object value)] (`` (<| (~~ (template [ ] [(case (ffi.as object) {.#Some value} (`` (|> value (~~ (template.spliced )))) {.#None})] [java/lang/Boolean [ffi.of_boolean %.bit]] [java/lang/Long [ffi.of_long %.int]] [java/lang/Number [java/lang/Number::doubleValue ffi.of_double %.frac]] [java/lang/String [ffi.of_string %.text]] )) (case (ffi.as [java/lang/Object] object) {.#Some value} (let [value (as (array.Array java/lang/Object) value)] (case (array.item 0 value) (^.multi {.#Some tag} [(ffi.as java/lang/Integer tag) {.#Some tag}] [[(array.item 1 value) (array.item 2 value)] [last? {.#Some choice}]]) (let [last? (case last? {.#Some _} #1 {.#None} #0)] (|> (%.format (%.nat (.nat (ffi.of_long (java/lang/Integer::longValue tag)))) " " (%.bit last?) " " (inspection choice)) (text.enclosed ["{" "}"]))) _ (tuple_inspection inspection value))) {.#None}) (ffi.of_string (java/lang/Object::toString object)))))] (for @.old @.jvm @.js (case (ffi.type_of value) (^.template [ ] [ (`` (|> value (~~ (template.spliced ))))]) (["boolean" [(as .Bit) %.bit]] ["number" [(as .Frac) %.frac]] ["string" [(as .Text) %.text]] ["undefined" [JSON::stringify]]) "object" (let [variant_tag ("js object get" "_lux_tag" value) variant_flag ("js object get" "_lux_flag" value) variant_value ("js object get" "_lux_value" value)] (cond (not (or ("js object undefined?" variant_tag) ("js object undefined?" variant_flag) ("js object undefined?" variant_value))) (|> (%.format (JSON::stringify variant_tag) " " (%.bit (not ("js object null?" variant_flag))) " " (inspection variant_value)) (text.enclosed ["{" "}"])) (not (or ("js object undefined?" ("js object get" "_lux_low" value)) ("js object undefined?" ("js object get" "_lux_high" value)))) (|> value (as .Int) %.int) (Array::isArray value) (tuple_inspection inspection value) ... else (JSON::stringify value))) _ (JSON::stringify value)) @.python (case (..str (..type value)) (^.template [ ] [(^.or ) (`` (|> value (~~ (template.spliced ))))]) (["" "" [(as .Bit) %.bit]] ["" "" [(as .Int) %.int]] ["" "" [(as .Frac) %.frac]] ["" "" [(as .Text) %.text]] ["" "" [(as .Text) %.text]]) (^.or "" "") (tuple_inspection inspection value) (^.or "" "") (let [variant (as (array.Array Any) value)] (case (array.size variant) 3 (let [variant_tag ("python array read" 0 variant) variant_flag ("python array read" 1 variant) variant_value ("python array read" 2 variant)] (if (or ("python object none?" variant_tag) ("python object none?" variant_value)) (..str value) (|> (%.format (|> variant_tag (as .Nat) %.nat) " " (|> variant_flag "python object none?" not %.bit) " " (inspection variant_value)) (text.enclosed ["{" "}"])))) _ (..str value))) _ (..str value)) @.lua (case (..type value) (^.template [ ] [ (`` (|> value (~~ (template.spliced ))))]) (["boolean" [(as .Bit) %.bit]] ["string" [(as .Text) %.text]] ["nil" [(pipe.new "nil" [])]]) "number" (case (math::type value) {.#Some "integer"} (|> value (as .Int) %.int) {.#Some "float"} (|> value (as .Frac) %.frac) _ (..tostring value)) "table" (let [variant_tag ("lua object get" "_lux_tag" value) variant_flag ("lua object get" "_lux_flag" value) variant_value ("lua object get" "_lux_value" value)] (if (or ("lua object nil?" variant_tag) ("lua object nil?" variant_value)) (tuple_inspection inspection value) (|> (%.format (|> variant_tag (as .Nat) %.nat) " " (%.bit (not ("lua object nil?" variant_flag))) " " (inspection variant_value)) (text.enclosed ["{" "}"])))) _ (..tostring value)) @.ruby (template.let [(class_of ) [(|> (as ..Object) Object::class)] (to_s ) [(|> (as ..Object) Object::to_s)]] (let [value_class (class_of value)] (`` (cond (~~ (template [ ] [(same? (class_of ) value_class) (|> value (as ) )] [#0 Bit %.bit] [#1 Bit %.bit] [+1 Int %.int] [+1.0 Frac %.frac] ["" Text %.text] [("ruby object nil") Any (pipe.new "nil" [])] )) (same? (class_of {.#None}) value_class) (let [variant_tag ("ruby object get" "_lux_tag" value) variant_flag ("ruby object get" "_lux_flag" value) variant_value ("ruby object get" "_lux_value" value)] (if (or ("ruby object nil?" variant_tag) ("ruby object nil?" variant_value)) (tuple_inspection inspection value) (|> (%.format (|> variant_tag (as .Nat) %.nat) " " (%.bit (not ("ruby object nil?" variant_flag))) " " (inspection variant_value)) (text.enclosed ["{" "}"])))) (same? (class_of [[] []]) value_class) (tuple_inspection inspection value) ... else (to_s value))))) @.php (case (..gettype value) (^.template [ ] [ (`` (|> value (~~ (template.spliced ))))]) (["boolean" [(as .Bit) %.bit]] ["integer" [(as .Int) %.int]] ["double" [(as .Frac) %.frac]] ["string" [(as .Text) %.text]] ["NULL" [(pipe.new "null" [])]] ["array" [(tuple_inspection inspection)]]) "object" (let [variant_tag ("php object get" "_lux_tag" value) variant_flag ("php object get" "_lux_flag" value) variant_value ("php object get" "_lux_value" value)] (if (or ("php object null?" variant_tag) ("php object null?" variant_value)) (..strval value) (|> (%.format (|> variant_tag (as .Nat) %.nat) " " (%.bit (not ("php object null?" variant_flag))) " " (inspection variant_value)) (text.enclosed ["{" "}"])))) _ (..strval value)) @.scheme (`` (cond (~~ (template [ ] [( value) (`` (|> value (~~ (template.spliced ))))] [..boolean? [(as .Bit) %.bit]] [..integer? [(as .Int) %.int]] [..real? [(as .Frac) %.frac]] [..string? [(as .Text) %.text]] ["scheme object nil?" [(pipe.new "()" [])]] [..vector? [(tuple_inspection inspection)]])) (..pair? value) (let [variant_tag (..car value) variant_rest (..cdr value)] (if (and (..integer? variant_tag) (i.> +0 (as Int variant_tag)) (..pair? variant_rest)) (let [variant_flag (..car variant_rest) variant_value (..cdr variant_rest)] (|> (%.format (|> variant_tag (as .Nat) %.nat) " " (%.bit (not ("scheme object nil?" variant_flag))) " " (inspection variant_value)) (text.enclosed ["{" "}"]))) (..format ["~s" value]))) ... else (..format ["~s" value]) )) ))) (exception: .public (cannot_represent_value [type Type]) (exception.report "Type" (%.type type))) (type: Representation (-> Any Text)) (def: primitive_representation (Parser Representation) (`` (all <>.either (do <>.monad [_ (.exactly Any)] (in (function.constant "[]"))) (~~ (template [ ] [(do <>.monad [_ (.sub )] (in (|>> (as ) )))] [Bit %.bit] [Nat %.nat] [Int %.int] [Rev %.rev] [Frac %.frac] [Text %.text])) ))) (def: (special_representation representation) (-> (Parser Representation) (Parser Representation)) (`` (all <>.either (~~ (template [ ] [(do <>.monad [_ (.sub )] (in (|>> (as ) )))] [Ratio %.ratio] [Symbol %.symbol] [Location %.location] [Type %.type] [Code %.code] [Instant %.instant] [Duration %.duration] [Date %.date] [Time %.time] [Month %.month] [Day %.day] [json.JSON %.json] [XML %.xml])) (do <>.monad [[_ elemT] (.applied (<>.and (.exactly List) .any)) elemR (.local (list elemT) representation)] (in (|>> (as (List Any)) (%.list elemR)))) (do <>.monad [[_ elemT] (.applied (<>.and (.exactly Maybe) .any)) elemR (.local (list elemT) representation)] (in (|>> (as (Maybe Any)) (%.maybe elemR))))))) (def: (variant_representation representation) (-> (Parser Representation) (Parser Representation)) (do <>.monad [membersR+ (.variant (<>.many representation))] (in (function (_ variantV) (let [[lefts right? sub_repr] (loop (again [lefts 0 representations membersR+ variantV variantV]) (case representations {.#Item leftR {.#Item rightR extraR+}} (case (as (Or Any Any) variantV) {.#Left left} [lefts #0 (leftR left)] {.#Right right} (case extraR+ {.#End} [lefts #1 (rightR right)] _ (again (++ lefts) {.#Item rightR extraR+} right))) _ (undefined)))] (%.format "{" (%.nat lefts) " " (%.bit right?) " " sub_repr "}")))))) (def: (tuple_representation representation) (-> (Parser Representation) (Parser Representation)) (do <>.monad [membersR+ (.tuple (<>.many representation))] (in (function (_ tupleV) (let [tuple_body (loop (again [representations membersR+ tupleV tupleV]) (case representations {.#End} "" {.#Item lastR {.#End}} (lastR tupleV) {.#Item headR tailR} (let [[leftV rightV] (as [Any Any] tupleV)] (%.format (headR leftV) " " (again tailR rightV)))))] (%.format "[" tuple_body "]")))))) (def: representation_parser (Parser Representation) (<>.rec (function (_ representation) (all <>.either ..primitive_representation (..special_representation representation) (..variant_representation representation) (..tuple_representation representation) (do <>.monad [[funcT inputsT+] (.applied (<>.and .any (<>.many .any)))] (case (type.applied inputsT+ funcT) {.#Some outputT} (.local (list outputT) representation) {.#None} (<>.failure ""))) (do <>.monad [[name anonymous] .named] (.local (list anonymous) representation)) (<>.failure "") )))) (def: .public (representation type value) (-> Type Any (Try Text)) (case (.result ..representation_parser type) {try.#Success representation} {try.#Success (representation value)} {try.#Failure _} (exception.except ..cannot_represent_value type))) (syntax: .public (private [definition .symbol]) (let [[module _] definition] (in (list (` ("lux in-module" (~ (code.text module)) (~ (code.symbol definition)))))))) (def: .public (log! message) (-> Text Any) ("lux io log" message)) (exception: .public (type_hole [location Location type Type]) (exception.report "Location" (%.location location) "Type" (%.type type))) (syntax: .public (hole []) (do meta.monad [location meta.location expectedT meta.expected_type] (function.constant (exception.except ..type_hole [location expectedT])))) (type: Target [Text (Maybe Code)]) (def: target (.Parser Target) (<>.either (<>.and .local (at <>.monad in {.#None})) (.tuple (<>.and .local (at <>.monad each (|>> {.#Some}) .any))))) (exception: .public (unknown_local_binding [name Text]) (exception.report "Name" (%.text name))) (syntax: .public (here [targets (is (.Parser (List Target)) (|> ..target <>.some (<>.else (list))))]) (do [! meta.monad] [location meta.location locals meta.locals .let [environment (|> locals list.together ... The list is reversed to make sure that, when building the dictionary, ... later bindings overshadow earlier ones if they have the same name. list.reversed (dictionary.of_list text.hash))] targets (is (Meta (List Target)) (case targets {.#End} (|> environment dictionary.keys (list#each (function (_ local) [local {.#None}])) in) _ (monad.each ! (function (_ [name format]) (if (dictionary.key? environment name) (in [name format]) (function.constant (exception.except ..unknown_local_binding [name])))) targets)))] (in (list (` (..log! ("lux text concat" (~ (code.text (%.format (%.location location) text.new_line))) ((~! exception.report) (~+ (|> targets (list#each (function (_ [name format]) (let [format (case format {.#None} (` (~! ..inspection)) {.#Some format} format)] (list (code.text name) (` ((~ format) (~ (code.local name)))))))) list#conjoint))))))))))