From f8d6348b3fec0c55768ebcd8dba446949b8a4ef7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eduardo Julian Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2018 19:46:44 -0400 Subject: - WIP: - Initial PHP back-end implementation. --- .../luxc/lang/translation/php/runtime.jvm.lux | 447 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 447 insertions(+) create mode 100644 new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/runtime.jvm.lux (limited to 'new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/runtime.jvm.lux') diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/runtime.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/runtime.jvm.lux new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2f5cd2a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/runtime.jvm.lux @@ -0,0 +1,447 @@ +(.module: + lux + (lux (control ["p" parser "p/" Monad] + [monad #+ do]) + (data text/format + (coll [list "list/" Monad])) + [macro] + (macro [code] + ["s" syntax #+ syntax:]) + [io #+ Process]) + [//] + (luxc [lang] + (lang (host ["_" php #+ Expression CExpression Statement])))) + +(def: prefix Text "LuxRuntime") + +(def: #export unit CExpression (_.string //.unit)) + +(def: (flag value) + (-> Bool CExpression) + (if value + (_.string "") + _.null)) + +(def: (variant' tag last? value) + (-> Expression Expression Expression CExpression) + (_.array/** (list [(_.string //.variant-tag-field) tag] + [(_.string //.variant-flag-field) last?] + [(_.string //.variant-value-field) value]))) + +(def: #export (variant tag last? value) + (-> Nat Bool Expression CExpression) + (variant' ( (nat-to-int tag)) + (flag last?) + value)) + +(def: #export none + CExpression + (variant +0 false unit)) + +(def: #export some + (-> Expression CExpression) + (variant +1 true)) + +(def: #export left + (-> Expression CExpression) + (variant +0 false)) + +(def: #export right + (-> Expression CExpression) + (variant +1 true)) + +(type: Runtime Statement) + +## (def: declaration +## (s.Syntax [Text (List Text)]) +## (p.either (p.seq s.local-symbol (p/wrap (list))) +## (s.form (p.seq s.local-symbol (p.some s.local-symbol))))) + +## (syntax: (runtime: [[name args] declaration] +## definition) +## (let [implementation (code.local-symbol (format "@@" name)) +## runtime (format "__" prefix "__" (lang.normalize-name name)) +## $runtime (` (_.var (~ (code.text runtime)))) +## @runtime (` (@@ (~ $runtime))) +## argsC+ (list/map code.local-symbol args) +## argsLC+ (list/map (|>> lang.normalize-name code.text (~) (_.var) (`)) +## args) +## declaration (` ((~ (code.local-symbol name)) +## (~+ argsC+))) +## type (` (-> (~+ (list.repeat (list.size argsC+) (` _.Expression))) +## _.CExpression))] +## (wrap (list (` (def: (~' #export) (~ declaration) +## (~ type) +## (_.apply (list (~+ argsC+)) (~ @runtime)))) +## (` (def: (~ implementation) +## _.Statement +## (~ (case argsC+ +## #.Nil +## (` (_.set! (list (~ $runtime)) (~ definition))) + +## _ +## (` (let [(~+ (|> (list.zip2 argsC+ argsLC+) +## (list/map (function (_ [left right]) +## (list left (` (@@ (~ right)))))) +## list/join))] +## (_.def! (~ $runtime) +## (list (~+ argsLC+)) +## (~ definition)))))))))))) + +## (syntax: (with-vars [vars (s.tuple (p.many s.local-symbol))] +## body) +## (wrap (list (` (let [(~+ (|> vars +## (list/map (function (_ var) +## (list (code.local-symbol var) +## (` (_.var (~ (code.text (lang.normalize-name var)))))))) +## list/join))] +## (~ body)))))) + +## (runtime: (lux//try op) +## (let [$error (_.var "error") +## $value (_.var "value")] +## (_.try! ($_ _.then! +## (_.set! (list $value) (_.apply (list unit) op)) +## (_.return! (right (@@ $value)))) +## (list [(list "Exception") $error +## (_.return! (left (_.apply (list (@@ $error)) ( "str"))))])))) + +## (runtime: (lux//program-args program-args) +## (let [$inputs (_.var "inputs") +## $value (_.var "value")] +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set! (list $inputs) none) +## (<| (_.for-in! $value program-args) +## (_.set! (list $inputs) +## (some (_.tuple (list (@@ $value) (@@ $inputs)))))) +## (_.return! (@@ $inputs))))) + +## (def: runtime//lux +## Runtime +## ($_ _.then! +## @@lux//try +## @@lux//program-args)) + +## (runtime: (io//log! message) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.print! message) +## (_.return! ..unit))) + +## (def: (exception message) +## (-> Expression CExpression) +## (_.apply (list message) ( "Exception"))) + +## (runtime: (io//throw! message) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.raise! (exception message)) +## (_.return! ..unit))) + +## (runtime: (io//exit! code) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.import! "sys") +## (! (|> ( "sys") (_.send (list code) "exit"))) +## (_.return! ..unit))) + +## (runtime: (io//current-time! _) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.import! "time") +## (_.return! (let [time (|> ( "time") +## (_.send (list) "time") +## (_.* ( 1_000)))] +## (_.apply (list time) ( "int")))))) + +## (def: runtime//io +## Runtime +## ($_ _.then! +## @@io//log! +## @@io//throw! +## @@io//exit! +## @@io//current-time!)) + +## (runtime: (product//left product index) +## (let [$index_min_length (_.var "index_min_length")] +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set! (list $index_min_length) (_.+ ( 1) index)) +## (_.if! (_.> (@@ $index_min_length) (_.length product)) +## ## No need for recursion +## (_.return! (_.nth index product)) +## ## Needs recursion +## (_.return! (product//left (_.nth (_.- ( 1) +## (_.length product)) +## product) +## (_.- (_.length product) +## (@@ $index_min_length)))))))) + +## (runtime: (product//right product index) +## (let [$index_min_length (_.var "index_min_length")] +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set! (list $index_min_length) (_.+ ( 1) index)) +## (_.cond! (list [(_.= (@@ $index_min_length) (_.length product)) +## ## Last element. +## (_.return! (_.nth index product))] +## [(_.< (@@ $index_min_length) (_.length product)) +## ## Needs recursion +## (_.return! (product//right (_.nth (_.- ( 1) +## (_.length product)) +## product) +## (_.- (_.length product) +## (@@ $index_min_length))))]) +## ## Must slice +## (_.return! (_.slice-from index product)))))) + +## (runtime: (sum//get sum wantedTag wantsLast) +## (let [no-match! (_.return! _.none) +## sum-tag (_.nth (_.string //.variant-tag-field) sum) +## sum-flag (_.nth (_.string //.variant-flag-field) sum) +## sum-value (_.nth (_.string //.variant-value-field) sum) +## is-last? (_.= (_.string "") sum-flag) +## test-recursion! (_.if! is-last? +## ## Must recurse. +## (_.return! (sum//get sum-value (_.- sum-tag wantedTag) wantsLast)) +## no-match!)] +## (_.cond! (list [(_.= sum-tag wantedTag) +## (_.if! (_.= wantsLast sum-flag) +## (_.return! sum-value) +## test-recursion!)] + +## [(_.> sum-tag wantedTag) +## test-recursion!] + +## [(_.and (_.< sum-tag wantedTag) +## (_.= (_.string "") wantsLast)) +## (_.return! (variant' (_.- wantedTag sum-tag) sum-flag sum-value))]) + +## no-match!))) + +## (def: runtime//adt +## Runtime +## ($_ _.then! +## @@product//left +## @@product//right +## @@sum//get)) + +## (def: full-32-bits (_.code "0xFFFFFFFF")) + +## (runtime: (bit//32 input) +## (with-vars [capped] +## (_.cond! (list [(|> input (_.> full-32-bits)) +## (_.return! (|> input (_.bit-and full-32-bits) bit//32))] +## [(|> input (_.> (_.code "0x7FFFFFFF"))) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set! (list capped) +## (_.apply (list (|> (_.code "0x100000000") +## (_.- input))) +## ( "int"))) +## (_.if! (|> (@@ capped) (_.<= ( 2147483647))) +## (_.return! (|> (@@ capped) (_.* ( -1)))) +## (_.return! ( -2147483648))))]) +## (_.return! input)))) + +## (def: full-64-bits (_.code "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF")) + +## (runtime: (bit//64 input) +## (with-vars [capped] +## (_.cond! (list [(|> input (_.> full-64-bits)) +## (_.return! (|> input (_.bit-and full-64-bits) bit//64))] +## [(|> input (_.> (_.code "0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"))) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set! (list capped) +## (_.apply (list (|> (_.code "0x10000000000000000") +## (_.- input))) +## ( "int"))) +## (_.if! (|> (@@ capped) (_.<= (_.code "9223372036854775807L"))) +## (_.return! (|> (@@ capped) (_.* ( -1)))) +## (_.return! (_.code "-9223372036854775808L"))))]) +## (_.return! input)))) + +## (runtime: (bit//shift-right param subject) +## (let [mask (|> ( 1) +## (_.bit-shl (_.- param ( 64))) +## (_.- ( 1)))] +## (_.return! (|> subject +## (_.bit-shr param) +## (_.bit-and mask))))) + +## (def: runtime//bit +## Runtime +## ($_ _.then! +## @@bit//32 +## @@bit//64 +## @@bit//shift-right)) + +## (runtime: (text//index subject param start) +## (with-vars [idx] +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set! (list idx) (_.send (list param start) "find" subject)) +## (_.if! (_.= ( -1) (@@ idx)) +## (_.return! ..none) +## (_.return! (..some (@@ idx))))))) + +## (def: inc (|>> (_.+ ( 1)))) + +## (do-template [ ] +## [(def: ( top value) +## (-> Expression Expression Expression) +## (_.and (|> value (_.>= ( 0))) +## (|> value ( top))))] + +## [within? _.<] +## [up-to? _.<=] +## ) + +## (runtime: (text//clip @text @from @to) +## (with-vars [length] +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set! (list length) (_.length @text)) +## (_.if! ($_ _.and +## (|> @to (within? (@@ length))) +## (|> @from (up-to? @to))) +## (_.return! (..some (|> @text (_.slice @from (inc @to))))) +## (_.return! ..none))))) + +## (runtime: (text//char text idx) +## (_.if! (|> idx (within? (_.length text))) +## (_.return! (..some (_.apply (list (|> text (_.slice idx (inc idx)))) +## ( "ord")))) +## (_.return! ..none))) + +## (def: runtime//text +## Runtime +## ($_ _.then! +## @@text//index +## @@text//clip +## @@text//char)) + +## (def: (check-index-out-of-bounds array idx body!) +## (-> Expression Expression Statement Statement) +## (_.if! (|> idx (_.<= (_.length array))) +## body! +## (_.raise! (exception (_.string "Array index out of bounds!"))))) + +## (runtime: (array//get array idx) +## (with-vars [temp] +## (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds array idx) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set! (list temp) (_.nth idx array)) +## (_.if! (_.= _.none (@@ temp)) +## (_.return! ..none) +## (_.return! (..some (@@ temp)))))))) + +## (runtime: (array//put array idx value) +## (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds array idx) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set-nth! idx value array) +## (_.return! array)))) + +## (def: runtime//array +## Runtime +## ($_ _.then! +## @@array//get +## @@array//put)) + +## (def: #export atom//field Text "_lux_atom") + +## (runtime: (atom//compare-and-swap atom old new) +## (let [atom//field (_.string atom//field)] +## (_.if! (_.= old (_.nth atom//field atom)) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set-nth! atom//field new atom) +## (_.return! (_.bool true))) +## (_.return! (_.bool false))))) + +## (def: runtime//atom +## Runtime +## ($_ _.then! +## @@atom//compare-and-swap)) + +## (runtime: (box//write value box) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.set-nth! ( 0) value box) +## (_.return! ..unit))) + +## (def: runtime//box +## Runtime +## ($_ _.then! +## @@box//write)) + +## (runtime: (process//future procedure) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.import! "threading") +## (let [params (_.dict (list [(_.string "target") procedure]))] +## (! (|> ( "threading") +## (_.send-keyword (list) params "Thread") +## (_.send (list) "start")))) +## (_.return! ..unit))) + +## (runtime: (process//schedule milli-seconds procedure) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.import! "threading") +## (let [seconds (|> milli-seconds (_./ (_.float 1_000.0)))] +## (! (|> ( "threading") +## (_.send (list seconds procedure) "Timer") +## (_.send (list) "start")))) +## (_.return! ..unit))) + +## (def: runtime//process +## Runtime +## ($_ _.then! +## @@process//future +## @@process//schedule)) + +## (do-template [ ] +## [(runtime: ( input) +## ($_ _.then! +## (_.import! "math") +## (_.return! (|> ( "math") (_.send (list input) )))))] + +## [math//cos "cos"] +## [math//sin "sin"] +## [math//tan "tan"] +## [math//acos "acos"] +## [math//asin "asin"] +## [math//atan "atan"] +## [math//exp "exp"] +## [math//log "log"] +## [math//ceil "ceil"] +## [math//floor "floor"] +## ) + +## (def: runtime//math +## Runtime +## ($_ _.then! +## @@math//cos +## @@math//sin +## @@math//tan +## @@math//acos +## @@math//asin +## @@math//atan +## @@math//exp +## @@math//log +## @@math//ceil +## @@math//floor)) + +(def: runtime + Runtime + (_.echo! (_.string "Hello, world!")) + ## ($_ _.then! + ## runtime//lux + ## runtime//adt + ## runtime//bit + ## runtime//text + ## runtime//array + ## runtime//atom + ## runtime//box + ## runtime//io + ## runtime//process + ## runtime//math + ## ) + ) + +(def: #export artifact Text (format prefix //.extension)) + +(def: #export translate + (Meta (Process Unit)) + (do macro.Monad + [_ //.init-module-buffer + _ (//.save runtime)] + (//.save-module! artifact))) -- cgit v1.2.3