/* eslint-env browser, jquery */ /* global serverurl, Reveal */ require('../css/extra.css') require('../css/site.css') import { md, updateLastChange, removeDOMEvents, finishView } from './extra' const body = $('.slides').text() window.createtime = window.lastchangeui.time.attr('data-createtime') window.lastchangetime = window.lastchangeui.time.attr('data-updatetime') updateLastChange() const url = window.location.pathname $('.ui-edit').attr('href', `${url}/edit`) $(document).ready(() => { // tooltip $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() }) function extend () { const target = {} for (const source of arguments) { for (const key in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) { target[key] = source[key] } } } return target } // Optional libraries used to extend on reveal.js const deps = [{ src: `${serverurl}/build/reveal.js/lib/js/classList.js`, condition () { return !document.body.classList } }, { src: `${serverurl}/js/reveal-markdown.js`, callback () { const slideOptions = { separator: '^(\r\n?|\n)---(\r\n?|\n)$', verticalSeparator: '^(\r\n?|\n)----(\r\n?|\n)$' } const slides = window.RevealMarkdown.slidify(body, slideOptions) $('.slides').html(slides) window.RevealMarkdown.initialize() $('.slides').show() } }, { src: `${serverurl}/build/reveal.js/plugin/notes/notes.js`, async: true, condition () { return !!document.body.classList } }] // default options to init reveal.js const defaultOptions = { controls: true, progress: true, slideNumber: true, history: true, center: true, transition: 'none', dependencies: deps } // options from yaml meta const meta = JSON.parse($('#meta').text()) var options = meta.slideOptions || {} const view = $('.reveal') // text language if (meta.lang && typeof meta.lang === 'string') { view.attr('lang', meta.lang) } else { view.removeAttr('lang') } // text direction if (meta.dir && typeof meta.dir === 'string' && meta.dir === 'rtl') { options.rtl = true } else { options.rtl = false } // breaks if (typeof meta.breaks === 'boolean' && !meta.breaks) { md.options.breaks = false } else { md.options.breaks = true } // options from URL query string const queryOptions = Reveal.getQueryHash() || {} options = extend(defaultOptions, options, queryOptions) Reveal.initialize(options) window.viewAjaxCallback = () => { Reveal.layout() } function renderSlide (event) { if (window.location.search.match(/print-pdf/gi)) { const slides = $('.slides') let title = document.title removeDOMEvents(slides) finishView(slides) document.title = title Reveal.layout() } else { const markdown = $(event.currentSlide) if (!markdown.attr('data-rendered')) { let title = document.title removeDOMEvents(markdown) finishView(markdown) markdown.attr('data-rendered', 'true') document.title = title Reveal.layout() } } } Reveal.addEventListener('ready', event => { renderSlide(event) const markdown = $(event.currentSlide) // force browser redraw setTimeout(() => { markdown.hide().show(0) }, 0) }) Reveal.addEventListener('slidechanged', renderSlide) const isMacLike = !!navigator.platform.match(/(Mac|iPhone|iPod|iPad)/i) if (!isMacLike) $('.container').addClass('hidescrollbar')