... This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. ... If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ... https://github.com/wlav/cppyy (.require [library [lux (.except) [program (.only program)] ["[0]" ffi (.only import)] [abstract [monad (.only do)]] [control ["[0]" maybe (.use "[1]#[0]" monad)] ["[0]" try (.only Try)] ["[0]" exception (.only Exception)] ["[0]" io (.only IO io)] [concurrency ["[0]" async (.only Async)] ["[0]" atom]]] [data ["[0]" product] ["[0]" text (.only) ["%" \\format (.only format)] [encoding ["[0]" utf8]]] [collection ["[0]" array ["[1]" \\unsafe (.only Array)]]]] [math [number ["n" nat] ["i" int] ["[0]" i64]]] ["[0]" world ["[0]" file] ["[0]" environment]] [meta ["[0]" static] [macro ["^" pattern] ["[0]" template]] [compiler [target ["_" c++ (.only) [":" type]]] [reference [variable (.only Register)]] [language [lux [program (.only Program)] [translation (.only Host)] [analysis [macro (.only Expander)]] ["[0]" phase (.only Operation Phase) ["[0]" extension (.only Extender Handler) ... ["[0]" analysis ... ["[1]" js]] ... ["[0]" translation ... ["[1]" js]] ] [translation ["[0]" reference] ["/" c++ (.only) ["[1][0]" runtime] ["[1][0]" primitive] ["[1][0]" reference]]]]]] [default ["[0]" platform (.only Platform)]] [meta ["[0]" cli] ["[0]" context] [archive (.only Archive) ["[0]" unit] ["[0]" module]] ["[0]" packager ["[1]" script]]]]]]] [program ["[0]" compositor]]) (type Globals Any) (import cppyy "[1]::[0]" ("static" cppdef [Text] "io" Bit) ("static" gbl Globals)) (ffi.import (getattr [Any Text] Any)) (ffi.import (tuple [(Array Any)] Any)) (ffi.import (str [Any] Text)) (def nested (-> Text Text) (let [\n\t (%.format text.\n text.\t)] (|>> (text.replaced text.\n \n\t) (%.format text.\t)))) (def module module.ID (-- 0)) (type Runtime Any) (type Value Any) (def (runtime globals) (-> Any Runtime) (getattr globals /runtime.namespace)) (with_template [ ] [(def ( @ it) (-> Runtime Any ) (let [on (as (-> Any ) (getattr @ (template.symbol [/runtime._] [])))] (on it)))] [object_tag Nat] [lux_bit Bit] [lux_i64 Int] [lux_text Text] [variant_lefts Nat] [variant_right? Bit] [variant_choice Value] [tuple_arity Nat] ) (def (lux_variant lefts right? choice) (-> Nat Bit Value Any) (|> (array.empty 3) (array.has! 0 lefts) (array.has! 1 (if right? [] (.python_object_none#))) (array.has! 2 choice) ..tuple)) (def (tuple_member @ member it) (-> Runtime Nat Any Value) (let [on (as (-> Nat Any Value) (getattr @ /runtime.tuple_member))] (on member it))) (def (lux_tuple @ lux_value input) (-> Runtime (-> Runtime Any Value) Any Any) (let [arity (tuple_arity @ input)] (loop (next [member 0 output (array.empty arity)]) (if (n.< arity member) (next (++ member) (array.has! member (lux_value @ (tuple_member @ member input)) output)) output)))) (def (lux_value @ it) (-> Runtime Value Any) (when (object_tag @ it) /runtime.bit_tag (lux_bit @ it) /runtime.i64_tag (lux_i64 @ it) ... /runtime.f64_tag /runtime.text_tag (..str (lux_text @ it)) /runtime.variant_tag (lux_variant (variant_lefts @ it) (variant_right? @ it) (lux_value @ (variant_choice @ it))) /runtime.tuple_tag (lux_tuple @ lux_value it) ... /runtime.function_tag tag (panic! (when tag 2 "F64" 6 "FUNCTION" _ "???")))) (def host (IO (Host /runtime.Value /runtime.Declaration)) (io (let [id (atom.atom 0) \n\t (%.format text.\n text.\t) evaluate! (is (-> [(Maybe unit.ID) /runtime.Value] (Try Any)) (function (evaluate! [_ input]) (let [[id _] (io.run! (atom.update! ++ id)) global (reference.artifact [..module id]) definition (_.constant (_.local global) /runtime.value_type input)] (exec (.log!# "[evaluate!]") (.log!# (..nested (_.code definition))) (if (io.run! (cppyy::cppdef (_.code definition))) {try.#Success (let [globals (io.run! (cppyy::gbl))] (lux_value (..runtime globals) (getattr globals global)))} {try.#Failure "Cannot evaluate!"}))))) execute! (is (-> /runtime.Declaration (Try Any)) (function (execute! input) (exec (.log!# "[execute!]") (.log!# (..nested (_.code input))) (if (io.run! (cppyy::cppdef (_.code input))) {try.#Success []} {try.#Failure "Cannot execute!"}))))] (is (Host /runtime.Value /runtime.Declaration) (implementation (def evaluate evaluate!) (def execute execute!) (def (define context custom [@def input]) (let [global (maybe.else (reference.artifact context) custom) @global (_.local global)] (do try.monad [.let [definition (_.constant @global /runtime.value_type input)] _ (execute! definition) .let [globals (io.run! (cppyy::gbl)) value (lux_value (..runtime globals) (getattr globals global))]] (in [global value definition])))) (def (ingest context content) (|> content (of utf8.codec decoded) try.trusted (as /runtime.Declaration))) (def (re_learn context custom content) (execute! content)) (def (re_load context custom content) (do try.monad [_ (execute! content)] (evaluate! [{.#None} (_.local (reference.artifact context))])))))))) (def phase_wrapper phase.Wrapper (|>>)) (def .public platform (IO [/runtime.Host (Platform /runtime.Anchor /runtime.Value /runtime.Declaration)]) (do io.monad [host ..host] (in [host [platform.#file_system (file.async file.default) platform.#host host platform.#phase /.translation platform.#runtime /runtime.translation platform.#phase_wrapper ..phase_wrapper platform.#write (|>> _.code (of utf8.codec encoded))]]))) (def (extender _) Extender (undefined)) (def (expander macro inputs lux) Expander (undefined)) (def (c++_program name it) (Program /runtime.Value /runtime.Declaration) (undefined)) (def (declare_success! _) (-> Any (Async Any)) (async.future (of environment.default exit +0))) (def _ (program [service cli.service] (let [context (context.jvm (cli.target service))] (exec (do async.monad [[host platform] (async.future ..platform) _ (compositor.compiler (|>> (as platform.Custom)) context ..expander extension.empty (io.io platform) extension.empty extension.empty ..c++_program /reference.constant ..extender service [(packager.package (is /runtime.Declaration (_.manual "")) _.code _.also (_.namespace "lux_program")) "program.cpp"])] (..declare_success! [])) (io.io [])))))