(.using [library [lux {"-" int char type} ["$" documentation {"+" documentation:}] [data ["[0]" text {"+" \n} ["%" format {"+" format}]]] [macro ["[0]" template]]]] [\\library ["[0]" /]]) (documentation: /.null "The null pointer.") (documentation: /.import: "Easily import types, methods, functions and constants." [(import: Uint8Array "[1]::[0]") (import: TextEncoder "[1]::[0]" (new [/.String]) (encode [/.String] Uint8Array)) (import: TextDecoder "[1]::[0]" (new [/.String]) (decode [/.String] String))]) (documentation: /.type_of "The type of an object, as text." [(= "boolean" (type_of #1))] [(= "number" (type_of +123.456))] [(= "string" (type_of "789"))] [(= "function" (type_of (function (_ value) value)))]) (documentation: /.constant "Allows using definitions from the JavaScript host platform." [(constant .Frac [Math PI])]) (documentation: /.closure (format "Allows defining closures/anonymous-functions in the form that JavaScript expects." \n "This is useful for adapting Lux functions for usage by JavaScript code.") [(is /.Function (closure [left right] (do_something (as Foo left) (as Bar right))))]) (.def: .public documentation (.List $.Module) ($.module /._ "" [..null ..import: ..type_of ..constant ..closure ($.default (/.Object brand)) ($.default /.Function) ($.default /.Symbol) ($.default /.Null) ($.default /.Undefined) ($.default /.Boolean) ($.default /.Number) ($.default /.String) ($.default /.null?) ($.default /.on_browser?) ($.default /.on_nashorn?) ($.default /.on_node_js?)] []))