From f170dc2669c1206b41258b28c1c1b7c62fefe41a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Mehren Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 21:56:57 +0200 Subject: Update translations from New languages: bg, fa, gl, he, hu, oc, pt-br Updated languages: ar, en, eo, es, hi, ja, ko, pl, pt, tr, zh-TW Signed-off-by: David Mehren --- locales/gl.json | 130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 130 insertions(+) create mode 100644 locales/gl.json (limited to 'locales/gl.json') diff --git a/locales/gl.json b/locales/gl.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6ba81aa --- /dev/null +++ b/locales/gl.json @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +{ + "Collaborative markdown notes": "Notas colaborativas en markdown", + "Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Escribe documentos markdown en todas as plataformas e en tempo real.", + "Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.": "A mellor plataforma para escribir e compartir markdown.", + "Intro": "Intro", + "History": "Historia", + "New guest note": "Nova nota de convidada", + "Collaborate with URL": "Colaboración en tempo real", + "Support charts and MathJax": "Permíte gráficos e MathJax", + "Support slide mode": "Modo presentación", + "Sign In": "Conectar", + "Below is the history from browser": "Embaixo está o historial neste navegador", + "Welcome!": "Benvida!", + "New note": "Nova nota", + "or": "ou", + "Sign Out": "Saír", + "Explore all features": "Descubre as características", + "Select tags...": "Escolle etiquetas...", + "Search keyword...": "Busca por palabras...", + "Sort by title": "Ordenar por título", + "Title": "Título", + "Sort by time": "Orde cronolóxica", + "Time": "Data", + "Export history": "Exportar historial", + "Import history": "Importar historial", + "Clear history": "Baleirar historial", + "Refresh history": "Actualizar historial", + "No history": "Sen historial", + "Import from browser": "Importar do navegador", + "Releases": "Lanzamentos", + "Are you sure?": "Estás segura?", + "Do you really want to delete this note?": "Tes a certeza de querer borrar esta nota?", + "All users will lose their connection.": "Todas as usuarias perderán a conexión.", + "Cancel": "Cancelar", + "Yes, do it!": "Si, dalle!", + "Choose method": "Escolle o método", + "Sign in via %s": "Conectar vía %s", + "New": "Nova", + "Publish": "Publicar", + "Extra": "Extra", + "Revision": "Revisión", + "Slide Mode": "Modo presentación", + "Export": "Exportar", + "Import": "Importar", + "Clipboard": "Portapapeis", + "Download": "Descargar", + "Raw HTML": "HTML en bruto", + "Edit": "Editar", + "View": "Ver", + "Both": "Ambos", + "Help": "Axuda", + "Upload Image": "Subir imaxe", + "Menu": "Menú", + "This page need refresh": "Hai que actualizar a páxina", + "You have an incompatible client version.": "A versión do teu cliente non é compatible", + "Refresh to update.": "Renova para actualizar.", + "New version available!": "Nova versión dispoñible!", + "See releases notes here": "Mira aquí as notas do lanzamento", + "Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Actualiza para usar as novas características.", + "Your user state has changed.": "O estado do teu usuaria cambiou.", + "Refresh to load new user state.": "Actualiza para cargar o novo estado de usuaria.", + "Refresh": "Actualizar", + "Contacts": "Contactos", + "Report an issue": "Informar dun problema", + "Meet us on %s": "Atópasnos en %s", + "Send us email": "Envíanos un email", + "Documents": "Documentos", + "Features": "Características", + "YAML Metadata": "Metadatos YAML", + "Slide Example": "Exemplo de presentación", + "Cheatsheet": "Folla de guía", + "Example": "Exemplo", + "Syntax": "Sintaxe", + "Header": "Cabeceira", + "Unordered List": "Lista sen orde", + "Ordered List": "Lista ordenada", + "Todo List": "Lista de tarefas", + "Blockquote": "Bloque de cita", + "Bold font": "Resaltado", + "Italics font": "Cursiva", + "Strikethrough": "Riscado", + "Inserted text": "Subliñado", + "Marked text": "Texto destacado", + "Link": "Ligazón", + "Image": "Imaxe", + "Code": "Código", + "Externals": "Externos", + "This is a alert area.": "Esta é un área de alerta.", + "Revert": "Reverter", + "Import from clipboard": "Importar do portapapeis", + "Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Pega aquí o markdown ou páxina web...", + "Clear": "Baleirar", + "This note is locked": "Nota bloqueada", + "Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Lametámolo, só a dona pode editar esta nota.", + "OK": "OK", + "Reach the limit": "Límite da nota", + "Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Lamentámolo, acadaches a lonxitude máxima permitida para esta nota.", + "Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Por favor, acurta a nota.", + "Import from Gist": "Importar desde Gist", + "Paste your gist url here...": "Pega aquí o url de gist...", + "Import from Snippet": "Importar desde Snippet", + "Select From Available Projects": "Seleccionar desde Proxectos Dispoñibles", + "Select From Available Snippets": "Seleccionar desde Snippets Dispoñibles", + "OR": "OU", + "Export to Snippet": "Exportar a Snippet", + "Select Visibility Level": "Establecer nivel de visibilidade", + "Night Theme": "Decorado escuro", + "Follow us on %s and %s.": "Séguenos en %s, e %s.", + "Privacy": "Privacidade", + "Terms of Use": "Termos de uso", + "Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Tes a certeza de que queres eliminar a túa conta?", + "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Eliminarás a conta, todas as notas que posúas e todas as referencias as túas notas desde as notas de outras.", + "Delete user": "Eliminar usuaria", + "Export user data": "Exportar datos da usuaria", + "Help us translating on %s": "Axúdanos a traducir %s", + "Source Code": "Código fonte", + "Register": "Rexistro", + "Powered by %s": "Grazas a %s", + "Help us translating": "Axúdanos coa tradución", + "Join the community": "Únete a comunidade", + "Imprint": "Imprint", + "Freely - Anyone can edit": "Libre - Calquera pode editar", + "Editable - Signed-in people can edit": "Editable - Edición limitada a asinantes", + "Limited - Signed-in people can edit (forbid guests)": "Limitada - Só asinantes (non convidadas)", + "Locked - Only owner can edit": "Pechada - Só a dona pode editar", + "Protected - Only owner can edit (forbid guests)": "Protexida - Só a dona (sen convidadas)", + "Private - Only owner can view & edit": "Privada - Só a dona pode ver e editar", + "changed": "editada", + "created": "creada" +} \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3