(ns lang (:require (lang [lexer :as &lexer] [parser :as &parser] [type :as &type] [analyser :as &analyser] [compiler :as &compiler]) :reload)) (defn write-file [file data] (with-open [stream (java.io.BufferedOutputStream. (java.io.FileOutputStream. file))] (.write stream data))) (comment (let [source-code (slurp "test2.lang") tokens (&lexer/lex source-code) ;; _ (prn 'tokens tokens) syntax (&parser/parse tokens) ;; _ (prn 'syntax syntax) class-data (&compiler/compile "test2" syntax)] (write-file "test2.class" class-data)) (->> (slurp "test2.lang") &lexer/lex &parser/parse (&compiler/compile "test2") (write-file "test2.class")) (->> (slurp "test2.lang") &lexer/lex &parser/parse (&analyser/analyse "test2")) (let [source-code (slurp "test2.lang") tokens (&lexer/lex source-code) ;; _ (prn 'tokens tokens) syntax (&parser/parse tokens) ;; _ (prn 'syntax syntax) ann-syntax (&analyser/analyse "test2" syntax) _ (prn 'ann-syntax ann-syntax) class-data (&compiler/compile "test2" syntax)] (write-file "test2.class" class-data)) (let [source-code (slurp "test2.lang") tokens (&lexer/lex source-code) ;; _ (prn 'tokens tokens) syntax (&parser/parse tokens) ;; _ (prn 'syntax syntax) ann-syntax (&analyser/analyse "test2" syntax) ;; _ (prn 'ann-syntax ann-syntax) class-data (&compiler/compile "test2" ann-syntax)] (write-file "test2.class" class-data)) (let y ... (lambda x (* x y))) (let y ... (proxy Function1 (apply1 [_ x] (* x y)))) (def (foo w x y z) ($ * w x y z)) => (let f1 (proxy Function1 [w x y] (apply1 [_ z] (STATIC-METHOD w x y z))) (let f2 (proxy Function2 [w x] (apply1 [_ y] f1) (apply2 [_ y z] (STATIC-METHOD w x y z))) (proxy Function4 (apply1 [_ w x] (proxy Function3 [w] (apply1 [_ x] f2) (apply2 [_ x y] f1) (apply3 [_ x y z] (STATIC-METHOD w x y z)))) (apply2 [_ w x] f2) (apply3 [_ w x y] f1) (apply4 [_ w x y z] (STATIC-METHOD w x y z))))) (proxy Function [] (apply [_ w] (proxy Function [w] (apply [_ x] (proxy Function [w x] (apply [_ y] (proxy Function [w x y] (apply [_ z] (STATIC-METHOD w x y z))))))))) ;; TODO: Allow using other modules. ;; TODO: Define functions as classes inheriting Function. ;; TODO: Add tuples. ;; TODO: Add pattern-matching. ;; TODO: Add thunks. ;; TODO: Add Java-interop. ;; TODO: Do tail-call optimization. ;; TODO: Add macros. ;; TODO: Add signatures & structures OR type-classes. ;; TODO: Add type-level computations. ;; TODO: Add interpreter. ;; TODO: Re-implement compiler in language. ;; TODO: Add all the missing literal types. ;; TODO: Allow strings to have escape characters. ;; TODO: ;; jar cvf test2.jar test2 test2.class ;; java -cp "test2.jar" test2 ;; jar cvf test2.jar test2 test2.class && java -cp "test2.jar" test2 )