From 273c2d517dbafbe6df4d9b9ac65ffd4749e63642 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eduardo Julian
Date: Wed, 16 May 2018 01:06:28 -0400
Subject: - Migrated reference analysis to stdlib.
stdlib/source/lux/lang/analysis/expression.lux | 6 +-
stdlib/source/lux/lang/analysis/reference.lux | 56 ++++++++
stdlib/source/lux/lang/scope.lux | 173 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 stdlib/source/lux/lang/analysis/reference.lux
create mode 100644 stdlib/source/lux/lang/scope.lux
(limited to 'stdlib/source')
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/lang/analysis/expression.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/lang/analysis/expression.lux
index a22e3d32b..5013246aa 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/lang/analysis/expression.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/lang/analysis/expression.lux
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
(analysis [".A" type]
[".A" primitive]
[".A" structure]
+ [".A" reference]
## [".A" function]
- ## [".A" reference]
## [".L" macro]
## [".L" extension]
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
(^ (#.Record pairs))
(structureA.record analyse pairs)
- ## (#.Symbol reference)
- ## (referenceA.analyse-reference reference)
+ (#.Symbol reference)
+ (referenceA.reference reference)
## (^ (#.Form (list& [_ (#.Text proc-name)] proc-args)))
## (do macro.Monad
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/lang/analysis/reference.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/lang/analysis/reference.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4192ed118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/lang/analysis/reference.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control monad)
+ [macro]
+ (macro [code])
+ [lang]
+ (lang (type ["tc" check])
+ [".L" scope]
+ [".L" analysis #+ Analysis]
+ (analysis [".A" type]))))
+## [Analysers]
+(def: (definition def-name)
+ (-> Ident (Meta Analysis))
+ (do macro.Monad
+ [[actualT def-anns _] (macro.find-def def-name)]
+ (case (macro.get-symbol-ann (ident-for #.alias) def-anns)
+ (#.Some real-def-name)
+ (definition real-def-name)
+ _
+ (do @
+ [_ (typeA.infer actualT)]
+ (:: @ map (|>> #analysisL.Constant)
+ (macro.normalize def-name))))))
+(def: (variable var-name)
+ (-> Text (Meta (Maybe Analysis)))
+ (do macro.Monad
+ [?var (scopeL.find var-name)]
+ (case ?var
+ (#.Some [actualT ref])
+ (do @
+ [_ (typeA.infer actualT)]
+ (wrap (#.Some (#analysisL.Variable ref))))
+ #.None
+ (wrap #.None))))
+(def: #export (reference reference)
+ (-> Ident (Meta Analysis))
+ (case reference
+ ["" simple-name]
+ (do macro.Monad
+ [?var (variable simple-name)]
+ (case ?var
+ (#.Some varA)
+ (wrap varA)
+ #.None
+ (do @
+ [this-module macro.current-module-name]
+ (definition [this-module simple-name]))))
+ _
+ (definition reference)))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/lang/scope.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/lang/scope.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45008ae24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/lang/scope.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control monad)
+ (data [text "text/" Eq]
+ text/format
+ [maybe "maybe/" Monad]
+ [product]
+ ["e" error]
+ (coll [list "list/" Functor Fold Monoid]
+ (dictionary [plist])))
+ [macro])
+ (// [analysis #+ Variable]))
+(type: Locals (Bindings Text [Type Nat]))
+(type: Foreign (Bindings Text [Type Variable]))
+(def: (is-local? name scope)
+ (-> Text Scope Bool)
+ (|> scope
+ (get@ [#.locals #.mappings])
+ (plist.contains? name)))
+(def: (get-local name scope)
+ (-> Text Scope (Maybe [Type Variable]))
+ (|> scope
+ (get@ [#.locals #.mappings])
+ (plist.get name)
+ (maybe/map (function (_ [type value])
+ [type (#analysis.Local value)]))))
+(def: (is-captured? name scope)
+ (-> Text Scope Bool)
+ (|> scope
+ (get@ [#.captured #.mappings])
+ (plist.contains? name)))
+(def: (get-captured name scope)
+ (-> Text Scope (Maybe [Type Variable]))
+ (loop [idx +0
+ mappings (get@ [#.captured #.mappings] scope)]
+ (case mappings
+ #.Nil
+ #.None
+ (#.Cons [_name [_source-type _source-ref]] mappings')
+ (if (text/= name _name)
+ (#.Some [_source-type (#analysis.Foreign idx)])
+ (recur (inc idx) mappings')))))
+(def: (is-ref? name scope)
+ (-> Text Scope Bool)
+ (or (is-local? name scope)
+ (is-captured? name scope)))
+(def: (get-ref name scope)
+ (-> Text Scope (Maybe [Type Variable]))
+ (case (get-local name scope)
+ (#.Some type)
+ (#.Some type)
+ _
+ (get-captured name scope)))
+(def: #export (find name)
+ (-> Text (Meta (Maybe [Type Variable])))
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (let [[inner outer] (|> compiler
+ (get@ #.scopes)
+ (list.split-with (|>> (is-ref? name) not)))]
+ (case outer
+ #.Nil
+ (#.Right [compiler #.None])
+ (#.Cons top-outer _)
+ (let [[ref-type init-ref] (maybe.default (undefined)
+ (get-ref name top-outer))
+ [ref inner'] (list/fold (: (-> Scope [Variable (List Scope)] [Variable (List Scope)])
+ (function (_ scope ref+inner)
+ [(#analysis.Foreign (get@ [#.captured #.counter] scope))
+ (#.Cons (update@ #.captured
+ (: (-> Foreign Foreign)
+ (|>> (update@ #.counter inc)
+ (update@ #.mappings (plist.put name [ref-type (product.left ref+inner)]))))
+ scope)
+ (product.right ref+inner))]))
+ [init-ref #.Nil]
+ (list.reverse inner))
+ scopes (list/compose inner' outer)]
+ (#.Right [(set@ #.scopes scopes compiler)
+ (#.Some [ref-type ref])]))
+ ))))
+(def: #export (with-local [name type] action)
+ (All [a] (-> [Text Type] (Meta a) (Meta a)))
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (case (get@ #.scopes compiler)
+ (#.Cons head tail)
+ (let [old-mappings (get@ [#.locals #.mappings] head)
+ new-var-id (get@ [#.locals #.counter] head)
+ new-head (update@ #.locals
+ (: (-> Locals Locals)
+ (|>> (update@ #.counter inc)
+ (update@ #.mappings (plist.put name [type new-var-id]))))
+ head)]
+ (case (' (set@ #.scopes (#.Cons new-head tail) compiler)
+ action)
+ (#e.Success [compiler' output])
+ (case (get@ #.scopes compiler')
+ (#.Cons head' tail')
+ (let [scopes' (#.Cons (set@ #.locals (get@ #.locals head) head')
+ tail')]
+ (#e.Success [(set@ #.scopes scopes' compiler')
+ output]))
+ _
+ (error! "Invalid scope alteration/"))
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (#e.Error error)))
+ _
+ (#e.Error "Cannot create local binding without a scope."))
+ ))
+(do-template [ ]
+ [(def:
+ (Bindings Text [Type ])
+ {#.counter +0
+ #.mappings (list)})]
+ [init-locals Nat]
+ [init-captured Variable]
+ )
+(def: (scope parent-name child-name)
+ (-> (List Text) Text Scope)
+ { (list& child-name parent-name)
+ #.inner +0
+ #.locals init-locals
+ #.captured init-captured})
+(def: #export (with-scope name action)
+ (All [a] (-> Text (Meta a) (Meta a)))
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (let [parent-name (case (get@ #.scopes compiler)
+ #.Nil
+ (list)
+ (#.Cons top _)
+ (get@ top))]
+ (case (action (update@ #.scopes
+ (|>> (#.Cons (scope parent-name name)))
+ compiler))
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (#e.Success [compiler' output])
+ (#e.Success [(update@ #.scopes
+ (|>> list.tail (maybe.default (list)))
+ compiler')
+ output])
+ ))
+ ))
+(def: #export next-local
+ (Meta Nat)
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (case (get@ #.scopes compiler)
+ #.Nil
+ (#e.Error "Cannot get next reference when there is no scope.")
+ (#.Cons top _)
+ (#e.Success [compiler (get@ [#.locals #.counter] top)]))))
cgit v1.2.3