(.module: [lux #* [program (#+ program:)] ["." host] ["." debug] [abstract ["." monad (#+ do)]] [control [pipe (#+ exec> case> new>)] ["." try (#+ Try)] ["." exception (#+ exception:)] ["." io (#+ IO io)] [concurrency ["." promise (#+ Promise)]]] [data ["." maybe] ["." text ("#\." hash) ["%" format (#+ format)] ["." encoding]] [collection ["." array (#+ Array)]]] [macro ["." template]] [math [number (#+ hex) ["n" nat] ["." i64]]] ["." world #_ ["." file] ["#/." program]] ["@" target ["_" scheme]] [tool [compiler [phase (#+ Operation Phase)] [reference [variable (#+ Register)]] [language [lux [program (#+ Program)] [generation (#+ Context Host)] ["." synthesis] [analysis [macro (#+ Expander)]] [phase ["." extension (#+ Extender Handler) ["#/." bundle] ["." analysis #_ ["#" scheme]] ["." generation #_ ["#" scheme]]] [generation ["." reference] ["." scheme ["." runtime]]]]]] [default ["." platform (#+ Platform)]] [meta ["." packager #_ ["#" script]]]]]] [program ["/" compositor ["#." cli] ["#." static]]]) (host.import: java/lang/Boolean) (host.import: java/lang/String) (host.import: (java/lang/Class a)) (host.import: java/lang/Object ["#::." (toString [] java/lang/String) (getClass [] (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))]) (host.import: java/lang/Long ["#::." (intValue [] java/lang/Integer)]) (host.import: java/lang/Integer ["#::." (longValue [] java/lang/Long)]) (host.import: gnu/math/IntNum ["#::." (new #manual [int]) (longValue [] long)]) (host.import: gnu/math/DFloNum ["#::." (doubleValue [] double)]) (host.import: gnu/lists/FString ["#::." (toString [] String)]) (host.import: gnu/lists/IString ["#::." (toString [] String)]) (host.import: gnu/lists/Pair ["#::." (getCar [] java/lang/Object) (getCdr [] java/lang/Object)]) (host.import: gnu/lists/EmptyList ["#::." (#static emptyList gnu/lists/EmptyList)]) (host.import: (gnu/lists/FVector E) ["#::." (getBufferLength [] int) (getRaw [int] E)]) (host.import: gnu/lists/U8Vector) (host.import: gnu/mapping/Procedure ["#::." (apply2 [java/lang/Object java/lang/Object] #try java/lang/Object) (applyN [[java/lang/Object]] #try java/lang/Object)]) (host.import: gnu/mapping/Environment) (host.import: gnu/expr/Language ["#::." (eval [java/lang/String] #try java/lang/Object)]) (host.import: kawa/standard/Scheme ["#::." (#static getR7rsInstance [] kawa/standard/Scheme)]) (def: (variant? value) (-> Any Bit) (case (host.check [java/lang/Object] (:coerce java/lang/Object value)) (#.Some array) ## TODO: Get rid of this coercion ASAP. (let [array (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) array)] (and (n.= 3 (array.size array)) (case (array.read 0 array) (#.Some tag) (case (host.check java/lang/Integer tag) (#.Some _) true #.None false) #.None false))) #.None false)) (template [] [(host.interface: (getValue [] java/lang/Object)) (`` (host.import: (~~ (template.identifier ["program/" ])) ["#::." (getValue [] java/lang/Object)]))] [VariantValue] [TupleValue] ) (def: (variant_value lux_value cdr? value) (-> (-> java/lang/Object java/lang/Object) Bit (Array java/lang/Object) gnu/lists/Pair) (host.object [] gnu/lists/Pair [program/VariantValue] [] ## Methods (program/VariantValue [] (getValue self) java/lang/Object (:coerce java/lang/Object value)) (gnu/lists/Pair [] (getCar self) java/lang/Object (if cdr? (case (array.read 1 value) (#.Some flag_is_set) true #.None false) (|> value (array.read 0) maybe.assume (:coerce java/lang/Integer) gnu/math/IntNum::new))) (gnu/lists/Pair [] (getCdr self) java/lang/Object (if cdr? (|> value (array.read 2) maybe.assume lux_value) (variant_value lux_value true value))))) (def: (tuple_value lux_value value) (-> (-> java/lang/Object java/lang/Object) (Array java/lang/Object) gnu/lists/FVector) (host.object [] gnu/lists/SimpleVector [program/TupleValue gnu/lists/GVector] [] ## Methods (program/TupleValue [] (getValue self) java/lang/Object (:coerce java/lang/Object value)) (gnu/lists/SimpleVector [] (getBufferLength self) int (host.long_to_int (array.size value))) (gnu/lists/SimpleVector [] (getRaw self {idx int}) java/lang/Object (|> value (array.read (|> idx java/lang/Integer::longValue (:coerce Nat))) maybe.assume lux_value)) (gnu/lists/SimpleVector [] (getBuffer self) java/lang/Object (undefined)) (gnu/lists/SimpleVector [] (setBuffer self {_ java/lang/Object}) void (undefined)) (gnu/lists/SimpleVector [] (clearBuffer self {_ int} {_ int}) void (undefined)) (gnu/lists/SimpleVector [] (copyBuffer self {_ int}) void (undefined)) (gnu/lists/SimpleVector [] (newInstance self {_ int}) gnu/lists/SimpleVector (undefined)) )) (exception: (unknown_kind_of_host_object {object java/lang/Object}) (exception.report ["Class" (java/lang/Object::toString (java/lang/Object::getClass object))] ["Object" (java/lang/Object::toString object)])) (exception: (cannot_apply_a_non_function {object java/lang/Object}) (exception.report ["Class" (java/lang/Object::toString (java/lang/Object::getClass object))] ["Object" (java/lang/Object::toString object)])) (def: (lux_value value) (-> java/lang/Object java/lang/Object) (<| (case (host.check [java/lang/Object] value) (#.Some value) ## TODO: Get rid of the coercions below. (if (variant? value) (variant_value lux_value false (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) value)) (tuple_value lux_value (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) value))) #.None) value)) (type: (Reader a) (-> a (Try Any))) (def: (variant tag flag value) (-> Nat Bit Any Any) [(java/lang/Long::intValue (:coerce java/lang/Long tag)) (: Any (if flag synthesis.unit (host.null))) value]) (def: (read_variant read host_object) (-> (Reader java/lang/Object) (Reader gnu/lists/Pair)) (do try.monad [tag (read (gnu/lists/Pair::getCar host_object)) #let [host_object (:coerce gnu/lists/Pair (gnu/lists/Pair::getCdr host_object)) flag (case (host.check java/lang/Boolean (gnu/lists/Pair::getCar host_object)) (#.Some flag) (:coerce Bit flag) #.None (undefined))] value (read (gnu/lists/Pair::getCdr host_object))] (wrap (..variant (:coerce Nat tag) flag value)))) (def: (read_tuple read host_object) (-> (Reader java/lang/Object) (Reader (gnu/lists/FVector java/lang/Object))) (let [size (.nat (gnu/lists/FVector::getBufferLength host_object))] (loop [idx 0 output (: (Array Any) (array.new size))] (if (n.< size idx) (case (read (gnu/lists/FVector::getRaw (.int idx) host_object)) (#try.Failure error) (#try.Failure error) (#try.Success lux_value) (recur (inc idx) (array.write! idx (: Any lux_value) output))) (#try.Success output))))) (def: (read host_object) (Reader java/lang/Object) (`` (<| (~~ (template [] [(case (host.check host_object) (#.Some host_object) (#try.Success host_object) #.None)] [java/lang/Boolean] [java/lang/Long] [java/lang/Double] [java/lang/String] [gnu/mapping/Procedure] [gnu/lists/U8Vector] )) (~~ (template [ ] [(case (host.check host_object) (#.Some host_object) (#try.Success (<| host_object)) #.None)] [java/lang/Integer java/lang/Integer::longValue] [gnu/lists/EmptyList (new> [] [])] [gnu/math/IntNum gnu/math/IntNum::longValue] [gnu/math/DFloNum gnu/math/DFloNum::doubleValue] [gnu/lists/FString gnu/lists/FString::toString] [gnu/lists/IString gnu/lists/IString::toString] [program/VariantValue program/VariantValue::getValue] [program/TupleValue program/TupleValue::getValue] )) (case (host.check gnu/lists/Pair host_object) (#.Some host_object) (read_variant read host_object) #.None) (case (host.check gnu/lists/FVector host_object) (#.Some host_object) (read_tuple read (:coerce (gnu/lists/FVector java/lang/Object) host_object)) #.None) ## else (exception.throw ..unknown_kind_of_host_object host_object)))) (def: ensure_macro (-> Macro (Maybe gnu/mapping/Procedure)) (|>> (:coerce java/lang/Object) (host.check gnu/mapping/Procedure))) (def: (expander macro inputs lux) Expander (case (..ensure_macro macro) (#.Some macro) (case (gnu/mapping/Procedure::apply2 (lux_value (:coerce java/lang/Object inputs)) (lux_value (:coerce java/lang/Object lux)) macro) (#try.Success output) (|> output ..read (:coerce (Try (Try [Lux (List Code)])))) (#try.Failure error) (#try.Failure error)) #.None (exception.throw ..cannot_apply_a_non_function (:coerce java/lang/Object macro))) ) (def: separator "$") (def: host (IO (Host _.Expression _.Expression)) (io (let [interpreter (kawa/standard/Scheme::getR7rsInstance) run! (: (-> (_.Code Any) (Try Any)) (function (_ input) (do try.monad [output (gnu/expr/Language::eval (_.code input) interpreter)] (read output))))] (: (Host _.Expression _.Expression) (structure (def: (evaluate! context code) (run! code)) (def: (execute! input) (gnu/expr/Language::eval (_.code input) interpreter)) (def: (define! context input) (let [global (reference.artifact context) @global (_.var global)] (do try.monad [#let [definition (_.define_constant @global input)] _ (gnu/expr/Language::eval (_.code definition) interpreter) value (run! @global)] (wrap [global value definition])))) (def: (ingest context content) (|> content (\ encoding.utf8 decode) try.assume (:coerce _.Expression))) (def: (re_learn context content) (run! content)) (def: (re_load context content) (do try.monad [_ (run! content)] (run! (_.var (reference.artifact context))))) ))))) (def: platform (IO (Platform _.Var _.Expression _.Expression)) (do io.monad [host ..host] (wrap {#platform.&file_system (file.async file.default) #platform.host host #platform.phase scheme.generate #platform.runtime runtime.generate #platform.write (|>> _.code (\ encoding.utf8 encode))}))) (def: (program context program) (Program _.Expression _.Expression) (_.apply/2 program ## TODO: Figure out how to always get the command-line ## arguments. ## It appears that it differs between Scheme implementations. (runtime.lux//program_args _.nil) _.nil)) (for {@.old (def: extender Extender ## TODO: Stop relying on coercions ASAP. (<| (:coerce Extender) (function (@self handler)) (:coerce Handler) (function (@self name phase)) (:coerce Phase) (function (@self archive parameters)) (:coerce Operation) (function (@self state)) (:coerce Try) try.assume (:coerce Try) (do try.monad [handler (try.from_maybe (..ensure_macro (:coerce Macro handler))) output (gnu/mapping/Procedure::applyN (array.from_list (list (lux_value (:coerce java/lang/Object name)) (lux_value (:coerce java/lang/Object phase)) (lux_value (:coerce java/lang/Object archive)) (lux_value (:coerce java/lang/Object parameters)) (lux_value (:coerce java/lang/Object state)))) handler)] (..read output)))) @.scheme (def: (extender handler) Extender (:assume handler))}) (def: (declare_success! _) (-> Any (Promise Any)) (promise.future (\ world/program.default exit +0))) (def: (then pre post) (-> _.Expression _.Expression _.Expression) (_.manual (format (_.code pre) text.new_line (_.code post)))) (def: (scope body) (-> _.Expression _.Expression) (let [@program (_.var "lux_program")] ($_ ..then (_.define_function @program [(list) #.None] body) (_.apply/* (list) @program) ))) (`` (program: [{service /cli.service}] (let [extension ".scm"] (do io.monad [platform ..platform] (exec (do promise.monad [_ (/.compiler {#/static.host @.scheme #/static.host_module_extension extension #/static.target (/cli.target service) #/static.artifact_extension extension} ..expander analysis.bundle (io.io platform) generation.bundle extension/bundle.empty ..program [_.Var _.Expression _.Expression] ..extender service [(packager.package (_.manual "") _.code ..then ..scope) (format (/cli.target service) (\ file.default separator) "program" extension)])] (..declare_success! [])) (io.io []))))))