(.require [library [lux (.except) ["$" documentation] [data ["[0]" text (.only \n) ["%" \\format (.only format)]]]]] [\\library ["[0]" /]]) (def .public documentation (List $.Documentation) (list ($.module /._ "") ($.definition (/.Object brand)) ($.definition /.None) ($.definition /.Dict) ($.definition /.Function) ($.definition /.Boolean) ($.definition /.Integer) ($.definition /.Float) ($.definition /.String) ($.definition /.import "Easily import types, methods, functions and constants." [(import os "[1]::[0]" ("static" F_OK Integer) ("static" R_OK Integer) ("static" W_OK Integer) ("static" X_OK Integer) ("static" mkdir [String] "io" "try" "?" Any) ("static" access [String Integer] "io" "try" Boolean) ("static" remove [String] "io" "try" "?" Any) ("static" rmdir [String] "io" "try" "?" Any) ("static" rename [String String] "io" "try" "?" Any) ("static" listdir [String] "io" "try" (Array String))) (import os/path "[1]::[0]" ("static" isfile [String] "io" "try" Boolean) ("static" isdir [String] "io" "try" Boolean) ("static" sep String) ("static" getsize [String] "io" "try" Integer) ("static" getmtime [String] "io" "try" Float))]) ($.definition /.function (format "Allows defining closures/anonymous-functions in the form that Python expects." \n "This is useful for adapting Lux functions for usage by Python code.") [(is ..Function (function [left right] (do_something (as Foo left) (as Bar right))))]) ))