; ABNF syntax based on RFC 5234
; The character encoding for Dhall is UTF-8
; Some notes on implementing this grammar:
; First, do not use a lexer to tokenize the file before parsing.  Instead, treat
; the individual characters of the file as the tokens to feed into the parser.
; You should not use a lexer because Dhall's grammar supports two features which
; cannot be correctly supported by a lexer:
; * String interpolation (i.e. "foo ${Natural/toInteger bar} baz")
; * Nested block comments (i.e. "{- foo {- bar -} baz -}")
; Second, this grammar assumes that your parser can backtrack and/or try
; multiple parses simultaneously.  For example, consider this expression:
;     List ./MyType
; A parser might first try to parse the period as the beginning of a field
; selector, only to realize immediately afterwards that `/MyType` is not a valid
; name for a field.  A conforming parser must backtrack so that the expression
; `./MyType` can instead be correctly interpreted as a relative path
; Third, if there are multiple valid parses then prefer the first parse
; according to the ordering of alternatives. That is, the order of evaluation
; of the alternatives is left-to-right.
; For example, the grammar for single quoted string literals is:
;     single-quote-continue =
;           "'''"               single-quote-continue
;         / "${" complete-expression "}" single-quote-continue
;         / "''${"              single-quote-continue
;         / "''"
;         / %x20-10FFFF         single-quote-continue
;         / tab                 single-quote-continue
;         / end-of-line         single-quote-continue
;         single-quote-literal = "''" single-quote-continue
; ... which permits valid parses for the following code:
;     "''''''''''''''''"
; If you tried to parse all alternatives then there are at least two valid
; interpretations for the above code:
; * A single quoted literal with four escape sequences of the form "'''"
;     * i.e. "''" followed by "'''"  four times in a row followed by "''"
; * Four empty single quoted literals
;     * i.e. "''''" four times in a row
; The correct interpretation is the first one because parsing the escape
; sequence "'''" takes precedence over parsing the termination sequence "''",
; according to the order of the alternatives in the `single-quote-continue`
; rule.
; Some parsing libraries do not backtrack by default but allow the user to
; selectively backtrack in certain parts of the grammar.  Usually parsing
; libraries do this to improve efficiency and error messages.  Dhall's grammar
; takes that into account by minimizing the number of rules that require the
; parser to backtrack and comments below will highlight where you need to
; explicitly backtrack
; Specifically, if you see an uninterrupted literal in a grammar rule such as:
;     "->"
; ... or:
;     %x66.6f.72.61.6c.6c
; ... then that string literal is parsed as a single unit, meaning that you
; should backtrack if you parse only part of the literal
; In all other cases you can assume that you do not need to backtrack unless
; there is a comment explicitly asking you to backtrack
; When parsing a repeated construct, prefer alternatives that parse as many
; repetitions as possible.  On in other words:
;     [a] = a / ""
;     a* = a* a / ""
; Note that the latter rule also specifies that repetition produces
; left-associated expressions.  For example, function application is
; left-associative and all operators are left-associative when they are not
; parenthesized.
; Additionally, try alternatives in an order that minimizes backtracking
; according to the following rule:
;     (a / b) (c / d) = a c / a d / b c / b d

; NOTE: There are many line endings in the wild
; See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline
; For simplicity this supports Unix and Windows line-endings, which are the most
; common
end-of-line =
      %x0A     ; "\n"
    / %x0D.0A  ; "\r\n"

tab = %x09  ; "\t"

block-comment = "{-" block-comment-continue

block-comment-chunk =
    / %x20-10FFFF
    / tab
    / end-of-line

block-comment-continue = "-}" / block-comment-chunk block-comment-continue

not-end-of-line = %x20-10FFFF / tab

; NOTE: Slightly different from Haskell-style single-line comments because this
; does not require a space after the dashes
line-comment = "--" *not-end-of-line end-of-line

whitespace-chunk =
      " "
    / tab
    / end-of-line
    / line-comment
    / block-comment

whsp = *whitespace-chunk

; nonempty whitespace
whsp1 = 1*whitespace-chunk

; Uppercase or lowercase ASCII letter
ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A

; ASCII digit
DIGIT = %x30-39  ; 0-9

HEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"

; A simple label cannot be one of the reserved keywords
; listed in the `keyword` rule.
; A PEG parser could use negative lookahead to
; enforce this, e.g. as follows:
; simple-label =
;       keyword 1*simple-label-next-char
;     / !keyword (simple-label-first-char *simple-label-next-char)
simple-label-first-char = ALPHA / "_"
simple-label-next-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "/" / "_"
simple-label = simple-label-first-char *simple-label-next-char

quoted-label-char =
        ; %x60 = '`'
    / %x61-7E

quoted-label = 1*quoted-label-char

; NOTE: Dhall does not support Unicode labels, mainly to minimize the potential
; for code obfuscation
label = ("`" quoted-label "`" / simple-label)

; A nonreserved-label cannot not be any of the reserved identifiers for builtins (unless quoted).
; Their list can be found in semantics.md. This is not enforced by the grammar but
; should be checked by implementations. The only place where this restriction applies
; is bound variables.
; A PEG parser could use negative lookahead to avoid parsing those identifiers.
nonreserved-label = label

; An any-label is allowed to be one of the reserved identifiers.
any-label = label

; Dhall's double-quoted strings are equivalent to JSON strings except with
; support for string interpolation (and escaping string interpolation)
; Dhall uses almost the same escaping rules as JSON (RFC7159) with one
; exception: Dhall adds a new `\$` escape sequence for dollar signs.  This
; additional escape sequences lets you escape string interpolation by writing
; `\${`
; > The representation of strings is similar to conventions used in the C
; > family of programming languages.  A string begins and ends with
; > quotation marks.  All Unicode characters may be placed within the
; > quotation marks, except for the characters that must be escaped:
; > quotation mark, reverse solidus, and the control characters (U+0000
; > through U+001F).
; > 
; > Any character may be escaped.  If the character is in the Basic
; > Multilingual Plane (U+0000 through U+FFFF), then it may be
; > represented as a six-character sequence: a reverse solidus, followed
; > by the lowercase letter u, followed by four hexadecimal digits that
; > encode the character's code point.  The hexadecimal letters A though
; > F can be upper or lower case.  So, for example, a string containing
; > only a single reverse solidus character may be represented as
; > "\u005C".
; > 
; > Alternatively, there are two-character sequence escape
; > representations of some popular characters.  So, for example, a
; > string containing only a single reverse solidus character may be
; > represented more compactly as "\\".
; > 
; > To escape an extended character that is not in the Basic Multilingual
; > Plane, the character is represented as a 12-character sequence,
; > encoding the UTF-16 surrogate pair.  So, for example, a string
; > containing only the G clef character (U+1D11E) may be represented as
; > "\uD834\uDD1E".
double-quote-chunk =
      ; '\'    Beginning of escape sequence
    / %x5C double-quote-escaped
    / double-quote-char

double-quote-escaped =
      %x22               ; '"'    quotation mark  U+0022
    / %x24               ; '$'    dollar sign     U+0024
    / %x5C               ; '\'    reverse solidus U+005C
    / %x2F               ; '/'    solidus         U+002F
    / %x62               ; 'b'    backspace       U+0008
    / %x66               ; 'f'    form feed       U+000C
    / %x6E               ; 'n'    line feed       U+000A
    / %x72               ; 'r'    carriage return U+000D
    / %x74               ; 't'    tab             U+0009
    / %x75 4HEXDIG       ; 'uXXXX'                U+XXXX

; Printable characters except double quote and backslash
double-quote-char =
        ; %x22 = '"'
    / %x23-5B
        ; %x5C = "\"
    / %x5D-10FFFF

double-quote-literal = %x22 *double-quote-chunk %x22

; NOTE: The only way to end a single-quote string literal with a single quote is
; to either interpolate the single quote, like this:
;     ''ABC${"'"}''
; ... or concatenate another string, like this:
;     ''ABC'' ++ "'"
; If you try to end the string literal with a single quote then you get "'''",
; which is interpreted as an escaped pair of single quotes
single-quote-continue =
      interpolation single-quote-continue
    / escaped-quote-pair single-quote-continue
    / escaped-interpolation single-quote-continue
    / single-quote-char single-quote-continue
    / "''" ; End of text literal

; Escape two single quotes (i.e. replace this sequence with "''")
escaped-quote-pair = "'''"

; Escape interpolation (i.e. replace this sequence with "${")
escaped-interpolation = "''${"

single-quote-char =
    / tab
    / end-of-line

single-quote-literal = "''" end-of-line single-quote-continue

interpolation = "${" complete-expression "}"

text-literal = (double-quote-literal / single-quote-literal)

; RFC 5234 interprets string literals as case-insensitive and recommends using
; hex instead for case-sensitive strings
; If you don't feel like reading hex, these are all the same as the rule name.
; Keywords that should never be parsed as identifiers
if                    = %x69.66
then                  = %x74.68.65.6e
else                  = %x65.6c.73.65
let                   = %x6c.65.74
in                    = %x69.6e
as                    = %x61.73
using                 = %x75.73.69.6e.67
merge                 = %x6d.
missing               = %x6d.
Infinity              = %x49.6e.66.69.6e.69.74.79
NaN                   = %x4e.61.4e
Some                  = %x53.6f.6d.65

; Unused rule that could be used as negative lookahead in the
; `simple-label` rule for parsers that support this.
keyword =
      if / then / else
    / let / in
    / using / missing / as
    / Infinity / NaN
    / merge / Some

; Reserved identifiers, only needed for some special cases of parsing
Optional              = %x4f.
Text                  = %x54.65.78.74
List                  = %x4c.69.73.74

combine       = %x2227 / "/\"
combine-types = %x2A53 / "//\\"
prefer        = %x2AFD / "//"
lambda        = %x3BB  / "\"
forall        = %x2200 / %x66.6f.72.61.6c.6c
arrow         = %x2192 / "->"

exponent = "e" [ "+" / "-" ] 1*DIGIT

numeric-double-literal = [ "+" / "-" ] 1*DIGIT ( "." 1*DIGIT [ exponent ] / exponent)

minus-infinity-literal = "-" Infinity
plus-infinity-literal = Infinity

double-literal =
    ; "2.0"
    ; "-Infinity"
    / minus-infinity-literal
    ; "Infinity"
    / plus-infinity-literal
    ; "NaN"
    / NaN

natural-literal = 1*DIGIT

integer-literal = ( "+" / "-" ) natural-literal

; The implementation should recognize reserved names for builtins and treat them as special
; values instead of variables.
identifier = any-label [ whsp "@" whsp natural-literal ]

; Printable characters other than " ()[]{}<>/\,"
; Excluding those characters ensures that paths don't have to end with trailing
; whitespace most of the time
path-character =
        ; %x20 = " "
        ; %x22 = "\""
        ; %x23 = "#"
    / %x24-27
        ; %x28 = "("
        ; %x29 = ")"
    / %x2A-2B
        ; %x2C = ","
    / %x2D-2E
        ; %x2F = "/"
    / %x30-3B
        ; %x3C = "<"
    / %x3D
        ; %x3E = ">"
        ; %x3F = "?"
    / %x40-5A
        ; %x5B = "["
        ; %x5C = "\"
        ; %x5D = "]"
    / %x5E-7A
        ; %x7B = "{"
    / %x7C
        ; %x7D = "}"
    / %x7E

quoted-path-character =
        ; %x22 = "\""
    / %x23-2E
        ; %x2F = "/"
    / %x30-10FFFF

unquoted-path-component = 1*path-character
quoted-path-component = 1*quoted-path-character

path-component = "/" ( unquoted-path-component / %x22 quoted-path-component %x22 )

; The last path-component matched by this rule is referred to as "file" in the semantics,
; and the other path-components as "directory".
path = 1*path-component

local =
    / here-path
    / home-path
    ; NOTE: Backtrack if parsing this alternative fails
    ; This is because the first character of this alternative will be "/", but
    ; if the second character is "/" or "\" then this should have been parsed
    ; as an operator instead of a path
    / absolute-path

parent-path = ".." path  ; Relative path
here-path = "."  path  ; Relative path
home-path = "~"  path  ; Home-anchored path
absolute-path = path  ; Absolute path

; `http[s]` URI grammar based on RFC7230 and RFC 3986 with some differences
; noted below

scheme = %x68.74.74.70 [ %x73 ]  ; "http" [ "s" ]

; NOTE: This does not match the official grammar for a URI.  Specifically:
; * this replaces `path-abempty` with `path`, so an empty path is
;   not valid
; * this does not support fragment identifiers, which have no meaning within
;   Dhall expressions and do not affect import resolution
http-raw = scheme "://" authority path [ "?" query ]

; NOTE: Backtrack if parsing the optional user info prefix fails
authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]

userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )

host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name

port = *DIGIT

IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture  ) "]"

IPvFuture = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" )

; NOTE: Backtrack when parsing each alternative
IPv6address =                            6( h16 ":" ) ls32
            /                       "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
            / [               h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
            / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
            / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
            / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"    h16 ":"   ls32
            / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              ls32
            / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              h16
            / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"

h16 = 1*4HEXDIG

ls32 = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address

IPv4address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet

; NOTE: Backtrack when parsing these alternatives and try them in reverse order
dec-octet = DIGIT              ; 0-9
          / %x31-39 DIGIT      ; 10-99
          / "1" 2DIGIT         ; 100-199
          / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT  ; 200-249
          / "25" %x30-35       ; 250-255

reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims )

pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"

query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )

pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG

unreserved  = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"

sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

http =
    [ whsp using whsp1 (import-hashed / "(" whsp import-hashed whsp ")") ]

; Dhall supports unquoted environment variables that are Bash-compliant or
; quoted environment variables that are POSIX-compliant
env = "env:"
    ( bash-environment-variable
    / %x22 posix-environment-variable %x22

; Bash supports a restricted subset of POSIX environment variables.  From the
; Bash `man` page, an environment variable name is:
; > A word consisting only of  alphanumeric  characters  and  under-scores,  and
; > beginning with an alphabetic character or an under-score
bash-environment-variable = (ALPHA / "_") *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "_")

; The POSIX standard is significantly more flexible about legal environment
; variable names, which can contain alerts (i.e. '\a'), whitespace, or
; punctuation, for example.  The POSIX standard says about environment variable
; names:
; > The value of an environment variable is a string of characters. For a
; > C-language program, an array of strings called the environment shall be made
; > available when a process begins. The array is pointed to by the external
; > variable environ, which is defined as:
; >
; >     extern char **environ;
; >
; > These strings have the form name=value; names shall not contain the
; > character '='. For values to be portable across systems conforming to IEEE
; > Std 1003.1-2001, the value shall be composed of characters from the portable
; > character set (except NUL and as indicated below).
; Note that the standard does not explicitly state that the name must have at
; least one character, but `env` does not appear to support this and `env`
; claims to be POSIX-compliant.  To be safe, Dhall requires at least one
; character like `env`
posix-environment-variable = 1*posix-environment-variable-character

; These are all the characters from the POSIX Portable Character Set except for 
; '\0' (NUL) and '='.  Note that the POSIX standard does not explicitly state
; that environment variable names cannot have NUL.  However, this is implicit
; in the fact that environment variables are passed to the program as
; NUL-terminated `name=value` strings, which implies that the `name` portion of
; the string cannot have NUL characters
posix-environment-variable-character =
      %x5C                 ; '\'    Beginning of escape sequence
      ( %x22               ; '"'    quotation mark  U+0022
      / %x5C               ; '\'    reverse solidus U+005C
      / %x61               ; 'a'    alert           U+0007
      / %x62               ; 'b'    backspace       U+0008
      / %x66               ; 'f'    form feed       U+000C
      / %x6E               ; 'n'    line feed       U+000A
      / %x72               ; 'r'    carriage return U+000D
      / %x74               ; 't'    tab             U+0009
      / %x76               ; 'v'    vertical tab    U+000B
    ; Printable characters except double quote, backslash and equals
    / %x20-21
        ; %x22 = '"'
    / %x23-3C
        ; %x3D = '='
    / %x3E-5B
        ; %x5C = "\"
    / %x5D-7E

import-type = missing / local / http / env

hash = %x73. 64HEXDIG ; "sha256:XXX...XXX"

import-hashed = import-type [ whsp hash ]

; "http://example.com"
; "./foo/bar"
; "env:FOO"
import = import-hashed [ whsp as whsp1 Text ]

expression =
    ; "\(x : a) -> b"
      lambda whsp "(" whsp nonreserved-label whsp ":" whsp1 expression whsp ")" whsp arrow whsp expression
    ; "if a then b else c"
    / if whsp1 expression whsp then whsp1 expression whsp else whsp1 expression
    ; "let x : t = e1 in e2"
    ; "let x     = e1 in e2"
    ; "let x = e1 let y = e2 in e3"
    / 1*let-binding in whsp1 expression
    ; "forall (x : a) -> b"
    / forall whsp "(" whsp nonreserved-label whsp ":" whsp1 expression whsp ")" whsp arrow whsp expression
    ; "a -> b"
    ; NOTE: Backtrack if parsing this alternative fails
    / operator-expression whsp arrow whsp expression
    ; "merge e1 e2 : t"
    ; "merge e1 e2"
    / merge whsp1 import-expression whsp import-expression [ whsp ":" whsp1 application-expression ]
    ; "[]  : List     t"
    ; "[]  : Optional t"
    ; "[x] : Optional t"
    ; NOTE: Backtrack if parsing this alternative fails since we can't tell
    ; from the opening bracket whether or not this will be an empty list or
    ; a non-empty list
    / "[" whsp (empty-collection / non-empty-optional)
    ; "x : t"
    / annotated-expression

; Nonempty-whitespace to disambiguate `env:VARIABLE` from type annotations
annotated-expression = operator-expression [ whsp ":" whsp1 expression ]

; "let x = e1"
let-binding = let whsp1 nonreserved-label whsp [ ":" whsp1 expression whsp ] "=" whsp expression whsp

; "]  : List     t"
; "]  : Optional t"
empty-collection = "]" whsp ":" whsp1 (List / Optional) whsp import-expression

; "x] : Optional t"
non-empty-optional = expression whsp "]" whsp ":" whsp1 Optional whsp import-expression

operator-expression = import-alt-expression

; Nonempty-whitespace to disambiguate `http://a/a?a`
import-alt-expression    = or-expression            *(whsp "?" whsp1 or-expression)
or-expression            = plus-expression          *(whsp "||" whsp plus-expression)
; Nonempty-whitespace to disambiguate `f +2`
plus-expression          = text-append-expression   *(whsp "+" whsp1 text-append-expression)
text-append-expression   = list-append-expression   *(whsp "++" whsp list-append-expression)
list-append-expression   = and-expression           *(whsp "#" whsp and-expression)
and-expression           = combine-expression       *(whsp "&&" whsp combine-expression)
combine-expression       = prefer-expression        *(whsp combine whsp prefer-expression)
prefer-expression        = combine-types-expression *(whsp prefer whsp combine-types-expression)
combine-types-expression = times-expression         *(whsp combine-types whsp times-expression)
times-expression         = equal-expression         *(whsp "*" whsp equal-expression)
equal-expression         = not-equal-expression     *(whsp "==" whsp not-equal-expression)
not-equal-expression     = application-expression   *(whsp "!=" whsp application-expression)

; Import expressions need to be separated by some whitespace, otherwise there
; would be ambiguity: `./ab` could be interpreted as "import the file `./ab`",
; or "apply the import `./a` to label `b`"
application-expression =
    [ Some whsp1 ] import-expression *(whsp1 import-expression)

import-expression = import / selector-expression

; `record.field` extracts one field of a record
; `record.{ field0, field1, field2 }` projects out several fields of a record
; NOTE: Backtrack when parsing the `*("." ...)`.  The reason why is that you
; can't tell from parsing just the period whether "foo." will become "foo.bar"
; (i.e. accessing field `bar` of the record `foo`) or `foo./bar` (i.e. applying
; the function `foo` to the relative path `./bar`)
selector-expression = primitive-expression *(whsp "." whsp selector)

selector = any-label / labels

labels = "{" whsp [ any-label whsp *("," whsp any-label whsp) ] "}"

; NOTE: Backtrack when parsing the first three alternatives (i.e. the numeric
; literals).  This is because they share leading characters in common
primitive-expression =
    ; "2.0"
    ; "2"
    / natural-literal
    ; "+2"
    / integer-literal
    ; '"ABC"'
    / text-literal
    ; "{ foo = 1      , bar = True }"
    ; "{ foo : Integer, bar : Bool }"
    / "{" whsp record-type-or-literal whsp "}"
    ; "< Foo : Integer | Bar : Bool >"
    ; "< Foo : Integer | Bar = True | Baz : Bool >"
    ; "< Foo | Bar : Bool >"
    / "<" whsp union-type-or-literal whsp ">"
    ; "[1, 2, 3]"
    ; `empty-collection` handles empty lists
    / non-empty-list-literal
    ; "x"
    ; "x@2"
    / identifier
    ; "( e )"
    / "(" complete-expression ")"

record-type-or-literal =
    / non-empty-record-type-or-literal
    / empty-record-type

empty-record-literal = "="
empty-record-type = ""

non-empty-record-type-or-literal =
    any-label whsp (non-empty-record-literal / non-empty-record-type)

non-empty-record-type = ":" whsp1 expression *(whsp "," whsp record-type-entry)
record-type-entry = any-label whsp ":" whsp1 expression

non-empty-record-literal = "=" whsp expression *(whsp "," whsp record-literal-entry)
record-literal-entry = any-label whsp "=" whsp expression

union-type-or-literal =
    / empty-union-type

empty-union-type = ""

non-empty-union-type-or-literal =
    any-label [ whsp ( union-literal-variant-value / union-type-or-literal-variant-type) ]

; = True | ...
union-literal-variant-value = "=" whsp expression *(whsp "|" whsp union-type-entry)
union-type-entry = any-label whsp ":" whsp1 expression

; : Integer | ...
; | ...
union-type-or-literal-variant-type = [ ":" whsp1 expression ] [ whsp "|" whsp non-empty-union-type-or-literal ]

non-empty-list-literal = "[" whsp expression whsp *("," whsp expression whsp) "]"

; This just adds surrounding whitespace for the top-level of the program
complete-expression = whsp expression whsp