#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script generates the missing "...B.dhall" files in tests. # It needs to have a valid `dhall` executable in the PATH. # It also uses the `fd` command (https://github.com/sharkdp/fd), until # someone comes up with the correct equivalent `find` invocation. # # Usage: # $ ./update-tests.sh usage_text=$(cat <<-END Usage: update-tests.sh [missing | add] END ) cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 export DHALL_TEST_VAR="6 * 7" if [ ! -x "$(which dhall)" ] ; then echo "Error: 'dhall' executable not found in PATH" fi if [ ! -x "$(which fd)" ] ; then echo "Error: 'fd' executable not found in PATH" fi if [ ! -x "$(which cbor2diag.rb)" ] ; then echo "Error: 'cbor2diag.rb' executable not found in PATH" fi function parser_input_file() { echo "$1A.dhall"; } function parser_output_file() { echo "$1B.dhallb"; } function parser_process() { dhall encode --file "$1" } function binary-decode_input_file() { echo "$1A.dhallb"; } function binary-decode_output_file() { echo "$1B.dhall"; } function binary-decode_process() { dhall decode --file "$1" } function semantic-hash_input_file() { echo "$1A.dhall"; } function semantic-hash_output_file() { echo "$1B.hash"; } function semantic-hash_process() { dhall hash --file "$1" } function import_input_file() { echo "$1A.dhall"; } function import_output_file() { echo "$1B.dhall"; } function import_process() { dhall --file "$1" } function type-inference_input_file() { echo "$1A.dhall"; } function type-inference_output_file() { echo "$1B.dhall"; } function type-inference_process() { dhall resolve --file "$1" | dhall type } function normalization_input_file() { echo "$1A.dhall"; } function normalization_output_file() { echo "$1B.dhall"; } function normalization_process() { dhall --file "$1" } function alpha-normalization_input_file() { echo "$1A.dhall"; } function alpha-normalization_output_file() { echo "$1B.dhall"; } function alpha-normalization_process() { dhall normalize --alpha --file "$1" } tmpfile=$(mktemp -t update-tests.XXXXXX) trap "{ rm -f $tmpfile; }" EXIT function generate_output_file() { folder="$1" file="$2" INPUT_FILE="$(${folder}_input_file "$file")" OUTPUT_FILE="$(${folder}_output_file "$file")" if [ ! -f "$OUTPUT_FILE" ]; then echo "$OUTPUT_FILE" ${folder}_process "$INPUT_FILE" > "$tmpfile" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mv "$tmpfile" "$OUTPUT_FILE" if [ "$folder" = "parser" ]; then cat "$OUTPUT_FILE" | cbor2diag.rb > "${file}B.diag" fi fi fi } if [ "$1" = "missing" ]; then echo "Generating missing output files..." for folder in parser binary-decode semantic-hash import type-inference normalization alpha-normalization; do for root in "dhall-lang/tests" "dhall/tests"; do # This is not robust to spaces in filenames, but hopefully there should be none fd 'A\.dhallb?$' "$root/$folder/success" \ | sed 's/A.dhallb\?$//' \ | while read file; do generate_output_file "$folder" "$file" done done done elif [ "$1" = "add" ]; then # Takes in stdin lists of a path and file contents, like: # normalization/unit/TextShowEmpty Text/show "" # This will add a test to the local tests folder for each such line, and generate # the output using the `dhall` command in the PATH. while read file contents; do folder="$(echo "$file" | cut -d/ -f1)" is_success="$(echo "$file" | cut -d/ -f2)" file="./dhall/tests/$file" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$file")" if [ "$is_success" = "success" ]; then INPUT_FILE="${file}A.dhall" echo "$contents" > $INPUT_FILE generate_output_file "$folder" "$file" else INPUT_FILE="${file}.dhall" echo "$contents" > $INPUT_FILE fi done else echo "$usage_text" fi