## Copyright (c) Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved. ## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. ## If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, ## You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. (;module: lux (lux [cli #+ program:] [compiler #+ Monad] host [lexer] [macro] [math] [pipe] [random] [regex] [test] [type] (codata [cont] [env] function [io #- run] [state] (struct [stream #+ Stream "Stream/" Functor])) (concurrency [actor] [atom] [frp] [promise] [stm]) (control [applicative] [bounded] [codec] [comonad] [effect] [enum] [eq] [fold] [functor] [hash] monad [monoid] ["_;" number] [ord]) (data [bit] [bool] [char] [error] [ident "Ident/" Codec] [identity] [log] maybe [number #* "Nat/" Codec] [product] [sum] [text "Text/" Monoid Eq] (error [exception]) (format [json]) (struct [array] [dict] [list #+ "List/" Monoid Functor Fold] [queue] [set] [stack] [tree] [vector] [zipper]) text/format) (macro [ast] [poly] ["s" syntax] (poly ["poly_;" eq] ["poly_;" functor] ["poly_;" text-encoder]) (syntax [common])) (math [complex] [ratio] [simple]) (type [auto] [check]) )) (def: name-options "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") (def: name-options-count (text;size name-options)) (def: (id->name id) (-> Nat Text) (if (n.> name-options-count id) (format (id->name (n./ name-options-count id)) (id->name (n.% name-options-count id))) (char;as-text (default #"?" (text;at id name-options))))) (def: type-var-names (Stream Text) (Stream/map id->name (stream;iterate n.inc +0))) (def: (type-arg? id) (-> Nat Bool) (n.= +1 (n.% +2 id))) (def: (arg-id level id) (-> Nat Nat Nat) (n.- (n./ +2 id) level)) (def: (bound->name [type-fun-name type-fun-args] level id) (-> [Text (List Text)] Nat Nat Text) (if (type-arg? id) (let [_arg-id (arg-id level id)] (case (list;at _arg-id type-fun-args) (#;Some found) found _ (|> type-var-names (stream;filter (lambda [var-name] (not (list;member? text;Eq type-fun-args var-name)))) (stream;at _arg-id)))) type-fun-name)) (do-template [ ] [(def: ( level type) (-> Nat Type [Nat Type]) (case type ( env type') ( (n.inc level) type') _ [level type])) (def: ( +0))] [unravel-univ unravel-univ' #;UnivQ] [unravel-ex unravel-ex' #;ExQ]) (def: (level->args offset level) (-> Nat Nat (List Text)) (if (n.= +0 level) (list) (|> level n.dec (list;n.range +0) (List/map (|>. (n.+ (n.inc offset)) id->name))))) (def: (prefix-lines prefix lines) (-> Text Text Text) (|> lines text;split-lines (List/map (Text/append prefix)) ## (list;interpose "\n") (text;join-with ""))) (def: (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info tags module sig? type-rec? type) (-> Nat [Text (List Text)] (List Ident) Text Bool Bool Type Text) (case tags (^ (list [_ single-tag])) (if sig? (format "(: " (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec? type) "\n " single-tag ")") (format "{#" single-tag " " (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec? type) "}")) _ (case [type-rec? type] [_ (#;HostT name params)] (case params #;Nil (format "(host " name ")") _ (format "(host " name " " (|> params (List/map (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec?)) (text;join-with " ")) ")")) [_ #;VoidT] "Void" [_ #;UnitT] "Unit" [_ (#;SumT _)] (let [members (type;flatten-variant type)] (case tags #;Nil (format "(| " (|> members (List/map (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec?)) (text;join-with " ")) ")") _ (|> members (list;zip2 tags) (List/map (lambda [[[_ t-name] type]] (case type #;UnitT (format "#" t-name) (#;ProdT _) (let [types (type;flatten-tuple type)] (format "(#" t-name " " (|> types (List/map (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec?)) (text;join-with " ")) ")")) _ (format "(#" t-name " " (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec? type) ")")))) (text;join-with "\n")))) [_ (#;ProdT _)] (let [members (type;flatten-tuple type)] (case tags #;Nil (format "[" (|> members (List/map (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec?)) (text;join-with " ")) "]") _ (let [member-docs (|> members (list;zip2 tags) (List/map (lambda [[[_ t-name] type]] (if sig? (format "(: " (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec? type) "\n " t-name ")") (format "#" t-name " " (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec? type))))) (text;join-with "\n "))] (if sig? member-docs (format "{" member-docs "}"))))) [_ (#;LambdaT input output)] (let [[ins out] (type;flatten-function type)] (format "(-> " (|> ins (List/map (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec?)) (text;join-with " ")) " " (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec? out) ")")) [_ (#;BoundT idx)] (bound->name type-fun-info level idx) (^template [
        [_ ( id)]
 (Nat/encode id) ))
      ([#;VarT "⌈v:" "⌋"]
       [#;ExT  "⟨e:" "⟩"])
      (^template [  ]
        [_ ( _)]
        (let [[level' body] ( type)
              args (level->args level level')
              body-doc (pprint-type-def (n.+ level level') type-fun-info tags module sig? type-rec? body)]
          (format "("  " " "[" (text;join-with " " args) "]"
                  (case tags
                    (format " " body-doc)

                    (format "\n" (prefix-lines "  " body-doc)))
      ([#;UnivQ "All" unravel-univ]
       [#;ExQ   "Ex"  unravel-ex])

      [true (#;AppT (#;BoundT +0) (#;BoundT +1))]
      (product;left type-fun-info)
      [_ (#;AppT fun param)]
      (let [[type-fun type-args] (type;flatten-application type)]
        (format  "(" (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info tags module sig? type-rec? type-fun) " " (|> type-args (List/map (pprint-type-def level type-fun-info #;None module sig? type-rec?)) (text;join-with " ")) ")"))
      [_ (#;NamedT [_module _name] type)]
      (if (Text/= module _module)
        (Ident/encode [_module _name]))

(def: (pprint-type level type-fun-name module type)
  (-> Nat Text Text Type Text)
  (case type
    (#;HostT name params)
    (case params
      (format "(host " name ")")

      (format "(host " name " " (|> params (List/map (pprint-type level type-fun-name module)) (list;interpose " ") (text;join-with "")) ")"))


    (#;SumT _)
    (let [members (type;flatten-variant type)]
      (format "(| " (|> members (List/map (pprint-type level type-fun-name module)) (list;interpose " ") (text;join-with "")) ")"))


    (#;ProdT _)
    (let [members (type;flatten-tuple type)]
      (format "[" (|> members (List/map (pprint-type level type-fun-name module)) (list;interpose " ") (text;join-with "")) "]"))

    (#;LambdaT input output)
    (let [[ins out] (type;flatten-function type)]
      (format  "(-> "
               (|> ins (List/map (pprint-type level type-fun-name module)) (list;interpose " ") (text;join-with ""))
               " "
               (pprint-type level type-fun-name module out)

    (#;BoundT idx)
    (bound->name [type-fun-name (list)] level idx)

    (^template [ 
      ( id)
 (Nat/encode id) ))
    ([#;VarT "⌈" "⌋"]
     [#;ExT  "⟨" "⟩"])

    (^template [  ]
      ( _)
      (let [[level' body] ( type)
            args (level->args level level')
            body-doc (pprint-type (n.+ level level') type-fun-name module body)]
        (format "("  " " "[" (|> args (list;interpose " ") (text;join-with "")) "]"
                (format " " body-doc)
    ([#;UnivQ "All" unravel-univ]
     [#;ExQ   "Ex"  unravel-ex])

    (#;AppT fun param)
    (let [[type-fun type-args] (type;flatten-application type)]
      (format  "(" (pprint-type level type-fun-name module type-fun) " " (|> type-args (List/map (pprint-type level type-fun-name module)) (list;interpose " ") (text;join-with "")) ")"))

    (#;NamedT [_module _name] type)
    (if (Text/= module _module)
      (Ident/encode [_module _name]))

(type: Markdown

(type: DefOrg
  {#types (List [Text Anns Type])
   #macros (List [Text Anns])
   #structs (List [Text Anns Type])
   #values (List [Text Anns Type])})

(def: (lux-module? module-name)
  (-> Text Bool)
  (or (Text/= "lux" module-name)
      (text;starts-with? "lux/" module-name)))

(do-template [ ]
  [(def: ( docs)
     (-> (List Markdown) Markdown)
     (text;join-with "\n\n" docs))]

  [join-def-docs     "\n\n"]
  [join-doc-sections "\n\n"]

(def: (cons h t)
  (All [a] (-> a (List a) (List a)))
  (#;Cons h t))

(def: (add-def [name [def-type def-meta def-value]] org)
  (-> [Text Def] DefOrg DefOrg)
  (cond (compiler;type? def-meta)
        (update@ #types (cons [name def-meta (:coerce Type def-value)]) org)
        (compiler;macro? def-meta)
        (update@ #macros (cons [name def-meta]) org)

        (compiler;struct? def-meta)
        (update@ #structs (cons [name def-meta def-type]) org)

        ## else
        (update@ #values (cons [name def-meta def-type]) org)))

(def: def-sorter
  (All [r] (-> (List [Text r]) (List [Text r])))
  (list;sort (: (All [r] (-> [Text r] [Text r] Bool))
                (lambda [[n1 _] [n2 _]] (:: text;Ord < n1 n2)))))

(def: (organize-defs defs)
  (-> (List [Text Def]) DefOrg)
  (let [init {#types (list)
              #macros (list)
              #structs (list)
              #values (list)}]
    (|> (List/fold add-def init defs)
        (update@ #types def-sorter)
        (update@ #macros def-sorter)
        (update@ #structs def-sorter)
        (update@ #values def-sorter))))

(def: (unravel-type-func level type)
  (-> Nat Type Type)
  (if (n.> +0 level)
    (case type
      (#;UnivQ _env _type)
      (unravel-type-func (n.dec level) _type)


(def: (unrecurse-type type)
  (-> Type Type)
  (case type
    (#;AppT (#;UnivQ _env _type) _)


(def: #export (when! test f x)
  (All [a] (-> Bool (-> a a) a a))
  (if test
    (f x)

(def: #export (if! test f g x)
  (All [a b] (-> Bool (-> a b) (-> a b) a b))
  (if test
    (f x)
    (g x)))

(def: (doc-type module type def-meta)
  (-> Text Type Anns (Lux Markdown))
  (case type
    (#;NamedT type-name type)
    (do Monad
      [tags (compiler;tags-of type-name)
       #let [[_ _name] type-name
             type-rec? (compiler;type-rec? def-meta)
             type-args (compiler;type-args def-meta)
             sig? (compiler;sig? def-meta)
             usage (case type-args

                     (format "(" (text;join-with " " (list& _name type-args)) ")"))
             nesting (list;size type-args)]]
      (wrap (format (if sig? "(sig: " "(type: ") (if type-rec? "#rec " "") usage "\n"
                    (|> (pprint-type-def (n.dec nesting)
                                         [_name type-args]
                                         tags module sig? type-rec?
                                         (|> type
                                             (unravel-type-func nesting)
                                             (when! type-rec? unrecurse-type)))
                        (List/map (Text/append "  "))
                        (text;join-with "\n"))

    (compiler;fail (format "A type definition must always be named! - " (type;to-text type)))))

(def: (doc-types module types)
  (-> Text (List [Text Anns Type]) (Lux Markdown))
  (do Monad
    [type-docs (mapM @
                     (: (-> [Text Anns Type] (Lux Markdown))
                        (lambda [[name def-meta type]]
                          (do Monad
                            [#let [?doc (compiler;get-doc def-meta)
                                   name (|> name
                                            (text;replace "<" "<")
                                            (text;replace ">" ">"))]
                             type-doc (doc-type module type def-meta)]
                            (wrap (format "### " name "\n"
                                          (case ?doc
                                            (#;Some doc)
                                            (format doc "\n")

                                          "```\n" type-doc "\n```")))))
    (|> type-docs
        (format "## Types\n")

(def: (doc-macros module-name names)
  (-> Text (List [Text Anns]) Markdown)
  (|> names
      (List/map (: (-> [Text Anns] Markdown)
                   (lambda [[name def-meta]]
                     (let [name (|> name
                                    (text;replace "<" "<")
                                    (text;replace ">" ">"))]
                       (format "### " name "\n"
                               (default ""
                                 (do Monad
                                   [doc (compiler;get-doc def-meta)]
                                   (wrap (format "```\n" doc "\n```")))))))))
      (format "## Macros\n")))

(do-template [  
] [(def: (-> Text Type Markdown) (pprint-type (n.dec +0) "?")) (def: ( module values) (-> Text (List [Text Anns Type]) Markdown) (|> values (List/map (lambda [[name def-meta value-type]] (let [?doc (compiler;get-doc def-meta) usage (case (compiler;func-args def-meta) #;Nil name args (format "(" (text;join-with " " (list& name args)) ")")) usage (|> usage (text;replace "<" "<") (text;replace ">" ">"))] (format "### " usage "\n" (case ?doc (#;Some doc) (format "```\n" doc "\n```\n") _ "") "`" ( module value-type) "`")))) join-def-docs (format
)))] [doc-struct doc-structs "## Structs\n"] [doc-value doc-values "## Values\n"] ) (def: (enclose-lines pre+post block) (-> [Text Text] Text Text) (|> block text;split-lines (List/map (text;enclose pre+post)) (text;join-with "\n"))) (def: (doc-module [[module-name module] org]) (-> [[Text Module] DefOrg] (Lux [Text Markdown])) (do Monad [#let [(^slots [#types #macros #structs #values]) org anns (|> module (get@ #;module-anns) compiler;get-doc)] types-md (if (list;empty? types) (wrap "") (doc-types module-name types)) #let [doc-desc (case anns #;None "" (#;Some doc) (format "\n" (enclose-lines ["> " ""] doc) "\n")) doc-body (join-doc-sections (list types-md (if (list;empty? macros) "" (doc-macros module-name macros)) (if (list;empty? structs) "" (doc-structs module-name structs)) (if (list;empty? values) "" (doc-values module-name values))))]] (wrap [module-name (format "## " module-name "\n" doc-desc "\n" doc-body)]))) (jvm-import java.io.File (new [java.lang.String])) (jvm-import java.io.PrintWriter (new [java.io.File] #io #try) (println [java.lang.String] #io void)) (jvm-import java.io.Writer (flush [] #io #try void)) (def: (save-docs! [module-name docs]) (-> [Text Markdown] (IO Unit)) (do Monad [?target (|> (format (text;replace "/" "_" module-name) ".md") File.new PrintWriter.new)] (case ?target (#;Left _) (wrap []) (#;Right target) (do @ [_ (PrintWriter.println docs target) _ (Writer.flush [] target)] (wrap []))))) (macro: (gen-docs! _) (do Monad [all-modules compiler;modules #let [lux-modules (|> all-modules (list;filter (. lux-module? product;left)) (list;sort (lambda [[left _] [right _]] (:: text;Ord < left right))))] lux-exports (mapM @ (. compiler;exports product;left) lux-modules) module-docs (mapM @ doc-module (list;zip2 lux-modules (List/map organize-defs lux-exports))) #let [_ (io;run (mapM Monad save-docs! module-docs))]] (wrap (list)))) (gen-docs!) (program: args (io (log! "Done!")))