{ "test": { "db": { "dialect": "sqlite", "storage": ":memory:" } }, "development": { "hsts": { "enable": false }, "db": { "dialect": "sqlite", "storage": "./db.hackmd.sqlite" } }, "production": { "domain": "localhost", "hsts": { "enable": "true", "maxAgeSeconds": "31536000", "includeSubdomains": "true", "preload": "true" }, "db": { "username": "", "password": "", "database": "hackmd", "host": "localhost", "port": "5432", "dialect": "postgres" }, "facebook": { "clientID": "change this", "clientSecret": "change this" }, "twitter": { "consumerKey": "change this", "consumerSecret": "change this" }, "github": { "clientID": "change this", "clientSecret": "change this" }, "gitlab": { "baseURL": "change this", "clientID": "change this", "clientSecret": "change this", "scope": "use 'read_user' scope for auth user only or remove this property if you need gitlab snippet import/export support (will result to be default scope 'api')" }, "mattermost": { "baseURL": "change this", "clientID": "change this", "clientSecret": "change this" }, "dropbox": { "clientID": "change this", "clientSecret": "change this", "appKey": "change this" }, "google": { "clientID": "change this", "clientSecret": "change this", "apiKey": "change this" }, "ldap": { "url": "ldap://change_this", "bindDn": null, "bindCredentials": null, "tokenSecret": "change this", "searchBase": "change this", "searchFilter": "change this", "searchAttributes": "change this", "tlsOptions": { "changeme": "See https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_connect_options_callback" } }, "saml": { "idpSsoUrl": "change: authentication endpoint of IdP", "idpCert": "change: certificate file path of IdP in PEM format", "issuer": "change or delete: identity of the service provider (default: serverurl)", "identifierFormat": "change or delete: name identifier format (default: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress')", "groupAttribute": "change or delete: attribute name for group list (ex: memberOf)", "requiredGroups": [ "change or delete: group names that allowed" ], "externalGroups": [ "change or delete: group names that not allowed" ], "attribute": { "id": "change or delete this: attribute map for `id` (default: NameID)", "username": "change or delete this: attribute map for `username` (default: NameID)", "displayName": "change or delete this: attribute map for `displayName` (default: NameID)", "email": "change or delete this: attribute map for `email` (default: NameID)" } }, "imgur": { "clientID": "change this" }, "s3": { "accessKeyId": "change this", "secretAccessKey": "change this", "region": "change this" }, "s3bucket": "change this" } }