parser: ./a%20b ./"a%20b" text interpolation and escapes projection by expression unit tests success/ operators/ PrecedenceAll1 a ? b || c + d ++ e # f && g ∧ h ⫽ i ⩓ j * k == l != m n.o PrecedenceAll2 a b != c == d * e ⩓ f ⫽ g ∧ h && i # j ++ k + l || m ? n LetNoAnnot let x = y in e LetAnnot let x: T = y in e failure/ AssertNoAnnotation assert binary decoding: decode old-style optional literals ? import: success/ recover type error recover recursive import error failure/ don't recover cycle normalization: variables across import boundaries Text/show "" TextLitNested1 "${""}${x}" TextLitNested2 "${"${x}"}" TextLitNested3 "${"${""}"}${x}" typecheck: something that involves destructuring a recordtype after merge add some of the more complicated Prelude tests back, like List/enumerate failure on old-style optional literal failure/ merge { x = λ(x : Bool) → x } (< x: Bool | y: Natural >.x True) merge { x = λ(_ : Bool) → _, y = 1 } < x = True | y > merge { x = True, y = 1 } < x | y >.x merge {x=...,y=...} .x merge {x=...,y=...} .x MergeBoolIsNotUnion merge x True MergeOptionalIsNotUnion merge x (Some 1) SortInLet let x = Sort in 1 equivalence: