;; Copyright (c) Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved. ;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. ;; If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, ;; You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. (ns lux.analyser.lux (:require (clojure [template :refer [do-template]]) clojure.core.match clojure.core.match.array (lux [base :as & :refer [|do return return* fail fail* |let |list |case]] [parser :as &parser] [type :as &type] [host :as &host]) (lux.analyser [base :as &&] [lambda :as &&lambda] [case :as &&case] [env :as &&env] [module :as &&module] [record :as &&record] [meta :as &&meta]))) ;; [Utils] (defn ^:private count-univq [type] "(-> Type Int)" (|case type (&/$UnivQ env type*) (inc (count-univq type*)) _ 0)) (defn ^:private next-bound-type [type] "(-> Type Type)" (&/$BoundT (->> (count-univq type) (* 2) (+ 1)))) (defn ^:private embed-inferred-input [input output] "(-> Type Type Type)" (|case output (&/$UnivQ env output*) (&/$UnivQ env (embed-inferred-input input output*)) _ (&/$LambdaT input output))) ;; [Exports] (defn analyse-unit [analyse ?exo-type] (|do [_cursor &/cursor _ (&type/check ?exo-type &/$UnitT)] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta ?exo-type _cursor (&&/$tuple (&/|list))))))) (defn analyse-tuple [analyse ?exo-type ?elems] (|case ?elems (&/$Nil) (analyse-unit analyse (|case ?exo-type (&/$Left exo-type) exo-type (&/$Right exo-type) exo-type)) (&/$Cons ?elem (&/$Nil)) (analyse (|case ?exo-type (&/$Left exo-type) exo-type (&/$Right exo-type) exo-type) ?elem) _ (|case ?exo-type (&/$Left exo-type) (|do [exo-type* (&type/actual-type exo-type)] (|case exo-type* (&/$UnivQ _) (&type/with-var (fn [$var] (|do [exo-type** (&type/apply-type exo-type* $var) [[tuple-type tuple-cursor] tuple-analysis] (&&/cap-1 (analyse-tuple analyse (&/$Left exo-type**) ?elems)) =var (&type/resolve-type $var) inferred-type (|case =var (&/$VarT iid) (|do [:let [=var* (next-bound-type tuple-type)] _ (&type/set-var iid =var*) tuple-type* (&type/clean $var tuple-type)] (return (&/$UnivQ &/$Nil tuple-type*))) _ (&type/clean $var tuple-type))] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta inferred-type tuple-cursor tuple-analysis)))))) _ (analyse-tuple analyse (&/$Right exo-type*) ?elems))) (&/$Right exo-type) (|do [unknown? (&type/unknown? exo-type)] (if unknown? (|do [=elems (&/map% #(|do [=analysis (&&/analyse-1+ analyse %)] (return =analysis)) ?elems) _ (&type/check exo-type (|case (->> (&/|map &&/expr-type* =elems) (&/|reverse)) (&/$Cons last prevs) (&/fold (fn [right left] (&/$ProdT left right)) last prevs))) _cursor &/cursor] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor (&&/$tuple =elems) )))) (|do [exo-type* (&type/actual-type exo-type)] (&/with-attempt (|case exo-type* (&/$ProdT _) (|case (&type/tuple-types-for (&/|length ?elems) exo-type*) (&/$None) (fail (str "[Analysis Error] Tuple-mismatch. Require tuple[" (&/|length (&type/flatten-prod exo-type*)) "]. Given tuple [" (&/|length ?elems) "]" " -- " (str "[" (->> ?elems (&/|map &/show-ast) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")) "]"))) (&/$Some ?member-types*) (|do [=elems (&/map2% (fn [elem-t elem] (&&/analyse-1 analyse elem-t elem)) ?member-types* ?elems) _cursor &/cursor] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor (&&/$tuple =elems) ))))) (&/$UnivQ _) (|do [$var &type/existential exo-type** (&type/apply-type exo-type* $var) [[tuple-type tuple-cursor] tuple-analysis] (&&/cap-1 (analyse-tuple analyse (&/$Right exo-type**) ?elems))] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type tuple-cursor tuple-analysis)))) _ (fail (str "[Analyser Error] Tuples require tuple-types: " (&type/show-type exo-type*))) ) (fn [err] (fail (str err "\n" "[Analyser Error] Tuples require tuple-types: " (&type/show-type exo-type))))))))) )) (defn ^:private analyse-variant-body [analyse exo-type ?values] (|do [_cursor &/cursor output (&/with-attempt (|case ?values (&/$Nil) (analyse-unit analyse exo-type) (&/$Cons ?value (&/$Nil)) (analyse exo-type ?value) _ (analyse-tuple analyse (&/$Right exo-type) ?values)) (fn [err] (fail (str err "\n" 'analyse-variant-body " " (&type/show-type exo-type) " " (->> ?values (&/|map &/show-ast) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")))) ))] (|case output (&/$Cons x (&/$Nil)) (return x) _ (fail "[Analyser Error] Can't expand to other than 1 element.")))) (defn analyse-variant [analyse ?exo-type idx is-last? ?values] (|case ?exo-type (&/$Left exo-type) (|do [exo-type* (&type/actual-type exo-type)] (|case exo-type* (&/$UnivQ _) (&type/with-var (fn [$var] (|do [exo-type** (&type/apply-type exo-type* $var) [[variant-type variant-cursor] variant-analysis] (&&/cap-1 (analyse-variant analyse (&/$Left exo-type**) idx is-last? ?values)) =var (&type/resolve-type $var) inferred-type (|case =var (&/$VarT iid) (|do [:let [=var* (next-bound-type variant-type)] _ (&type/set-var iid =var*) variant-type* (&type/clean $var variant-type)] (return (&/$UnivQ &/$Nil variant-type*))) _ (&type/clean $var variant-type))] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta inferred-type variant-cursor variant-analysis)))))) _ (analyse-variant analyse (&/$Right exo-type*) idx is-last? ?values))) (&/$Right exo-type) (|do [exo-type* (|case exo-type (&/$VarT ?id) (&/try-all% (&/|list (|do [exo-type* (&type/deref ?id)] (&type/actual-type exo-type*)) (|do [_ (&type/set-var ?id &type/Type)] (&type/actual-type &type/Type)))) _ (&type/actual-type exo-type))] (&/with-attempt (|case exo-type* (&/$SumT _) (|do [vtype (&type/sum-at idx exo-type*) :let [num-variant-types (&/|length (&type/flatten-sum exo-type*)) is-last?* (if (nil? is-last?) (= idx (dec num-variant-types)) is-last?)] =value (&/with-attempt (analyse-variant-body analyse vtype ?values) (fn [err] (|do [_exo-type (|case exo-type (&/$VarT _id) (&type/deref _id) _ (return exo-type))] (fail (str err "\n" 'analyse-variant " " idx " " is-last? " " is-last?* " " (&type/show-type _exo-type) " " (&type/show-type vtype) " " (->> ?values (&/|map &/show-ast) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str ""))))))) _cursor &/cursor] (if (= 1 num-variant-types) (return (&/|list =value)) (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor (&&/$variant idx is-last?* =value)))) )) (&/$UnivQ _) (|do [$var &type/existential exo-type** (&type/apply-type exo-type* $var)] (analyse-variant analyse (&/$Right exo-type**) idx is-last? ?values)) (&/$ExQ _) (&type/with-var (fn [$var] (|do [exo-type** (&type/apply-type exo-type* $var) =exprs (analyse-variant analyse (&/$Right exo-type**) idx is-last? ?values)] (&/map% (partial &&/clean-analysis $var) =exprs)))) _ (fail (str "[Analyser Error] Can't create variant if the expected type is " (&type/show-type exo-type*)))) (fn [err] (|case exo-type (&/$VarT ?id) (|do [=exo-type (&type/deref ?id)] (fail (str err "\n" "[Analyser Error] Can't create variant if the expected type is " (&type/show-type =exo-type)))) _ (fail (str err "\n" "[Analyser Error] Can't create variant if the expected type is " (&type/show-type exo-type)))))) ))) (defn analyse-record [analyse exo-type ?elems] (|do [[rec-members rec-type] (&&record/order-record ?elems)] (|case exo-type (&/$VarT id) (|do [? (&type/bound? id)] (if ? (analyse-tuple analyse (&/$Right exo-type) rec-members) (|do [[[tuple-type tuple-cursor] tuple-analysis] (&&/cap-1 (analyse-tuple analyse (&/$Left rec-type) rec-members)) _ (&type/check exo-type tuple-type)] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type tuple-cursor tuple-analysis)))))) _ (analyse-tuple analyse (&/$Right exo-type) rec-members) ))) (defn ^:private analyse-global [analyse exo-type module name] (|do [[[r-module r-name] [endo-type ?meta ?value]] (&&module/find-def module name) _ (if (and (clojure.lang.Util/identical &type/Type endo-type) (clojure.lang.Util/identical &type/Type exo-type)) (return nil) (&type/check exo-type endo-type)) _cursor &/cursor] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta endo-type _cursor (&&/$var (&/$Global (&/T [r-module r-name]))) ))))) (defn ^:private analyse-local [analyse exo-type name] (fn [state] (|let [stack (&/get$ &/$envs state) no-binding? #(and (->> % (&/get$ &/$locals) (&/get$ &/$mappings) (&/|contains? name) not) (->> % (&/get$ &/$closure) (&/get$ &/$mappings) (&/|contains? name) not)) [inner outer] (&/|split-with no-binding? stack)] (|case outer (&/$Nil) (&/run-state (|do [module-name &/get-module-name] (analyse-global analyse exo-type module-name name)) state) (&/$Cons ?genv (&/$Nil)) (if-let [global (->> ?genv (&/get$ &/$locals) (&/get$ &/$mappings) (&/|get name))] (|case global [(&/$Global ?module* name*) _] (&/run-state (analyse-global analyse exo-type ?module* name*) state) _ (fail* "[Analyser Error] Can't have anything other than a global def in the global environment.")) (fail* (str "[Analyser Error] Unknown global definition: " name))) (&/$Cons top-outer _) (|let [scopes (&/|tail (&/folds #(&/$Cons (&/get$ &/$name %2) %1) (&/|map #(&/get$ &/$name %) outer) (&/|reverse inner))) [=local inner*] (&/fold2 (fn [register+new-inner frame in-scope] (|let [[register new-inner] register+new-inner [register* frame*] (&&lambda/close-over (&/|reverse in-scope) name register frame)] (&/T [register* (&/$Cons frame* new-inner)]))) (&/T [(or (->> top-outer (&/get$ &/$locals) (&/get$ &/$mappings) (&/|get name)) (->> top-outer (&/get$ &/$closure) (&/get$ &/$mappings) (&/|get name))) &/$Nil]) (&/|reverse inner) scopes)] ((|do [_ (&type/check exo-type (&&/expr-type* =local))] (return (&/|list =local))) (&/set$ &/$envs (&/|++ inner* outer) state))) )))) (defn analyse-symbol [analyse exo-type ident] (|do [:let [[?module ?name] ident]] (if (= "" ?module) (analyse-local analyse exo-type ?name) (analyse-global analyse exo-type ?module ?name)) )) (defn ^:private analyse-apply* [analyse exo-type fun-type ?args] (|case ?args (&/$Nil) (|do [_ (&type/check exo-type fun-type)] (return (&/T [fun-type &/$Nil]))) (&/$Cons ?arg ?args*) (|do [?fun-type* (&type/actual-type fun-type)] (&/with-attempt (|case ?fun-type* (&/$UnivQ _) (&type/with-var (fn [$var] (|do [type* (&type/apply-type ?fun-type* $var) [=output-t =args] (analyse-apply* analyse exo-type type* ?args) ==args (&/map% (partial &&/clean-analysis $var) =args)] (|case $var (&/$VarT ?id) (|do [? (&type/bound? ?id) type** (if ? (&type/clean $var =output-t) (|do [_ (&type/set-var ?id (next-bound-type =output-t))] (&type/clean $var =output-t))) _ (&type/clean $var exo-type)] (return (&/T [type** ==args]))) )))) (&/$ExQ _) (|do [$var &type/existential type* (&type/apply-type ?fun-type* $var)] (analyse-apply* analyse exo-type type* ?args)) (&/$LambdaT ?input-t ?output-t) (|do [[=output-t =args] (analyse-apply* analyse exo-type ?output-t ?args*) =arg (&/with-attempt (&&/analyse-1 analyse ?input-t ?arg) (fn [err] (fail (str err "\n" "[Analyser Error] Function expected: " (&type/show-type ?input-t)))))] (return (&/T [=output-t (&/$Cons =arg =args)]))) _ (fail (str "[Analyser Error] Can't apply a non-function: " (&type/show-type ?fun-type*)))) (fn [err] (fail (str err "\n" "[Analyser Error] Can't apply function " (&type/show-type fun-type) " to args: " (->> ?args (&/|map &/show-ast) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str ""))))))) )) (defn ^:private do-analyse-apply [analyse exo-type =fn ?args] (|do [:let [[[=fn-type =fn-cursor] =fn-form] =fn] [=output-t =args] (analyse-apply* analyse exo-type =fn-type ?args)] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta =output-t =fn-cursor (&&/$apply =fn =args) ))))) (defn analyse-apply [analyse exo-type =fn ?args] (|do [loader &/loader :let [[[=fn-type =fn-cursor] =fn-form] =fn]] (|case =fn-form (&&/$var (&/$Global ?module ?name)) (|do [[real-name [?type ?meta ?value]] (&&module/find-def ?module ?name)] (|case (&&meta/meta-get &&meta/macro?-tag ?meta) (&/$Some _) (|do [macro-expansion (fn [state] (try (-> ?value (.apply ?args) (.apply state)) (catch java.lang.StackOverflowError e (|let [[r-prefix r-name] real-name] (do (prn 'find-def [r-prefix r-name]) (throw e)))))) module-name &/get-module-name ;; :let [[r-prefix r-name] real-name ;; _ (when (or (= "get@" r-name) ;; ;; (= "defclass" r-name) ;; ) ;; (->> (&/|map &/show-ast macro-expansion) ;; (&/|interpose "\n") ;; (&/fold str "") ;; (prn (&/ident->text real-name) module-name))) ;; ] ] (&/flat-map% (partial analyse exo-type) macro-expansion)) _ (do-analyse-apply analyse exo-type =fn ?args))) _ (do-analyse-apply analyse exo-type =fn ?args)) )) (defn analyse-case [analyse exo-type ?value ?branches] (|do [:let [num-branches (&/|length ?branches)] _ (&/assert! (> num-branches 0) "[Analyser Error] Can't have empty branches in \"case\" expression.") _ (&/assert! (even? num-branches) "[Analyser Error] Unbalanced branches in \"case\" expression.") =value (&&/analyse-1+ analyse ?value) :let [var?? (|case =value [_ (&&/$var =var-kind)] (&/$Some =value) _ &/$None)] =match (&&case/analyse-branches analyse exo-type var?? (&&/expr-type* =value) (&/|as-pairs ?branches)) _cursor &/cursor] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor (&&/$case =value =match) ))))) (defn analyse-lambda* [analyse exo-type ?self ?arg ?body] (|case exo-type (&/$VarT id) (|do [? (&type/bound? id)] (if ? (|do [exo-type* (&type/deref id)] (analyse-lambda* analyse exo-type* ?self ?arg ?body)) ;; Inference (&type/with-var (fn [$input] (&type/with-var (fn [$output] (|do [[[lambda-type lambda-cursor] lambda-analysis] (analyse-lambda* analyse (&/$LambdaT $input $output) ?self ?arg ?body) =input (&type/resolve-type $input) =output (&type/resolve-type $output) inferred-type (|case =input (&/$VarT iid) (|do [:let [=input* (next-bound-type =output)] _ (&type/set-var iid =input*) =output* (&type/clean $input =output) =output** (&type/clean $output =output*)] (return (&/$UnivQ &/$Nil (embed-inferred-input =input* =output**)))) _ (|do [=output* (&type/clean $input =output) =output** (&type/clean $output =output*)] (return (embed-inferred-input =input =output**)))) _ (&type/check exo-type inferred-type)] (return (&&/|meta inferred-type lambda-cursor lambda-analysis))) )))))) _ (&/with-attempt (|do [exo-type* (&type/actual-type exo-type)] (|case exo-type (&/$UnivQ _) (|do [$var &type/existential exo-type** (&type/apply-type exo-type* $var)] (analyse-lambda* analyse exo-type** ?self ?arg ?body)) (&/$ExQ _) (&type/with-var (fn [$var] (|do [exo-type** (&type/apply-type exo-type* $var) =expr (analyse-lambda* analyse exo-type** ?self ?arg ?body)] (&&/clean-analysis $var =expr)))) (&/$LambdaT ?arg-t ?return-t) (|do [[=scope =captured =body] (&&lambda/with-lambda ?self exo-type* ?arg ?arg-t (&&/analyse-1 analyse ?return-t ?body)) _cursor &/cursor] (return (&&/|meta exo-type* _cursor (&&/$lambda =scope =captured =body)))) _ (fail ""))) (fn [err] (fail (str err "\n" "[Analyser Error] Functions require function types: " (&type/show-type exo-type))))) )) (defn analyse-lambda** [analyse exo-type ?self ?arg ?body] (|case exo-type (&/$UnivQ _) (|do [$var &type/existential exo-type* (&type/apply-type exo-type $var) [_ _expr] (analyse-lambda** analyse exo-type* ?self ?arg ?body) _cursor &/cursor] (return (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor _expr))) (&/$VarT id) (|do [? (&type/bound? id)] (if ? (|do [exo-type* (&type/actual-type exo-type)] (analyse-lambda* analyse exo-type* ?self ?arg ?body)) ;; Inference (analyse-lambda* analyse exo-type ?self ?arg ?body))) _ (|do [exo-type* (&type/actual-type exo-type)] (analyse-lambda* analyse exo-type* ?self ?arg ?body)) )) (defn analyse-lambda [analyse exo-type ?self ?arg ?body] (|do [output (analyse-lambda** analyse exo-type ?self ?arg ?body)] (return (&/|list output)))) (defn analyse-def [analyse eval! compile-token ?name ?value ?meta] (|do [module-name &/get-module-name ? (&&module/defined? module-name ?name)] (if ? (fail (str "[Analyser Error] Can't redefine " (str module-name ";" ?name))) (|do [=value (&/with-scope ?name (&&/analyse-1+ analyse ?value)) =meta (&&/analyse-1 analyse &type/DefMeta ?meta) ==meta (eval! =meta) _ (&&module/test-type module-name ?name ==meta (&&/expr-type* =value)) _ (&&module/test-macro module-name ?name ==meta (&&/expr-type* =value)) _ (compile-token (&&/$def ?name =value ==meta))] (return &/$Nil)) ))) (defn analyse-import [analyse compile-module compile-token path] (|do [module-name &/get-module-name _ (if (= module-name path) (fail (str "[Analyser Error] Module can't import itself: " path)) (return nil))] (&/save-module (|do [already-compiled? (&&module/exists? path) active? (&/active-module? path) _ (&/assert! (not active?) (str "[Analyser Error] Can't import a module that is mid-compilation: " path " @ " module-name)) _ (&&module/add-import path) _ (if (not already-compiled?) (compile-module path) (return nil))] (return &/$Nil))))) (defn analyse-alias [analyse compile-token ex-alias ex-module] (|do [module-name &/get-module-name _ (&&module/alias module-name ex-alias ex-module)] (return &/$Nil))) (defn analyse-check [analyse eval! exo-type ?type ?value] (|do [=type (&&/analyse-1 analyse &type/Type ?type) ==type (eval! =type) _ (&type/check exo-type ==type) =value (&&/analyse-1 analyse ==type ?value) _cursor &/cursor] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta ==type _cursor (&&/$ann =value =type ==type) ))))) (defn analyse-coerce [analyse eval! exo-type ?type ?value] (|do [=type (&&/analyse-1 analyse &type/Type ?type) ==type (eval! =type) _ (&type/check exo-type ==type) =value (&&/analyse-1+ analyse ?value) _cursor &/cursor] (return (&/|list (&&/|meta ==type _cursor (&&/$coerce =value =type ==type) )))))