# Troubleshooting Migrations In some cases, HedgeDoc might apply migrations without correctly saving the progress. In these cases, HedgeDoc will refuse to start with “already exists”-errors like `ERROR: type "enum_Notes_permission" already exists`. To fix these issues, manual intervention in the database is required: 1. Make sure you have a way to edit the database directly. For SQLite, PostgreSQL and MariaDB/MySQL, you can use the respective command-line tools `sqlite3`, `psql` and `mysql`. 2. Get the name of the failing migration and append `.js` to it. For example, if you encounter this error ``` == 20180306150303-fix-enum: migrating ======= ERROR: type "enum_Notes_permission" already exists ``` the name of the failed migration would be `20180306150303-fix-enum.js`. 3. Make sure HedgeDoc does not run and insert the name into the `SequelizeMeta` table. Ensure your database shell is connected to the HedgeDoc database. The SQL-statement may look like this: ```sql INSERT INTO "SequelizeMeta" (name) VALUES ('20180306150303-fix-enum.js'); ``` 4. Start HedgeDoc again and observe if it starts correctly. It may be necessary to repeat this process and insert multiple migrations into the `SequelizeMeta` table.