(.require [library [lux [program (.only program:)] ["$" documentation (.only documentation)] ["[0]" debug] [control ["[0]" io]] [data ["[0]" text (.only \n) ["%" \\format (.only format)]] [collection ["[0]" list] ["[0]" set]]] [macro ["[0]" template]]]] [\\library ["[0]" /]] ["[0]" / ["[1][0]" abstract] ["[1][0]" control] ["[1][0]" data] ["[1][0]" debug] ["[1][0]" documentation] ["[1][0]" extension] ["[1][0]" ffi] ["[1][0]" locale] ["[1][0]" macro] ["[1][0]" math] ["[1][0]" meta] ["[1][0]" program] ["[1][0]" static] ["[1][0]" target] ["[1][0]" test] ["[1][0]" time] ["[1][0]" tool] ... TODO: Documentation for this ["[1][0]" type] ["[1][0]" world]]) (.def .public documentation (.List $.Module) ($.module /._ "" [(documentation /.prelude (format "The name of the prelude module" \n "Value: " (%.text /.prelude))) (documentation /.Any (format "The type of things whose type is irrelevant." \n "It can be used to write functions or data-structures that can take, or return, anything.")) (documentation /.Nothing (format "The type of things whose type is undefined." \n "Useful for expressions that cause errors or other 'extraordinary' conditions.")) (documentation (/.List item) "A potentially empty list of values.") (documentation /.Bit "Your standard, run-of-the-mill boolean values (as #0 or #1 bits).") (documentation (/.I64 kind) "64-bit integers without any semantics.") (documentation /.Nat (format "Natural numbers (unsigned integers)." \n "They start at zero (0) and extend in the positive direction.")) (documentation /.Int "Your standard, run-of-the-mill integer numbers.") (documentation /.Rev (format "Fractional numbers that live in the interval [0,1)." \n "Useful for probability, and other domains that work within that interval.")) (documentation /.Frac "Your standard, run-of-the-mill floating-point (fractional) numbers.") (documentation /.Text "Your standard, run-of-the-mill string values.") (documentation /.Symbol (format "A name for a Lux definition." \n "It includes the module of provenance.")) (documentation (/.Maybe value) "A potentially missing value.") (documentation /.Type "This type represents the data-structures that are used to specify types themselves.") (documentation /.Location "Locations are for specifying the location of Code nodes in Lux files during compilation.") (documentation (/.Ann meta_data datum) "The type of things that can be annotated with meta-data of arbitrary types.") (documentation /.Code "The type of Code nodes for Lux syntax.") (documentation /.private "The export policy for private/local definitions.") (documentation /.local "The export policy for private/local definitions.") (documentation /.public "The export policy for public/global definitions.") (documentation /.global "The export policy for public/global definitions.") (documentation /.Definition "Represents all the data associated with a definition: its type, its annotations, and its value.") (documentation /.Global "Represents all the data associated with a global constant.") (documentation (/.Either left right) "A choice between two values of different types.") (documentation /.Module "All the information contained within a Lux module.") (documentation /.Mode "A sign that shows the conditions under which the compiler is running.") (documentation /.Info "Information about the current version and type of compiler that is running.") (documentation /.Lux (format "Represents the state of the Lux compiler during a run." \n "It is provided to macros during their invocation, so they can access compiler data." \n "Caveat emptor: Avoid fiddling with it, unless you know what you're doing.")) (documentation (/.Meta it) (format "Computations that can have access to the state of the compiler." \n "These computations may fail, or modify the state of the compiler.")) (documentation /.Macro "Functions that run at compile-time and allow you to transform and extend the language in powerful ways.") (documentation /.comment (format "Throws away any code given to it." \n "Great for commenting-out code, while retaining syntax high-lighting and formatting in your text editor.") [(comment (def (this will not) (Be Defined) (because it will be (commented out))))]) (documentation /.All "Universal quantification." [(All (_ a) (-> a a))] ["A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type." (All (List a) (Or Any [a (List a)]))]) (documentation /.Ex "Existential quantification." [(Ex (_ a) [(Codec Text a) a])] ["A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type." (Ex (Self a) [(Codec Text a) a (List (Self a))])]) (documentation /.-> "Function types." ["This is the type of a function that takes 2 Ints and returns an Int." (-> Int Int Int)]) (documentation /.list "List literals." [(is (List Nat) (list 0 1 2 3))]) (documentation /.Union "Union types." [(Union Bit Nat Text)] [(= Nothing (Union))]) (documentation /.Tuple "Tuple types." [(Tuple Bit Nat Text)] [(= Any (Tuple))]) (documentation /.Or "An alias for the Union type constructor." [(= (Union Bit Nat Text) (Or Bit Nat Text))] [(= (Union) (Or))]) (documentation /.And "An alias for the Tuple type constructor." [(= (Tuple Bit Nat Text) (And Bit Nat Text))] [(= (Tuple) (And))]) (documentation /.left "Left-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments." [(left text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?") "=>" (text#composite (text#composite "Hello, " name) ". How are you?")]) (documentation /.all "Right-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments." [(all text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?") "=>" (text#composite "Hello, " (text#composite name ". How are you?"))]) (documentation /.if "Picks which expression to evaluate based on a bit test value." [(if #1 "Oh, yeah!" "Aw hell naw!") "=>" "Oh, yeah!"] [(if #0 "Oh, yeah!" "Aw hell naw!") "=>" "Aw hell naw!"]) (documentation /.Primitive "Macro to treat define new primitive types." [(Primitive "java.lang.Object")] [(Primitive "java.util.List" [(Primitive "java.lang.Long")])]) (documentation /.` (format "Hygienic quasi-quotation as a macro." \n "Unquote (~) and unquote-splice (~+) must also be used as forms." \n "All unprefixed macros will receive their parent module's prefix if imported; otherwise will receive the prefix of the module on which the quasi-quote is being used.") [(` (def (~ name) (function ((~' _) (~+ args)) (~ body))))]) (documentation /.`' (format "Unhygienic quasi-quotation as a macro." \n "Unquote (~) and unquote-splice (~+) must also be used as forms.") [(`' (def (~ name) (function (_ (~+ args)) (~ body))))]) (documentation /.' "Quotation as a macro." [(' YOLO)]) (documentation /.|> "Piping macro." [(|> elems (list#each int#encoded) (interposed " ") (mix text#composite "")) "=>" (mix text#composite "" (interposed " " (list#each int#encoded elems)))]) (documentation /.<| "Reverse piping macro." [(<| (mix text#composite "") (interposed " ") (list#each int#encoded) elems) "=>" (mix text#composite "" (interposed " " (list#each int#encoded elems)))]) (documentation /.template "" ["By specifying a pattern (with holes), and the input data to fill those holes, repeats the pattern as many times as necessary." (with_template [ ] [(def .public (-> Int Int) (+ ))] [++ +1] [-- -1] )]) (documentation /.not "Bit negation." [(not #1) "=>" #0] [(not #0) "=>" #1]) (documentation /.type "Takes a type expression and returns its representation as data-structure." [(type_literal (All (_ a) (Maybe (List a))))]) (documentation /.is "The type-annotation macro." [(is (List Int) (list +1 +2 +3))]) (documentation /.as "The type-coercion macro." [(as Dinosaur (list +1 +2 +3))]) (documentation /.Rec "Parameter-less recursive types." ["A name has to be given to the whole type, to use it within its body." (Rec Int_List (Or Any [Int Int_List]))] ["Can also be used with type and labelled-type definitions." (type Type (Rec @ (Variant {#Primitive Text (List @)} {#Sum @ @} {#Product @ @} {#Function @ @} {#Parameter Nat} {#Var Nat} {#Ex Nat} {#UnivQ (List @) @} {#ExQ (List @) @} {#Apply @ @} {#Named Symbol @})))]) (documentation /.exec "Sequential execution of expressions (great for side-effects)." [(exec (log! "#1") (log! "#2") (log! "#3") "YOLO")]) (documentation /.case (format "The pattern-matching macro." \n "Allows the usage of macros within the patterns to provide custom syntax.") [(case (is (List Int) (list +1 +2 +3)) {#Item x {#Item y {#Item z {#End}}}} {#Some (all * x y z)} _ {#None})]) (documentation /.pattern (format "Macro-expanding patterns." \n "It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'.") [(case (is (List Int) (list +1 +2 +3)) (pattern (list x y z)) {#Some (all * x y z)} _ {#None})]) ... (documentation /.^or ... (format "Or-patterns." ... \n "It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'.") ... [(type Weekday ... (Variant ... {#Monday} ... {#Tuesday} ... {#Wednesday} ... {#Thursday} ... {#Friday} ... {#Saturday} ... {#Sunday})) ... (def (weekend? day) ... (-> Weekday Bit) ... (case day ... (^or {#Saturday} {#Sunday}) ... #1 ... _ ... #0))]) (documentation /.let (format "Creates local bindings." \n "Can (optionally) use pattern-matching macros when binding.") [(let [x (foo bar) y (baz quux)] (op x y))]) (documentation /.function "Syntax for creating functions." [(is (All (_ a b) (-> a b a)) (function (_ x y) x))] ["Allows for giving the function itself a name, for the sake of recursion." (is (-> Nat Nat) (function (factorial n) (case n 0 1 _ (* n (factorial (-- n))))))]) (documentation /.def "Defines global constants/functions." [(def branching_exponent Int +5)] ["The type is optional." (def branching_exponent +5)] [(def (pair_list pair) (-> [Code Code] (List Code)) (let [[left right] pair] (list left right)))] ["Can pattern-match on the inputs to functions." (def (pair_list [left right]) (-> [Code Code] (List Code)) (list left right))]) (documentation /.macro "Macro-definition macro." [(def .public symbol (macro (_ tokens) (case tokens (^with_template [] [(pattern (list [_ { [module name]}])) (in (list (` [(~ (text$ module)) (~ (text$ name))])))]) ([#Symbol]) _ (failure "Wrong syntax for symbol"))))]) (documentation /.and "Short-circuiting 'and'." [(and #1 #0) "=>" #0] [(and #1 #1) "=>" #1]) (documentation /.or "Short-circuiting 'or'." [(or #1 #0) "=>" #1] [(or #0 #0) "=>" #0]) (documentation /.panic! "Causes an error, with the given error message." [(panic! "OH NO!")]) (documentation /.implementation "Express a value that implements an interface." [(is (Order Int) (implementation (def equivalence equivalence) (def (< reference subject) (< reference subject)) ))]) (documentation /.Variant (format "Syntax for defining labelled/tagged sum/union types." \n "WARNING: Only use it within the type macro.") [(type Referrals (Variant {#All} {#Only (List Text)} {#Exclude (List Text)} {#Ignore} {#Nothing}))]) (documentation /.Record (format "Syntax for defining labelled/slotted product/tuple types." \n "WARNING: Only use it within the type macro.") [(type Refer (Record [#refer_defs Referrals #refer_open (List Openings)]))]) (documentation /.type "The type-definition macro." [(type (List a) {#End} {#Item a (List a)})]) (documentation /.Interface "Interface definition." [(type .public (Order a) (Interface (is (Equivalence a) equivalence) (is (-> a a Bit) <)))]) (.with_template [] [(documentation "Safe type-casting for I64 values.")] [/.i64] [/.nat] [/.int] [/.rev] ) (documentation /.module_separator (format "Character used to separate the parts of module names." \n "Value: " (%.text /.module_separator))) (documentation /.open (format "Same as the 'open' macro, but meant to be used as a pattern-matching macro for generating local bindings." \n "Takes an 'alias' text for the generated local bindings.") [(def .public (range enum from to) (All (_ a) (-> (Enum a) a a (List a))) (let [(open "[0]") enum] (loop (again [end to output {.#End}]) (cond (< end from) (again (pred end) {.#Item end output}) (< from end) (again (succ end) {.#Item end output}) ... (= end from) {.#Item end output}))))]) (documentation /.cond "Conditional branching with multiple test conditions." [(cond (even? num) "WHEN even" (odd? num) "WHEN odd" "ELSE")]) (documentation /.the "Accesses the value of a record at a given tag." [(the #field my_record)] ["Can also work with multiple levels of nesting." (the [#foo #bar #baz] my_record)] ["And, if only the slot/path is given, generates an accessor function." (let [getter (the [#foo #bar #baz])] (getter my_record))]) (documentation /.use "Opens a implementation and generates a definition for each of its members (including nested members)." [(use "i:[0]" order) "=>" (def i:= (at order =)) (def i:< (at order <))]) (documentation /.|>> "Similar to the piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it." [(|>> (list#each int#encoded) (interposed " ") (mix text#composite "")) "=>" (function (_ ) (mix text#composite "" (interposed " " (list#each int#encoded ))))]) (documentation /.<<| "Similar to the reverse piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it." [(<<| (mix text#composite "") (interposed " ") (list#each int#encoded)) "=>" (function (_ ) (mix text#composite "" (interposed " " (list#each int#encoded ))))]) (documentation /.require "Module-definition macro." [(.require [lux (.except) [control ["M" monad (.except)]] [data maybe ["[0]" name (.use "[1]#[0]" codec)]] [macro code]] [// [type (.use "[0]" equivalence)]])]) (documentation /.# "Allows accessing the value of a implementation's member." [(at codec encoded)] ["Also allows using that value as a function." (at codec encoded +123)]) (documentation /.has "Sets the value of a record at a given tag." [(has #name "Lux" lang)] ["Can also work with multiple levels of nesting." (has [#foo #bar #baz] value my_record)] ["And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function." (let [setter (has [#foo #bar #baz] value)] (setter my_record)) (let [setter (has [#foo #bar #baz])] (setter value my_record))]) (documentation /.revised "Modifies the value of a record at a given tag, based on some function." [(revised #age ++ person)] ["Can also work with multiple levels of nesting." (revised [#foo #bar #baz] func my_record)] ["And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function." (let [updater (revised [#foo #bar #baz] func)] (updater my_record)) (let [updater (revised [#foo #bar #baz])] (updater func my_record))]) ... (documentation /.^template ... "It's similar to template, but meant to be used during pattern-matching." ... [(def (reduced env type) ... (-> (List Type) Type Type) ... (case type ... {.#Primitive name params} ... {.#Primitive name (list#each (reduced env) params)} ... (^with_template [] ... [{ left right} ... { (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}]) ... ([.#Sum] [.#Product]) ... (^with_template [] ... [{ left right} ... { (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}]) ... ([.#Function] [.#Apply]) ... (^with_template [] ... [{ old_env def} ... (case old_env ... {.#End} ... { env def} ... _ ... type)]) ... ([.#UnivQ] [.#ExQ]) ... {.#Parameter idx} ... (else type (list.item idx env)) ... _ ... type ... ))]) (.with_template [ ] [(documentation )] [/.++ "Increment function."] [/.-- "Decrement function."] ) (documentation /.loop (format "Allows arbitrary looping, using the 'again' form to re-start the loop." \n "Can be used in monadic code to create monadic loops.") [(loop (again [count +0 x init]) (if (< +10 count) (again (++ count) (f x)) x))] ["Loops can also be given custom names." (loop (my_loop [count +0 x init]) (if (< +10 count) (my_loop (++ count) (f x)) x))]) (documentation /.with_expansions (format "Controlled macro-expansion." \n "Bind an arbitraty number of Code nodes resulting from macro-expansion to local bindings." \n "Wherever a binding appears, the bound Code nodes will be spliced in there.") [(def test Test (with_expansions [ (with_template [ ] [(cover [] (compare (at codec encoded )))] [bit #1 "#1"] [int +123 "+123"] [frac +123.0 "+123.0"] [text "123" "'123'"] [symbol ["yolo" "lol"] "yolo.lol"] [form (list (bit #1)) "(#1)"] [tuple (list (bit #1)) "[#1]"] )] (all and )))]) (documentation /.static (format "Resolves the names of definitions to their values at compile-time, assuming their values are either:" \n "* Bit" \n "* Nat" \n "* Int" \n "* Rev" \n "* Frac" \n "* Text") [(def my_nat 123) (def my_text "456") (and (case [my_nat my_text] (pattern (static [..my_nat ..my_text])) true _ false) (case [my_nat my_text] (pattern [(static ..my_nat) (static ..my_text)]) true _ false))]) ... (documentation /.^multi ... (format "Multi-level pattern matching." ... \n "Useful in situations where the result of a branch depends on further refinements on the values being matched.") ... [(case (split (size static) uri) ... (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']} ... [(text#= static chunk) #1]) ... (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri') ... _ ... {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})] ... ["Short-cuts can be taken when using bit tests." ... "The example above can be rewritten as..." ... (case (split (size static) uri) ... (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']} ... (text#= static chunk)) ... (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri') ... _ ... {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})]) (documentation /.symbol "Gives back a 2 tuple with the module and name parts, both as Text." [(symbol ..#doc) "=>" ["documentation/lux" "#doc"]]) (documentation /.parameter (format "WARNING: Please stay away from this macro; it's very likely to be removed in a future version of Lux." "Allows you to refer to the type-variables in a polymorphic function's type, by their index.") ["In the example below, 0 corresponds to the 'a' variable." (def .public (of_list list) (All (_ a) (-> (List a) (Sequence a))) (list#mix add (is (Sequence (parameter 0)) empty) list))]) (documentation /.same? "Tests whether the 2 values are identical (not just 'equal')." ["This one should succeed:" (let [value +5] (same? value value))] ["This one should fail:" (same? +5 (+ +2 +3))]) ... (documentation /.^let ... "Allows you to simultaneously bind and de-structure a value." ... [(def (hash (^let set [member_hash _])) ... (list#mix (function (_ elem acc) ... (+ acc ... (at member_hash hash elem))) ... 0 ... (set.list set)))]) ... (documentation /.^|> ... "Pipes the value being pattern-matched against prior to binding it to a variable." ... [(case input ... (^|> value [++ (% 10) (max 1)]) ... (foo value))]) (documentation /.as_expected "Coerces the given expression to the type of whatever is expected." [(is Dinosaur (as_expected (is (List Nat) (list 1 2 3))))]) (documentation /.undefined (format "Meant to be used as a stand-in for functions with undefined implementations." \n "Undefined expressions will type-check against everything, so they make good dummy implementations." \n "However, if an undefined expression is ever evaluated, it will raise a runtime error.") [(def (square x) (-> Int Int) (undefined))]) (documentation /.type_of "Generates the type corresponding to a given expression." [(let [my_num +123] (type_of my_num)) "==" Int] [(type_of +123) "==" Int]) (documentation /.template (format "Define macros in the style of with_template." \n "For simple macros that do not need any fancy features.") [(def square (template (square x) (* x x)))]) (documentation /.these (format "Given a (potentially empty) list of codes, just returns them immediately, without any work done." \n "This may seen useless, but it has its utility when dealing with controlled-macro-expansion macros.") [(with_expansions [ (these 1 2 3 4)] (all + ))]) (documentation /.char "If given a 1-character text literal, yields the char-code of the sole character." [(is Nat (char "A")) "=>" 65]) (documentation /.for (format "Selects the appropriate code for a given target-platform when compiling Lux to it." \n "Look-up the available targets in library/lux/target.") [(def js "JavaScript") (for "JVM" (do jvm stuff) js (do js stuff) (do default stuff))]) (documentation /.`` (format "Delimits a controlled (spliced) macro-expansion." \n "Uses a (~~) special form to specify where to expand.") [(`` (some expression (~~ (some macro which may yield 0 or more results))))]) ... (documentation /.^code ... "Generates pattern-matching code for Code values in a way that looks like code-templating." ... [(is (Maybe Nat) ... (case (` (#0 123 +456.789)) ... (^code (#0 (~ [_ {.#Nat number}]) +456.789)) ... {.#Some number} ... _ ... {.#None}))]) (documentation /.false "The boolean FALSE value.") (documentation /.true "The boolean TRUE value.") (documentation /.try "" [(is Foo (case (is (Either Text Bar) (try (is Bar (risky computation which may panic)))) {.#Right success} (is Foo (do something after success)) {.#Left error} (is Foo (recover from error))))]) ($.default (/.Code' w)) ($.default /.Alias) ($.default (/.Bindings key value)) ($.default /.Ref) ($.default /.Scope) ($.default /.Source) ($.default /.Module_State) ($.default /.Type_Context) ($.default /.Macro') ($.default /.Label) ($.default /.macro)] [/abstract.documentation /control.documentation /data.documentation /debug.documentation /documentation.documentation /extension.documentation /ffi.documentation /locale.documentation /macro.documentation /math.documentation /meta.documentation /program.documentation /static.documentation /target.documentation /test.documentation /time.documentation /tool.documentation /type.documentation /world.documentation])) (program: inputs (io.io (debug.log! ($.markdown ..documentation))))