openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: CodiMD description: CodiMD is an open source collaborative note editor. Several tasks of CodiMD can be automated through this API. version: 1.6.0 contact: name: CodiMD on GitHub url: license: name: AGPLv3 url: externalDocs: url: paths: /new: get: tags: - note summary: Creates a new note. description: A random id will be assigned and the content will equal to the template (blank by default). After note creation a redirect is issued to the created note. responses: default: description: Redirect to the new note post: tags: - note summary: Imports some markdown data into a new note. description: A random id will be assigned and the content will equal to the body of the received HTTP-request. requestBody: required: true description: The content of the note to be imported as markdown content: 'text/markdown': example: '# Some header' responses: default: description: Redirect to the imported note /new/{alias}: post: tags: - note summary: Imports some markdown data into a new note with a given alias. description: 'This endpoint equals to the above one except that the alias from the url will be assigned to the note if [FreeURL-mode](../ is enabled.' requestBody: required: true description: The content of the note to be imported as markdown content: 'text/markdown': example: '# Some heading' responses: default: description: Redirect to the imported note parameters: - name: alias in: path required: true description: The alias for the note-id under which the note will be saved content: 'text/plain': example: my-note /{note}/download: get: tags: - note summary: Returns the raw markdown content of a note. responses: 200: description: The raw markdown content of the note content: 'text/markdown': example: '# Some heading' 404: description: Note does not exist parameters: - name: note in: path required: true description: The note which should be downloaded content: 'text/plain': example: my-note /{note}/pdf: get: tags: - note summary: Returns a generated pdf version of the note. description: 'If pdf-support is disabled, a HTTP 403 will be returned.
_Please note: Currently pdf export is disabled generally because of a security problem with it._' responses: 200: description: The generated pdf version of the note content: 'application/pdf': example: binary 404: description: Note does not exist parameters: - name: note in: path required: true description: The note which should be exported as pdf content: 'text/plain': example: my-note /{note}/publish: get: tags: - note summary: Redirects to the published version of the note. responses: default: description: Redirect to the published version of the note 404: description: Note does not exist parameters: - name: note in: path required: true description: The note which should be published content: 'text/plain': example: my-note /{note}/slide: get: tags: - note summary: Redirects to the slide-presentation of the note. description: This is only useful on notes which are designed to be slides. responses: default: description: Redirect to the slide version of the note 404: description: Note does not exist parameters: - name: note in: path required: true description: The note which should be shown as slide content: 'text/plain': example: my-note /{note}/info: get: tags: - note summary: Returns metadata about the note. description: This includes the title and description of the note as well as the creation date and viewcount. responses: 200: description: Metadata about the note content: 'text/json': schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: The title of the note default: Untitled description: type: string description: The description of the note or the first words from the note viewcount: type: integer minimum: 0 description: How often the published version of the note was viewed createtime: type: string description: The timestamp when the note was created in ISO 8601 format. updatetime: type: string description: The timestamp when the note was last updated in ISO 8601 format. 404: description: Note does not exist parameters: - name: note in: path required: true description: The note which should be published content: 'text/plain': example: my-note