use std::collections::BTreeMap; use dhall::semantics::{Hir, HirKind, Nir, NirKind}; use dhall::syntax::{Builtin, ExprKind, NumKind, Span}; use crate::Error; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct SimpleValue { kind: Box, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum SValKind { Num(NumKind), Text(String), Optional(Option), List(Vec), Record(BTreeMap), Union(String, Option), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct SimpleType { kind: Box, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum STyKind { Bool, Natural, Integer, Double, Text, Optional(SimpleType), List(SimpleType), Record(BTreeMap), Union(BTreeMap>), } /// A Dhall value. This is a wrapper around [`dhall::SimpleValue`]. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Value(SimpleValue); /// A Dhall type. This is a wrapper around [`dhall::SimpleType`]. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Type(SimpleType); impl Value { pub fn into_simple_value(self) -> SimpleValue { self.0 } } impl Type { pub fn into_simple_type(self) -> SimpleType { self.0 } pub fn to_value(&self) -> crate::Value { self.0.to_value() } pub(crate) fn from_simple_type(ty: SimpleType) -> Self { Type(ty) } pub(crate) fn from_stykind(k: STyKind) -> Self { Type(SimpleType::new(k)) } pub(crate) fn make_optional_type(t: Type) -> Self { Type::from_stykind(STyKind::Optional(t.0)) } pub(crate) fn make_list_type(t: Type) -> Self { Type::from_stykind(STyKind::List(t.0)) } // Made public for the StaticType derive macro #[doc(hidden)] pub fn make_record_type(kts: impl Iterator) -> Self { Type::from_stykind(STyKind::Record(|(k, t)| (k, t.0)).collect(), )) } #[doc(hidden)] pub fn make_union_type( kts: impl Iterator)>, ) -> Self { Type::from_stykind(STyKind::Union(|(k, t)| (k,|t| t.0))).collect(), )) } } impl SimpleValue { pub fn new(kind: SValKind) -> Self { SimpleValue { kind: Box::new(kind), } } pub fn from_nir(nir: &Nir) -> Option { Some(SimpleValue::new(match nir.kind() { NirKind::Num(lit) => SValKind::Num(lit.clone()), NirKind::TextLit(x) => SValKind::Text( x.as_text() .expect("Normal form should ensure the text is a string"), ), NirKind::EmptyOptionalLit(_) => SValKind::Optional(None), NirKind::NEOptionalLit(x) => { SValKind::Optional(Some(Self::from_nir(x)?)) } NirKind::EmptyListLit(_) => SValKind::List(vec![]), NirKind::NEListLit(xs) => SValKind::List( xs.iter() .map(|v| Self::from_nir(v)) .collect::>()?, ), NirKind::RecordLit(kvs) => SValKind::Record( kvs.iter() .map(|(k, v)| Some((k.into(), Self::from_nir(v)?))) .collect::>()?, ), NirKind::UnionLit(field, x, _) => { SValKind::Union(field.into(), Some(Self::from_nir(x)?)) } NirKind::UnionConstructor(field, ty) if ty.get(field).map(|f| f.is_some()) == Some(false) => { SValKind::Union(field.into(), None) } _ => return None, })) } pub fn kind(&self) -> &SValKind { self.kind.as_ref() } } impl SimpleType { pub fn new(kind: STyKind) -> Self { SimpleType { kind: Box::new(kind), } } pub fn from_nir(nir: &Nir) -> Option { Some(SimpleType::new(match nir.kind() { NirKind::BuiltinType(b) => match b { Builtin::Bool => STyKind::Bool, Builtin::Natural => STyKind::Natural, Builtin::Integer => STyKind::Integer, Builtin::Double => STyKind::Double, Builtin::Text => STyKind::Text, _ => unreachable!(), }, NirKind::OptionalType(t) => STyKind::Optional(Self::from_nir(t)?), NirKind::ListType(t) => STyKind::List(Self::from_nir(t)?), NirKind::RecordType(kts) => STyKind::Record( kts.iter() .map(|(k, v)| Some((k.into(), Self::from_nir(v)?))) .collect::>()?, ), NirKind::UnionType(kts) => STyKind::Union( kts.iter() .map(|(k, v)| { Some(( k.into(), v.as_ref() .map(|v| Ok(Self::from_nir(v)?)) .transpose()?, )) }) .collect::>()?, ), _ => return None, })) } pub fn kind(&self) -> &STyKind { self.kind.as_ref() } pub fn to_value(&self) -> crate::Value { crate::Value { hir: self.to_hir(), as_simple_val: None, as_simple_ty: Some(self.clone()), } } pub fn to_hir(&self) -> Hir { let hir = |k| Hir::new(HirKind::Expr(k), Span::Artificial); hir(match self.kind() { STyKind::Bool => ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Bool), STyKind::Natural => ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Natural), STyKind::Integer => ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Integer), STyKind::Double => ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Double), STyKind::Text => ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Text), STyKind::Optional(t) => ExprKind::App( hir(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Optional)), t.to_hir(), ), STyKind::List(t) => { ExprKind::App(hir(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::List)), t.to_hir()) } STyKind::Record(kts) => ExprKind::RecordType( kts.into_iter() .map(|(k, t)| (k.as_str().into(), t.to_hir())) .collect(), ), STyKind::Union(kts) => ExprKind::UnionType( kts.into_iter() .map(|(k, t)| { (k.as_str().into(), t.as_ref().map(|t| t.to_hir())) }) .collect(), ), }) } } impl super::sealed::Sealed for Value {} impl super::Deserialize for Value { fn from_dhall(v: &crate::Value) -> super::Result { let sval = v.to_simple_value().ok_or_else(|| { Error::Deserialize(format!( "this cannot be deserialized into a simple type: {}", v )) })?; Ok(Value(sval)) } } impl super::sealed::Sealed for Type {} impl super::Deserialize for Type { fn from_dhall(v: &crate::Value) -> super::Result { let sty = v.to_simple_type().ok_or_else(|| { Error::Deserialize(format!( "this cannot be deserialized into a simple type: {}", v )) })?; Ok(Type(sty)) } }