## Conclusion Thanks for reading *The Definitive Guide to GTFS-realtime*. I wrote this book with the intention of providing a comprehensive guide to getting started with consuming real-time data using the GTFS-realtime specification. One of the biggest advantages GTFS-realtime has over other real-time specifications or services (such NextBus or SIRI) is that it is designed to complement GTFS feeds by sharing a common set of identifiers. On one hand, GTFS-realtime is very straightforward, as it provides only three different types of messages (service alerts, vehicle positions and trip updates), but there are a number of complexities involved in getting started with both consuming and producing GTFS-realtime feeds, such as setting up Protocol Buffers to read feeds, or understanding the intent of trip updates. The key takeaways from this book are: * The different types of real-time data available in GTFS-realtime feeds. * How to read data from a GTFS-realtime feed. * How to apply the data you read from GTFS-realtime feeds to your own applications. * They main concepts behind producing and publishing your own GTFS-realtime feeds. If you have enjoyed this book, please share it or feel free to contribution improvements or changes as necessary. *Quentin Zervaas* August, 2015