parser: x.{ y: T } ./a%20b ./"a%20b" text interpolation and escapes remove `double` rename imports/parenthesizeUsing imports/ Missing missing Headers using ./headers HeadersHashPrecedence using ./headers sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 HeadersHash using (./headers sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) operator precedence DoubleLitPositive 1.23 DoubleLitNegative -1.23 DoubleLitExponent 1.23e4 DoubleLitExponentNoDot 1e4 DoubleLitExponentNegative 1.23e-4 DoubleLitInfinity Infinity DoubleLitNegInfinity -Infinity DoubleLitNaN NaN DoubleLitSecretelyInt 1.0 DoubleLitZero 0.0 BuiltinListBuild List/Build FunctionApplicationOneArg f x FunctionApplicationMultipleArgs f x y z Annotation x : T ListLitNonEmpty [x, y] ListLitNonEmptyAnnotated [x, y] : List T OptionalLitEmpty []: Optional T OptionalLitNonEmpty [x]: Optional T Field r.x FieldBuiltinName r.List FieldQuoted r.`x` Projection r.{x, y, z} Let let x: T = v in e LetNested let x: T = v in let y: U = w in e LetMulti let x: T = v let y: U = w in e LambdaUnicode λ(x : T) -> y FunctionTypePi forall(x: T) -> U FunctionTypePiUnicode ∀(x: T) -> U FunctionTypePiNested forall(x: T) -> forall(y: U) -> V FunctionTypePiUnderscore forall(_: T) -> U FunctionTypeArrow T -> U RecordLit {x = 1, y = 2} RecordType {x: T, y: U} OperatorBoolOr x || y OperatorBoolOrAssoc w || x || y || z OperatorImportAlt x ? y OperatorImportAltAssoc w ? x ? y ? z OperatorNaturalPlus x + y OperatorNaturalPlusAssoc w + x + y + z OperatorTextAppend x ++ y OperatorTextAppendAssoc w ++ x ++ y ++ z OperatorListAppend x # y OperatorListAppendAssoc w # x # y # z OperatorBoolAnd x && y OperatorBoolAndAssoc w && x && y && z OperatorNaturalTimes x * y OperatorNaturalTimesAssoc w * x * y * z OperatorBoolEQ x == y OperatorBoolEQAssoc w == x == y == z OperatorBoolNE x != y OperatorBoolNEAssoc w != x != y != z OperatorRecursiveRecordMerge x //\\ y OperatorRecursiveRecordMergeAssoc w //\\ x //\\ y //\\ z OperatorRecursiveRecordTypeMerge x /\ y OperatorRecursiveRecordTypeMergeAssoc w /\ x /\ y /\ z OperatorRightBiasedRecordMerge x // y OperatorRightBiasedRecordMergeAssoc w // x // y // z OperatorRecursiveRecordMergeUnicode x ∧ y OperatorRecursiveRecordMergeUnicodeAssoc w ∧ x /\ y ∧ z OperatorRightBiasedRecordMergeUnicode x ⫽ y OperatorRightBiasedRecordMergeUnicodeAssoc w ⫽ x // y ⫽ z OperatorRecursiveRecordTypeMergeUnicode x ⩓ y OperatorRecursiveRecordTypeMergeUnicodeAssoc w ⩓ x //\\ y ⩓ z import: recover type error recover recursive import error don't recover cycle normalization: variables across import boundaries "${"${x}"}" "${"${""}"}${x}" "${""}${x}" typecheck: (merge {} <>) : Bool merge x True merge x (Some 1) let x: T = merge x y in ... let _ = Bool in merge {foo = \(x: _) -> x} .foo let foo = Bool in merge {foo = \(x: foo) -> x} .foo merge { x = 1 } < x >.x merge {=} < x >.x merge { x = λ(_ : Bool) → _, y = 1 } < x = True | y > merge { x = True, y = 1 } < x | y >.x merge {x=...,y=...} .x merge {x=...,} .x merge {x=...,y=...} .x merge {x=...,} .x merge { x = None } < x = Bool > { x: T, x: T } something that involves destructuring a recordtype after merge equivalence: forall(x: T) -> x = forall(x: T) -> y