From 34e310622bdeb1d0588c0664c0e78cbaa84f837c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eduardo Julian
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2020 06:42:20 -0400
Subject: Re-named "::" and ":::" macros to "\" and "\\", to be consistent with
 the convention that only macros that deal with types may start with a colon.

 .../program/aedifex/dependency/resolution.lux      | 46 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

(limited to 'stdlib/source/program/aedifex/dependency')

diff --git a/stdlib/source/program/aedifex/dependency/resolution.lux b/stdlib/source/program/aedifex/dependency/resolution.lux
index f5dbb0d54..d21adaf0c 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/program/aedifex/dependency/resolution.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/program/aedifex/dependency/resolution.lux
@@ -58,38 +58,38 @@
         (Exception [Dependency Text])
         (Promise (Try (///hash.Hash h)))))
   (do (try.with promise.monad)
-    [actual (:: repository download artifact extension)]
-    (:: promise.monad wrap
-        (do try.monad
-          [output (encoding.from-utf8 actual)
-           actual (:: codec decode output)
-           _ (exception.assert exception [dependency output]
-                               (:: ///hash.equivalence = (hash library) actual))]
-          (wrap actual)))))
+    [actual (\ repository download artifact extension)]
+    (\ promise.monad wrap
+       (do try.monad
+         [output (encoding.from-utf8 actual)
+          actual (\ codec decode output)
+          _ (exception.assert exception [dependency output]
+                              (\ ///hash.equivalence = (hash library) actual))]
+         (wrap actual)))))
 (def: #export (one repository dependency)
   (-> (Repository Promise) Dependency (Promise (Try Package)))
   (let [[artifact type] dependency
         extension (///artifact/extension.extension type)]
     (do (try.with promise.monad)
-      [library (:: repository download artifact extension)
+      [library (\ repository download artifact extension)
        sha-1 (..verified-hash dependency library
                               repository artifact ///artifact/extension.sha-1
                               ///hash.sha-1 ///hash.sha-1-codec ..sha-1-does-not-match)
        md5 (..verified-hash dependency library
                             repository artifact ///artifact/extension.md5
                             ///hash.md5 ///hash.md5-codec ..md5-does-not-match)
-       pom (:: repository download artifact ///artifact/extension.pom)]
-      (:: promise.monad wrap
-          (do try.monad
-            [pom (encoding.from-utf8 pom)
-             pom (:: xml.codec decode pom)
-             profile (<xml>.run ///pom.parser pom)]
-            (wrap {#///package.origin #///package.Remote
-                   #///package.library library
-                   #///package.pom pom
-                   #///package.sha-1 sha-1
-                   #///package.md5 md5}))))))
+       pom (\ repository download artifact ///artifact/extension.pom)]
+      (\ promise.monad wrap
+         (do try.monad
+           [pom (encoding.from-utf8 pom)
+            pom (\ xml.codec decode pom)
+            profile (<xml>.run ///pom.parser pom)]
+           (wrap {#///package.origin #///package.Remote
+                  #///package.library library
+                  #///package.pom pom
+                  #///package.sha-1 sha-1
+                  #///package.md5 md5}))))))
 (type: #export Resolution
   (Dictionary Dependency Package))
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
     (|> dependency
         (exception.throw ..cannot-resolve)
-        (:: promise.monad wrap))
+        (\ promise.monad wrap))
     (#.Cons repository alternatives)
     (do promise.monad
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
   (-> (List (Repository Promise)) (List Dependency) Resolution (Promise (Try Resolution)))
   (case dependencies
-    (:: (try.with promise.monad) wrap resolution)
+    (\ (try.with promise.monad) wrap resolution)
     (#.Cons head tail)
     (do (try.with promise.monad)
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
                  (..any repositories head))
-       sub-dependencies (:: promise.monad wrap (///package.dependencies package))
+       sub-dependencies (\ promise.monad wrap (///package.dependencies package))
        resolution (|> resolution
                       (dictionary.put head package)
                       (all repositories ( sub-dependencies)))]
cgit v1.2.3