(lux (control [monad #+ do]
["ex" exception #+ exception:])
(data ["e" error]
(meta [type]
(type ["tc" check]))
[host #+ do-to])
(luxc ["&" base]
[";L" host]
(lang ["la" analysis])
["&;" module]
(generator [";G" common]))
(. ["&&;" common]
["&&;" function]
["&&;" primitive]
["&&;" reference]
["&&;" type]
["&&;" structure]
["&&;" case]
["&&;" procedure]))
(for {"JVM" (as-is (host;import java.lang.reflect.Method
(invoke [Object (Array Object)] #try Object))
(host;import (java.lang.Class c)
(getMethod [String (Array (Class Object))] #try Method))
(host;import java.lang.Object
(getClass [] (Class Object))
(toString [] String))
(def: _object-class (Class Object) (host;class-for Object))
(def: _apply-args
(Array (Class Object))
(|> (host;array (Class Object) +2)
(host;array-write +0 _object-class)
(host;array-write +1 _object-class)))
(def: (call-macro macro inputs)
(-> Macro (List Code) (Meta (List Code)))
(do meta;Monad
[class (commonG;load-class hostL;function-class)]
(function [compiler]
(do e;Monad
[apply-method (Class.getMethod ["apply" _apply-args] class)
output (Method.invoke [(:! Object macro)
(|> (host;array Object +2)
(host;array-write +0 (:! Object inputs))
(host;array-write +1 (:! Object compiler)))]
(:! (e;Error [Compiler (List Code)])
(exception: #export Macro-Expression-Must-Have-Single-Expansion)
(def: (to-branches raw)
(-> (List Code) (Meta (List [Code Code])))
(case raw
(^ (list))
(:: meta;Monad wrap (list))
(^ (list& patternH bodyH inputT))
(do meta;Monad
[outputT (to-branches inputT)]
(wrap (list& [patternH bodyH] outputT)))
(&;fail "Uneven expressions for pattern-matching.")))
(def: #export (analyser eval)
(-> &;Eval &;Analyser)
(: (-> Code (Meta la;Analysis))
(function analyse [ast]
(do meta;Monad
[expectedT meta;expected-type]
(let [[cursor ast'] ast]
## The cursor must be set in the compiler for the sake
## of having useful error messages.
(&;with-cursor cursor
(case ast'
(^template [ ]
( value)
( value))
([#;Bool &&primitive;analyse-bool]
[#;Nat &&primitive;analyse-nat]
[#;Int &&primitive;analyse-int]
[#;Deg &&primitive;analyse-deg]
[#;Frac &&primitive;analyse-frac]
[#;Text &&primitive;analyse-text])
(^ (#;Tuple (list)))
## Singleton tuples are equivalent to the element they contain.
(^ (#;Tuple (list singleton)))
(analyse singleton)
(^ (#;Tuple elems))
(&&structure;analyse-product analyse elems)
(^ (#;Record pairs))
(&&structure;analyse-record analyse pairs)
(#;Symbol reference)
(&&reference;analyse-reference reference)
(^ (#;Form (list [_ (#;Text "lux function")]
[_ (#;Symbol ["" func-name])]
[_ (#;Symbol ["" arg-name])]
(&&function;analyse-function analyse func-name arg-name body)
(^template [ ]
(^ (#;Form (list [_ (#;Text )] type value)))
( analyse eval type value))
(["lux check" &&type;analyse-check]
["lux coerce" &&type;analyse-coerce])
(^ (#;Form (list [_ (#;Text "lux check type")] valueC)))
(do meta;Monad
[valueA (&;with-expected-type Type
(analyse valueC))
expected meta;expected-type
_ (&;with-type-env
(tc;check expected Type))]
(wrap valueA))
(^ (#;Form (list& [_ (#;Text "lux case")]
(do meta;Monad
[paired (to-branches branches)]
(&&case;analyse-case analyse input paired))
(^ (#;Form (list& [_ (#;Text proc-name)] proc-args)))
(&&procedure;analyse-procedure analyse proc-name proc-args)
(^template [ ]
(^ (#;Form (list& [_ ( tag)]
(case values
(#;Cons value #;Nil)
( analyse tag value)
( analyse tag (` [(~@ values)]))))
([#;Nat &&structure;analyse-sum]
[#;Tag &&structure;analyse-tagged-sum])
(#;Tag tag)
(&&structure;analyse-tagged-sum analyse tag (' []))
(^ (#;Form (list& func args)))
(do meta;Monad
[[funcT =func] (&&common;with-unknown-type
(analyse func))]
(case =func
(#la;Definition def-name)
(do @
[[def-type def-anns def-value] (meta;find-def def-name)]
(if (meta;macro? def-anns)
(do @
[expansion (function [compiler]
(case (call-macro (:! Macro def-value) args compiler)
(#e;Success [compiler' output])
(#e;Success [compiler' output])
(#e;Error error)
((&;fail error) compiler)))]
(case expansion
(^ (list single))
(analyse single)
(&;throw Macro-Expression-Must-Have-Single-Expansion (%code ast))))
(&&function;analyse-apply analyse funcT =func args)))
(&&function;analyse-apply analyse funcT =func args)))
(&;fail (format "Unrecognized syntax: " (%code ast)))