;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. ;; If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. (ns leiningen.lux.watch (:require [leiningen.core.classpath :as classpath]) (:import (java.io File) (java.nio.file FileSystems Path WatchEvent$Kind StandardWatchEventKinds WatchService WatchKey))) (defn ^:private file-tree [path] (let [dir (new File path)] (if (and (.exists dir) (.isDirectory dir)) (->> (.listFiles dir) (mapcat (comp file-tree #(.getAbsolutePath ^File %))) (cons path)) (list)))) (defn ^:private drain! [^WatchService watcher] (when-let [^WatchKey key (.poll watcher)] (when (and (.isValid key) (not (.isEmpty (.pollEvents key)))) (.reset key) (recur watcher)))) (defn watch [action project] (let [fs (FileSystems/getDefault) ^WatchService watcher (.newWatchService fs) dirs-to-watch (->> (concat (get project :test-paths (list)) (get project :source-paths (list))) (mapcat file-tree) (map #(.getPath fs % (into-array String [])))) _ (doseq [^Path dir dirs-to-watch] (.register dir watcher (into-array WatchEvent$Kind [StandardWatchEventKinds/ENTRY_MODIFY])))] (do (action) (loop [] (do (when-let [^WatchKey key (.poll watcher)] (when (.isValid key) (.pollEvents key) (.reset key) (drain! watcher) (action))) (Thread/sleep 1000) (recur)))) ))