use nom; use core::Const; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Keyword { Let, In, If, Then, Else, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ListLike { List, Optional, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Builtin { Natural, NaturalFold, NaturalBuild, NaturalIsZero, NaturalEven, NaturalOdd, Integer, Double, Text, ListBuild, ListFold, ListLength, ListHead, ListLast, ListIndexed, ListReverse, OptionalFold, Bool, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Tok { Identifier(String), Keyword(Keyword), Builtin(Builtin), ListLike(ListLike), Const(Const), Bool(bool), Integer(isize), Natural(usize), Text(String), // Symbols BraceL, BraceR, BracketL, BracketR, ParenL, ParenR, Arrow, Lambda, Pi, Combine, BoolAnd, BoolOr, CompareEQ, CompareNE, Append, Times, Plus, Comma, Dot, Ascription, Equals, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum LexicalError { Error(usize, nom::simple_errors::Err), Incomplete(nom::Needed), } pub type Spanned = Result<(Loc, Tok, Loc), Error>; #[allow(dead_code)] fn is_identifier_first_char(c: char) -> bool { c.is_alphabetic() || c == '_' } fn is_identifier_rest_char(c: char) -> bool { is_identifier_first_char(c) || c.is_digit(10) || c == '/' } macro_rules! digits { ($i:expr, $t:tt, $radix:expr) => {{ let r: nom::IResult<&str, $t> = map_res!($i, take_while1_s!(call!(|c: char| c.is_digit($radix))), |s| $t::from_str_radix(s, $radix)); r }} } named!(natural<&str, usize>, preceded!(tag!("+"), digits!(usize, 10))); named!(integral<&str, isize>, digits!(isize, 10)); named!(integer<&str, isize>, alt!( preceded!(tag!("-"), map!(integral, |i: isize| -i)) | integral )); named!(boolean<&str, bool>, alt!( value!(true, tag!("True")) | value!(false, tag!("False")) )); named!(identifier<&str, &str>, recognize!(preceded!( take_while1_s!(is_identifier_first_char), take_while_s!(is_identifier_rest_char)) )); /// Parse an identifier, ensuring a whole identifier is parsed and not just a prefix. macro_rules! ident_tag { ($i:expr, $tag:expr) => { match identifier($i) { nom::IResult::Done(i, s) => { if s == $tag { nom::IResult::Done(i, s) } else { nom::IResult::Error(error_position!(nom::ErrorKind::Tag, $i)) } } r => r, } } } fn string_escape_single(c: char) -> Option<&'static str> { match c { 'n' => Some("\n"), 'r' => Some("\r"), 't' => Some("\t"), '"' => Some("\""), '\'' => Some("'"), '\\' => Some("\\"), '0' => Some("\0"), 'a' => Some("\x07"), 'b' => Some("\x08"), 'f' => Some("\x0c"), 'v' => Some("\x0b"), '&' => Some(""), _ => None, } } named!(string_escape_numeric<&str, char>, map_opt!(alt!( preceded!(tag!("x"), digits!(u32, 16)) | preceded!(tag!("o"), digits!(u32, 8)) | digits!(u32, 10) ), ::std::char::from_u32)); fn string_lit_inner(input: &str) -> nom::IResult<&str, String> { use nom::IResult::*;; use nom::ErrorKind; let mut s = String::new(); let mut cs = input.char_indices().peekable(); while let Some((i, c)) = { match c { '"' => return nom::IResult::Done(&input[i..], s), '\\' => match { Some((_, s)) if s.is_whitespace() => { while cs.peek().map(|&(_, s)| s.is_whitespace()) == Some(true) { let _ =; } if|p| p.1) != Some('\\') { return Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Custom(4 /* FIXME */), input)); } } Some((j, ec)) => { if let Some(esc) = string_escape_single(ec) { s.push_str(esc); // FIXME Named ASCII escapes and control character escapes } else { match string_escape_numeric(&input[j..]) { Done(rest, esc) => { let &(k, _) = cs.peek().unwrap(); // digits are always single byte ASCII characters let consumed = input[k..].len() - rest.len(); for _ in 0..consumed { let _ =; } s.push(esc); } Incomplete(s) => return Incomplete(s), Error(e) => return Error(e), } } }, _ => return Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Custom(5 /* FIXME */), input)), }, _ => s.push(c), } } Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Custom(3 /* FIXME */), input)) } named!(string_lit<&str, String>, delimited!(tag!("\""), string_lit_inner, tag!("\""))); named!(keyword<&str, Keyword>, alt!( value!(Keyword::Let, ident_tag!("let")) | value!(Keyword::In, ident_tag!("in")) | value!(Keyword::If, ident_tag!("if")) | value!(Keyword::Then, ident_tag!("then")) | value!(Keyword::Else, ident_tag!("else")) )); named!(type_const<&str, Const>, alt!( value!(Const::Type, ident_tag!("Type")) | value!(Const::Kind, ident_tag!("Kind")) )); named!(list_like<&str, ListLike>, alt!( value!(ListLike::List, ident_tag!("List")) | value!(ListLike::Optional, ident_tag!("Optional")) )); named!(builtin<&str, Builtin>, alt!( value!(Builtin::NaturalFold, ident_tag!("Natural/fold")) | value!(Builtin::NaturalBuild, ident_tag!("Natural/build")) | value!(Builtin::NaturalIsZero, ident_tag!("Natural/isZero")) | value!(Builtin::NaturalEven, ident_tag!("Natural/even")) | value!(Builtin::NaturalOdd, ident_tag!("Natural/odd")) | value!(Builtin::Natural, ident_tag!("Natural")) | value!(Builtin::Integer, ident_tag!("Integer")) | value!(Builtin::Double, ident_tag!("Double")) | value!(Builtin::Text, ident_tag!("Text")) | value!(Builtin::ListBuild, ident_tag!("List/build")) | value!(Builtin::ListFold, ident_tag!("List/fold")) | value!(Builtin::ListLength, ident_tag!("List/length")) | value!(Builtin::ListHead, ident_tag!("List/head")) | value!(Builtin::ListLast, ident_tag!("List/last")) | value!(Builtin::ListIndexed, ident_tag!("List/indexed")) | value!(Builtin::ListReverse, ident_tag!("List/reverse")) | value!(Builtin::OptionalFold, ident_tag!("Optional/fold")) | value!(Builtin::Bool, ident_tag!("Bool")) )); named!(token<&str, Tok>, alt!( value!(Tok::Pi, ident_tag!("forall")) | value!(Tok::Pi, tag!("∀")) | value!(Tok::Lambda, tag!("\\")) | value!(Tok::Lambda, tag!("λ")) | value!(Tok::Combine, tag!("/\\")) | value!(Tok::Combine, tag!("∧")) | value!(Tok::Arrow, tag!("->")) | value!(Tok::Arrow, tag!("→")) | map!(type_const, Tok::Const) | map!(boolean, Tok::Bool) | map!(keyword, Tok::Keyword) | map!(builtin, Tok::Builtin) | map!(list_like, Tok::ListLike) | map!(natural, Tok::Natural) | map!(integer, Tok::Integer) | map!(identifier, |s: &str| Tok::Identifier(s.to_owned())) | map!(string_lit, Tok::Text) | value!(Tok::BraceL, tag!("{")) | value!(Tok::BraceR, tag!("}")) | value!(Tok::BracketL, tag!("[")) | value!(Tok::BracketR, tag!("]")) | value!(Tok::ParenL, tag!("(")) | value!(Tok::ParenR, tag!(")")) | value!(Tok::BoolAnd, tag!("&&")) | value!(Tok::BoolOr, tag!("||")) | value!(Tok::CompareEQ, tag!("==")) | value!(Tok::CompareNE, tag!("!=")) | value!(Tok::Append, tag!("++")) | value!(Tok::Times, tag!("*")) | value!(Tok::Plus, tag!("+")) | value!(Tok::Comma, tag!(",")) | value!(Tok::Dot, tag!(".")) | value!(Tok::Ascription, tag!(":")) | value!(Tok::Equals, tag!("=")) )); fn find_end(input: &str, ending: &str) -> Option { input.find(ending).map(|i| i + ending.len()) } pub struct Lexer<'input> { input: &'input str, offset: usize, } impl<'input> Lexer<'input> { pub fn new(input: &'input str) -> Self { Lexer { input: input, offset: 0, } } fn current_input(&mut self) -> &'input str { &self.input[self.offset..] } fn skip_whitespace(&mut self) -> bool { let input = self.current_input(); let trimmed = input.trim_left(); let whitespace_len = input.len() - trimmed.len(); let skipped = whitespace_len > 0; if skipped { // println!("skipped {} whitespace bytes in {}..{}", whitespace_len, self.offset, self.offset + whitespace_len); self.offset += whitespace_len; } skipped } fn skip_comments(&mut self) -> bool { let input = self.current_input(); if !input.is_char_boundary(0) || !input.is_char_boundary(2) { return false; } let skip = match &input[0..2] { "{-" => find_end(input, "-}"), "--" => find_end(input, "\n"), // Also skips past \r\n (CRLF) _ => None, }.unwrap_or(0); // println!("skipped {} bytes of comment", skip); self.offset += skip; skip != 0 } fn skip_comments_and_whitespace(&mut self) { while self.skip_whitespace() || self.skip_comments() {} } } impl<'input> Iterator for Lexer<'input> { type Item = Spanned; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { use nom::IResult::*; self.skip_comments_and_whitespace(); let input = self.current_input(); if input.len() == 0 { return None; } match token(input) { Done(rest, t) => { let parsed_len = input.len() - rest.len(); //println!("parsed {} bytes => {:?}", parsed_len, t); let start = self.offset; self.offset += parsed_len; Some(Ok((start, t, self.offset))) } Error(e) => { let offset = self.offset; self.offset = self.input.len(); Some(Err(LexicalError::Error(offset, e))) } Incomplete(needed) => { Some(Err(LexicalError::Incomplete(needed))) } } } } #[test] fn test_lex() { use self::Tok::*; let s = "λ(b : Bool) → b == False"; let expected = [Lambda, ParenL, Identifier("b".to_owned()), Ascription, Builtin(self::Builtin::Bool), ParenR, Arrow, Identifier("b".to_owned()), CompareEQ, Bool(false)]; let lexer = Lexer::new(s); let tokens =|r| r.unwrap().1).collect::>(); assert_eq!(&tokens, &expected); assert_eq!(string_lit(r#""a\&b""#).to_result(), Ok("ab".to_owned())); assert_eq!(string_lit(r#""a\ \b""#).to_result(), Ok("ab".to_owned())); assert!(string_lit(r#""a\ b""#).is_err()); assert_eq!(string_lit(r#""a\nb""#).to_result(), Ok("a\nb".to_owned())); assert_eq!(string_lit(r#""\o141\x62\99""#).to_result(), Ok("abc".to_owned())); }