  (lux (control monad
       (data [bool "B/" Eq<Bool>]
             ["R" result "R/" Monad<Result>]
             (coll [list "L/" Fold<List>]
                   ["D" dict])))
  (luxc (lang ["la" analysis])))

## The coverage of a pattern-matching expression summarizes how well
## all the possible values of an input are being covered by the
## different patterns involved.
## Ideally, the pattern-matching has "total" coverage, which just
## means that every possible value can be matched by at least 1
## pattern.
## Every other coverage is considered partial, and it would be valued
## as insuficient (since it could lead to runtime errors due to values
## not being handled by any pattern).
## The #Partial tag covers arbitrary partial coverages in a general
## way, while the other tags cover more specific cases for booleans
## and variants.
(type: #export #rec Coverage
  (#Bool Bool)
  (#Variant Nat (D;Dict Nat Coverage))
  (#Seq Coverage Coverage)
  (#Alt Coverage Coverage)

(def: #export (total? coverage)
  (-> Coverage Bool)
  (case coverage
    (#Total _)


(def: #export (determine pattern)
  (-> la;Pattern Coverage)
  (case pattern
    ## Binding amounts to total coverage because any value can be
    ## matched that way.
    ## Unit [] amounts to total coverage because there is only one
    ## possible value, so matching against it covers all cases.
    (^or (#la;BindP _) (^ (#la;TupleP (list))))

    (^ (#la;TupleP (list singleton)))
    (determine singleton)

    ## Primitive patterns always have partial coverage because there
    ## are too many possibilities as far as values go.
    (^or (#la;NatP _)  (#la;IntP _)  (#la;DegP _)
         (#la;RealP _) (#la;TextP _))

    ## Bools are the exception, since there is only "true" and
    ## "false", which means it is possible for boolean
    ## pattern-matching to become total if complementary parts meet.
    (#la;BoolP value)
    (#Bool value)

    ## Tuple patterns can be total if there is totality for all of
    ## their sub-patterns.
    (#la;TupleP subs)
    (loop [subs subs]
      (case subs

        (#;Cons sub subs')
        (let [post (recur subs')]
          (if (total? post)
            (determine sub)
            (#Seq (determine sub)

    ## Variant patterns can be shown to be total if all the possible
    ## cases are handled totally.
    (#la;VariantP tag-id num-tags sub)
    (#Variant num-tags
              (|> (D;new number;Hash<Nat>)
                  (D;put tag-id (determine sub))))))

(def: (xor left right)
  (-> Bool Bool Bool)
  (or (and left (not right))
      (and (not left) right)))

## The coverage checker not only verifies that pattern-matching is
## total, but also that there are no redundant patterns.
## Redundant patterns will never be executed, since there will
## always be a pattern prior to them that would match the input.
## Because of that, the presence of redundant patterns is assumed to
## be a bug, likely due to programmer carelessness.
(def: redundant-pattern
  (R;Result Coverage)
  (R;fail "Redundant pattern."))

(def: (flatten-alt coverage)
  (-> Coverage (List Coverage))
  (case coverage
    (#Alt left right)
    (list& left (flatten-alt right))

    (list coverage)))

(struct: _ (Eq Coverage)
  (def: (= reference sample)
    (case [reference sample]
      [#Total #Total]

      [(#Bool sideR) (#Bool sideS)]
      (B/= sideR sideS)

      [(#Variant allR casesR) (#Variant allS casesS)]
      (and (n.= allR allS)
           (:: (D;Eq<Dict> =) = casesR casesS))

      [(#Seq leftR rightR) (#Seq leftS rightS)]
      (and (= leftR leftS)
           (= rightR rightS))

      [(#Alt _) (#Alt _)]
      (let [flatR (flatten-alt reference)
            flatS (flatten-alt sample)]
        (and (n.= (list;size flatR) (list;size flatS))
             (list;every? (function [[coverageR coverageS]]
                            (= coverageR coverageS))
                          (list;zip2 flatR flatS))))


(open Eq<Coverage> "C/")

## After determining the coverage of each individual pattern, it is
## necessary to merge them all to figure out if the entire
## pattern-matching expression is total and whether it contains
## redundant patterns.
(def: #export (merge addition so-far)
  (-> Coverage Coverage (R;Result Coverage))
  (case [addition so-far]
    ## The addition cannot possibly improve the coverage.
    [_ #Total]

    ## The addition completes the coverage.
    [#Total _]
    (R/wrap #Total)

    [#Partial #Partial]
    (R/wrap #Partial)

    ## 2 boolean coverages are total if they compliment one another.
    (^multi [(#Bool sideA) (#Bool sideSF)]
            (xor sideA sideSF))
    (R/wrap #Total)

    [(#Variant allA casesA) (#Variant allSF casesSF)]
    (cond (not (n.= allSF allA))
          (R;fail "Variants do not match.")

          (:: (D;Eq<Dict> Eq<Coverage>) = casesSF casesA)

          ## else
          (do R;Monad<Result>
            [casesM (foldM @
                           (function [[tagA coverageA] casesSF']
                             (case (D;get tagA casesSF')
                               (#;Some coverageSF)
                               (do @
                                 [coverageM (merge coverageA coverageSF)]
                                 (wrap (D;put tagA coverageM casesSF')))

                               (wrap (D;put tagA coverageA casesSF'))))
                           casesSF (D;entries casesA))]
            (wrap (if (let [case-coverages (D;values casesM)]
                        (and (n.= allSF (list;size case-coverages))
                             (list;every? total? case-coverages)))
                    (#Variant allSF casesM)))))

    [(#Seq leftA rightA) (#Seq leftSF rightSF)]
    (case [(C/= leftSF leftA) (C/= rightSF rightA)]
      ## There is nothing the addition adds to the coverage.
      [true true]

      ## The 2 sequences cannot possibly be merged.
      [false false]
      (R/wrap (#Alt so-far addition))

      ## Same prefix
      [true false]
      (do R;Monad<Result>
        [rightM (merge rightA rightSF)]
        (if (total? rightM)
          ## If all that follows is total, then it can be safely dropped
          ## (since only the "left" part would influence whether the
          ## merged coverage is total or not).
          (wrap leftSF)
          (wrap (#Seq leftSF rightM))))

      ## Same suffix
      [false true]
      (do R;Monad<Result>
        [leftM (merge leftA leftSF)]
        (wrap (#Seq leftM rightA))))
    ## The left part will always match, so the addition is redundant.
    (^multi [(#Seq left right) single]
            (C/= left single))

    ## The right part is not necessary, since it can always match the left.
    (^multi [single (#Seq left right)]
            (C/= left single))
    (R/wrap single)

    ## When merging a new coverage against one based on Alt, it may be
    ## that one of the many coverages in the Alt is complementary to
    ## the new one, so effort must be made to fuse carefully, to match
    ## the right coverages together.
    ## If one of the Alt sub-coverages matches the new one, the cycle
    ## must be repeated, in case the resulting coverage can now match
    ## other ones in the original Alt.
    ## This process must be repeated until no further productive
    ## merges can be done.
    [_ (#Alt leftS rightS)]
    (do R;Monad<Result>
      [#let [fuse-once (: (-> Coverage (List Coverage)
                              (R;Result [(Maybe Coverage)
                                         (List Coverage)]))
                          (function [coverage possibilities]
                            (loop [alts possibilities]
                              (case alts
                                (wrap [#;None (list coverage)])
                                (#;Cons alt alts')
                                (case (merge coverage alt)
                                  (#R;Success altM)
                                  (case altM
                                    (#Alt _)
                                    (do @
                                      [[success alts+] (recur alts')]
                                      (wrap [success (#;Cons alt alts+)]))

                                    (wrap [(#;Some altM) alts']))
                                  (#R;Error error)
                                  (R;fail error))
       [success possibilities] (fuse-once addition (flatten-alt so-far))]
      (loop [success success
             possibilities possibilities]
        (case success
          (#;Some coverage')
          (do @
            [[success' possibilities'] (fuse-once coverage' possibilities)]
            (recur success' possibilities'))
          (case (list;reverse possibilities)
            (#;Cons last prevs)
            (wrap (L/fold (function [left right] (#Alt left right))


    (if (C/= so-far addition)
      ## The addition cannot possibly improve the coverage.
      ## There are now 2 alternative paths.
      (R/wrap (#Alt so-far addition)))))