(ns lux (:require (lux [lexer :as &lexer] [parser :as &parser] [type :as &type] [analyser :as &analyser] [compiler :as &compiler]) :reload)) (comment ;; TODO: Make macros monadic. ;; TODO: Finish type system. ;; TODO: Re-implement compiler in language. ;; TODO: Add signatures & structures OR type-classes. ;; TODO: Add type-level computations. ;; TODO: Add thunks. ;; TODO: Do tail-call optimization. ;; TODO: Adding metadata to global vars. ;; TODO: Add records. ;; TODO: throw, try, catch, finally ;; TODO: Add extra arities (apply2, apply3, ..., apply16) ;; TODO: When doing partial application, skip "apply" and just call constructor appropiatedly. ;; TODO: Add "new". Allow setting fields. ;; TODO: Don't take into account newlines in strings unless they come from \n to allow better coding. ;; TODO: monitor enter & monitor exit. ;; TODO: Reinplement "if" as a macro on top of case. ;; TODO: Eliminate the reliance of variants upon tuples for storage. ;; TODO: (let [source-code (slurp "test2.lux") tokens (&lexer/lex source-code) ;; _ (prn 'tokens tokens) syntax (&parser/parse tokens) ;; _ (prn 'syntax syntax) ;; ann-syntax (&analyser/analyse "test2" syntax) ;; _ (prn 'ann-syntax ann-syntax) ;; class-data (&compiler/compile "test2" ann-syntax) class-data (&compiler/compile "test2" syntax) ;; _ (prn 'class-data class-data) ] ) ;; jar cvf test2.jar *.class test2 && java -cp "test2.jar" test2 ) ;; (def (workday? d) ;; (case d ;; (or [#Monday #Tuesday #Wednesday #Thursday #Friday] ;; true) ;; (or [#Saturday #Sunday] ;; false)))