From 4b0ca55eb79e963523eb6c8197825e9e8ae904e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wu Cheng-Han
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 15:53:29 +0800
Subject: First commit, version 0.2.7
public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript/index.html | 55 ++++
public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript/vbscript.js | 350 +++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 405 insertions(+)
create mode 100755 public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript/index.html
create mode 100755 public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript/vbscript.js
(limited to 'public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript')
diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript/index.html b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ad7532d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
CodeMirror: VBScript mode
+VBScript mode
+ MIME types defined: text/vbscript
diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript/vbscript.js b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript/vbscript.js
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b66df223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/vbscript/vbscript.js
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
+// Distributed under an MIT license:
+For extra ASP classic objects, initialize CodeMirror instance with this option:
+ isASP: true
+ var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
+ lineNumbers: true,
+ isASP: true
+ });
+(function(mod) {
+ if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
+ mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
+ else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
+ define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
+ else // Plain browser env
+ mod(CodeMirror);
+})(function(CodeMirror) {
+"use strict";
+CodeMirror.defineMode("vbscript", function(conf, parserConf) {
+ var ERRORCLASS = 'error';
+ function wordRegexp(words) {
+ return new RegExp("^((" + words.join(")|(") + "))\\b", "i");
+ }
+ var singleOperators = new RegExp("^[\\+\\-\\*/&\\\\\\^<>=]");
+ var doubleOperators = new RegExp("^((<>)|(<=)|(>=))");
+ var singleDelimiters = new RegExp('^[\\.,]');
+ var brakets = new RegExp('^[\\(\\)]');
+ var identifiers = new RegExp("^[A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*");
+ var openingKeywords = ['class','sub','select','while','if','function', 'property', 'with', 'for'];
+ var middleKeywords = ['else','elseif','case'];
+ var endKeywords = ['next','loop','wend'];
+ var wordOperators = wordRegexp(['and', 'or', 'not', 'xor', 'is', 'mod', 'eqv', 'imp']);
+ var commonkeywords = ['dim', 'redim', 'then', 'until', 'randomize',
+ 'byval','byref','new','property', 'exit', 'in',
+ 'const','private', 'public',
+ 'get','set','let', 'stop', 'on error resume next', 'on error goto 0', 'option explicit', 'call', 'me'];
+ //This list was from:
+ var atomWords = ['true', 'false', 'nothing', 'empty', 'null'];
+ //This list was from:
+ var builtinFuncsWords = ['abs', 'array', 'asc', 'atn', 'cbool', 'cbyte', 'ccur', 'cdate', 'cdbl', 'chr', 'cint', 'clng', 'cos', 'csng', 'cstr', 'date', 'dateadd', 'datediff', 'datepart',
+ 'dateserial', 'datevalue', 'day', 'escape', 'eval', 'execute', 'exp', 'filter', 'formatcurrency', 'formatdatetime', 'formatnumber', 'formatpercent', 'getlocale', 'getobject',
+ 'getref', 'hex', 'hour', 'inputbox', 'instr', 'instrrev', 'int', 'fix', 'isarray', 'isdate', 'isempty', 'isnull', 'isnumeric', 'isobject', 'join', 'lbound', 'lcase', 'left',
+ 'len', 'loadpicture', 'log', 'ltrim', 'rtrim', 'trim', 'maths', 'mid', 'minute', 'month', 'monthname', 'msgbox', 'now', 'oct', 'replace', 'rgb', 'right', 'rnd', 'round',
+ 'scriptengine', 'scriptenginebuildversion', 'scriptenginemajorversion', 'scriptengineminorversion', 'second', 'setlocale', 'sgn', 'sin', 'space', 'split', 'sqr', 'strcomp',
+ 'string', 'strreverse', 'tan', 'time', 'timer', 'timeserial', 'timevalue', 'typename', 'ubound', 'ucase', 'unescape', 'vartype', 'weekday', 'weekdayname', 'year'];
+ //This list was from:
+ var builtinConsts = ['vbBlack', 'vbRed', 'vbGreen', 'vbYellow', 'vbBlue', 'vbMagenta', 'vbCyan', 'vbWhite', 'vbBinaryCompare', 'vbTextCompare',
+ 'vbSunday', 'vbMonday', 'vbTuesday', 'vbWednesday', 'vbThursday', 'vbFriday', 'vbSaturday', 'vbUseSystemDayOfWeek', 'vbFirstJan1', 'vbFirstFourDays', 'vbFirstFullWeek',
+ 'vbGeneralDate', 'vbLongDate', 'vbShortDate', 'vbLongTime', 'vbShortTime', 'vbObjectError',
+ 'vbOKOnly', 'vbOKCancel', 'vbAbortRetryIgnore', 'vbYesNoCancel', 'vbYesNo', 'vbRetryCancel', 'vbCritical', 'vbQuestion', 'vbExclamation', 'vbInformation', 'vbDefaultButton1', 'vbDefaultButton2',
+ 'vbDefaultButton3', 'vbDefaultButton4', 'vbApplicationModal', 'vbSystemModal', 'vbOK', 'vbCancel', 'vbAbort', 'vbRetry', 'vbIgnore', 'vbYes', 'vbNo',
+ 'vbCr', 'VbCrLf', 'vbFormFeed', 'vbLf', 'vbNewLine', 'vbNullChar', 'vbNullString', 'vbTab', 'vbVerticalTab', 'vbUseDefault', 'vbTrue', 'vbFalse',
+ 'vbEmpty', 'vbNull', 'vbInteger', 'vbLong', 'vbSingle', 'vbDouble', 'vbCurrency', 'vbDate', 'vbString', 'vbObject', 'vbError', 'vbBoolean', 'vbVariant', 'vbDataObject', 'vbDecimal', 'vbByte', 'vbArray'];
+ //This list was from:
+ var builtinObjsWords = ['WScript', 'err', 'debug', 'RegExp'];
+ var knownProperties = ['description', 'firstindex', 'global', 'helpcontext', 'helpfile', 'ignorecase', 'length', 'number', 'pattern', 'source', 'value', 'count'];
+ var knownMethods = ['clear', 'execute', 'raise', 'replace', 'test', 'write', 'writeline', 'close', 'open', 'state', 'eof', 'update', 'addnew', 'end', 'createobject', 'quit'];
+ var aspBuiltinObjsWords = ['server', 'response', 'request', 'session', 'application'];
+ var aspKnownProperties = ['buffer', 'cachecontrol', 'charset', 'contenttype', 'expires', 'expiresabsolute', 'isclientconnected', 'pics', 'status', //response
+ 'clientcertificate', 'cookies', 'form', 'querystring', 'servervariables', 'totalbytes', //request
+ 'contents', 'staticobjects', //application
+ 'codepage', 'lcid', 'sessionid', 'timeout', //session
+ 'scripttimeout']; //server
+ var aspKnownMethods = ['addheader', 'appendtolog', 'binarywrite', 'end', 'flush', 'redirect', //response
+ 'binaryread', //request
+ 'remove', 'removeall', 'lock', 'unlock', //application
+ 'abandon', //session
+ 'getlasterror', 'htmlencode', 'mappath', 'transfer', 'urlencode']; //server
+ var knownWords = knownMethods.concat(knownProperties);
+ builtinObjsWords = builtinObjsWords.concat(builtinConsts);
+ if (conf.isASP){
+ builtinObjsWords = builtinObjsWords.concat(aspBuiltinObjsWords);
+ knownWords = knownWords.concat(aspKnownMethods, aspKnownProperties);
+ };
+ var keywords = wordRegexp(commonkeywords);
+ var atoms = wordRegexp(atomWords);
+ var builtinFuncs = wordRegexp(builtinFuncsWords);
+ var builtinObjs = wordRegexp(builtinObjsWords);
+ var known = wordRegexp(knownWords);
+ var stringPrefixes = '"';
+ var opening = wordRegexp(openingKeywords);
+ var middle = wordRegexp(middleKeywords);
+ var closing = wordRegexp(endKeywords);
+ var doubleClosing = wordRegexp(['end']);
+ var doOpening = wordRegexp(['do']);
+ var noIndentWords = wordRegexp(['on error resume next', 'exit']);
+ var comment = wordRegexp(['rem']);
+ function indent(_stream, state) {
+ state.currentIndent++;
+ }
+ function dedent(_stream, state) {
+ state.currentIndent--;
+ }
+ // tokenizers
+ function tokenBase(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.eatSpace()) {
+ return 'space';
+ //return null;
+ }
+ var ch = stream.peek();
+ // Handle Comments
+ if (ch === "'") {
+ stream.skipToEnd();
+ return 'comment';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(comment)){
+ stream.skipToEnd();
+ return 'comment';
+ }
+ // Handle Number Literals
+ if (stream.match(/^((&H)|(&O))?[0-9\.]/i, false) && !stream.match(/^((&H)|(&O))?[0-9\.]+[a-z_]/i, false)) {
+ var floatLiteral = false;
+ // Floats
+ if (stream.match(/^\d*\.\d+/i)) { floatLiteral = true; }
+ else if (stream.match(/^\d+\.\d*/)) { floatLiteral = true; }
+ else if (stream.match(/^\.\d+/)) { floatLiteral = true; }
+ if (floatLiteral) {
+ // Float literals may be "imaginary"
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ // Integers
+ var intLiteral = false;
+ // Hex
+ if (stream.match(/^&H[0-9a-f]+/i)) { intLiteral = true; }
+ // Octal
+ else if (stream.match(/^&O[0-7]+/i)) { intLiteral = true; }
+ // Decimal
+ else if (stream.match(/^[1-9]\d*F?/)) {
+ // Decimal literals may be "imaginary"
+ // TODO - Can you have imaginary longs?
+ intLiteral = true;
+ }
+ // Zero by itself with no other piece of number.
+ else if (stream.match(/^0(?![\dx])/i)) { intLiteral = true; }
+ if (intLiteral) {
+ // Integer literals may be "long"
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle Strings
+ if (stream.match(stringPrefixes)) {
+ state.tokenize = tokenStringFactory(stream.current());
+ return state.tokenize(stream, state);
+ }
+ // Handle operators and Delimiters
+ if (stream.match(doubleOperators)
+ || stream.match(singleOperators)
+ || stream.match(wordOperators)) {
+ return 'operator';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(singleDelimiters)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (stream.match(brakets)) {
+ return "bracket";
+ }
+ if (stream.match(noIndentWords)) {
+ state.doInCurrentLine = true;
+ return 'keyword';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(doOpening)) {
+ indent(stream,state);
+ state.doInCurrentLine = true;
+ return 'keyword';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(opening)) {
+ if (! state.doInCurrentLine)
+ indent(stream,state);
+ else
+ state.doInCurrentLine = false;
+ return 'keyword';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(middle)) {
+ return 'keyword';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(doubleClosing)) {
+ dedent(stream,state);
+ dedent(stream,state);
+ return 'keyword';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(closing)) {
+ if (! state.doInCurrentLine)
+ dedent(stream,state);
+ else
+ state.doInCurrentLine = false;
+ return 'keyword';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(keywords)) {
+ return 'keyword';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(atoms)) {
+ return 'atom';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(known)) {
+ return 'variable-2';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(builtinFuncs)) {
+ return 'builtin';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(builtinObjs)){
+ return 'variable-2';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(identifiers)) {
+ return 'variable';
+ }
+ // Handle non-detected items
+ return ERRORCLASS;
+ }
+ function tokenStringFactory(delimiter) {
+ var singleline = delimiter.length == 1;
+ var OUTCLASS = 'string';
+ return function(stream, state) {
+ while (!stream.eol()) {
+ stream.eatWhile(/[^'"]/);
+ if (stream.match(delimiter)) {
+ state.tokenize = tokenBase;
+ return OUTCLASS;
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ if (singleline) {
+ if (parserConf.singleLineStringErrors) {
+ return ERRORCLASS;
+ } else {
+ state.tokenize = tokenBase;
+ }
+ }
+ return OUTCLASS;
+ };
+ }
+ function tokenLexer(stream, state) {
+ var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
+ var current = stream.current();
+ // Handle '.' connected identifiers
+ if (current === '.') {
+ style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
+ current = stream.current();
+ if (style && (style.substr(0, 8) === 'variable' || style==='builtin' || style==='keyword')){//|| knownWords.indexOf(current.substring(1)) > -1) {
+ if (style === 'builtin' || style === 'keyword') style='variable';
+ if (knownWords.indexOf(current.substr(1)) > -1) style='variable-2';
+ return style;
+ } else {
+ return ERRORCLASS;
+ }
+ }
+ return style;
+ }
+ var external = {
+ electricChars:"dDpPtTfFeE ",
+ startState: function() {
+ return {
+ tokenize: tokenBase,
+ lastToken: null,
+ currentIndent: 0,
+ nextLineIndent: 0,
+ doInCurrentLine: false,
+ ignoreKeyword: false
+ };
+ },
+ token: function(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.sol()) {
+ state.currentIndent += state.nextLineIndent;
+ state.nextLineIndent = 0;
+ state.doInCurrentLine = 0;
+ }
+ var style = tokenLexer(stream, state);
+ state.lastToken = {style:style, content: stream.current()};
+ if (style==='space') style=null;
+ return style;
+ },
+ indent: function(state, textAfter) {
+ var trueText = textAfter.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') ;
+ if (trueText.match(closing) || trueText.match(doubleClosing) || trueText.match(middle)) return conf.indentUnit*(state.currentIndent-1);
+ if(state.currentIndent < 0) return 0;
+ return state.currentIndent * conf.indentUnit;
+ }
+ };
+ return external;
+CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/vbscript", "vbscript");
cgit v1.2.3