# Develop ``` cd ~/lux/lux-js/ \ && lux clean \ && lux with js auto build ``` # Build ``` cd ~/lux/lux-js/ \ && lux clean \ && lux with js auto build ## Build JVM-based compiler cd ~/lux/lux-js/ \ && lux clean \ && lux with jvm build \ && mv target/program.jar jvm_based_compiler.jar ## Use JVM-based compiler to produce a JS/Node-based compiler. cd ~/lux/lux-js/ \ && lux clean \ && time java -jar jvm_based_compiler.jar build --source ~/lux/lux-js/source --target ~/lux/lux-js/target --module program --program _ \ && mv target/program.js node_based_compiler.js ## Use JS/Node-based compiler to produce another JS/Node-based compiler. cd ~/lux/lux-js/ \ && lux clean \ && node --stack_size=8192 node_based_compiler.js build --source ~/lux/lux-js/source --target ~/lux/lux-js/target --module program --program _ ``` # Try ``` ## Compile Lux's Standard Library's tests using a JS/Node-based compiler. cd ~/lux/stdlib/ \ && lux clean \ && node --stack_size=8192 ~/lux/lux-js/target/program.js build --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target --module test/lux --program _ \ && node ~/lux/stdlib/target/program.js ``` # Deploy ``` cd ~/lux/lux-js/ \ && mvn install:install-file -Dfile=target/program.js -DgroupId=com.github.luxlang -DartifactId=lux-js -Dversion=0.7.0 -Dpackaging=js cd ~/lux/lux-js/ && mvn deploy:deploy-file \ -Durl=https://$NEXUS_USERNAME:$NEXUS_PASSWORD@oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/ \ -Dfile=target/program.js \ -DgroupId=com.github.luxlang \ -DartifactId=lux-js \ -Dversion=0.7.0-SNAPSHOT \ -Dpackaging=js ``` # Release ``` LUX_PROJECT=lux-js && \ LUX_VERSION=0.7.0 && \ cd ~/lux/$LUX_PROJECT/ && \ lux pom && \ mv pom.xml RELEASE/$LUX_PROJECT-$LUX_VERSION.pom && \ mv target/program.js RELEASE/$LUX_PROJECT-$LUX_VERSION.js && \ cd RELEASE && \ touch README.md && \ zip $LUX_PROJECT-$LUX_VERSION-sources.jar README.md && \ zip $LUX_PROJECT-$LUX_VERSION-javadoc.jar README.md && \ zip $LUX_PROJECT-$LUX_VERSION.jar README.md && \ rm README.md && \ for file in *.*; do gpg -ab $file; done ```