extern crate proc_macro; use dhall_core::context::Context; use dhall_core::*; use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use quote::quote; use std::collections::BTreeMap; pub fn dhall_expr(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { let input_str = input.to_string(); let expr: SubExpr = parse_expr(&input_str).unwrap(); let no_import = |_: &Import| -> X { panic!("Don't use import in dhall!()") }; let expr = rc(expr.as_ref().map_embed(&no_import)); let output = quote_subexpr(&expr, &Context::new()); output.into() } // Returns an expression of type ExprF, where T is the // type of the subexpressions after interpolation. pub fn quote_expr(expr: ExprF) -> TokenStream where TS: quote::ToTokens + std::fmt::Debug, { let quote_map = |m: BTreeMap| -> TokenStream { let entries = m.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| { let k = quote_label(&k); quote!(m.insert(#k, #v);) }); quote! { { use std::collections::BTreeMap; let mut m = BTreeMap::new(); #( #entries )* m } } }; let quote_vec = |e: Vec| -> TokenStream { quote! { vec![ #(#e),* ] } }; use dhall_core::ExprF::*; match expr { Var(_) => unreachable!(), Pi(x, t, b) => { let x = quote_label(&x); quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::Pi(#x, #t, #b) } } Lam(x, t, b) => { let x = quote_label(&x); quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::Lam(#x, #t, #b) } } App(f, a) => { let a = quote_vec(a); quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::App(#f, #a) } } Const(c) => { let c = quote_const(c); quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::Const(#c) } } Builtin(b) => { let b = quote_builtin(b); quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::Builtin(#b) } } BinOp(o, a, b) => { let o = quote_binop(o); quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::BinOp(#o, #a, #b) } } NaturalLit(n) => { quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::NaturalLit(#n) } } BoolLit(b) => { quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::BoolLit(#b) } } EmptyOptionalLit(x) => { quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::EmptyOptionalLit(#x) } } NEOptionalLit(x) => { quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::NEOptionalLit(#x) } } EmptyListLit(t) => { quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::EmptyListLit(#t) } } NEListLit(es) => { let es = quote_vec(es); quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::NEListLit(#es) } } RecordType(m) => { let m = quote_map(m); quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::RecordType(#m) } } RecordLit(m) => { let m = quote_map(m); quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::RecordLit(#m) } } UnionType(m) => { let m = quote_map(m); quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::UnionType(#m) } } e => unimplemented!("{:?}", e), } } // Returns an expression of type SubExpr<_, _>. Expects interpolated variables // to be of type SubExpr<_, _>. fn quote_subexpr( expr: &SubExpr, ctx: &Context, ) -> TokenStream { use dhall_core::ExprF::*; match expr.as_ref().map_ref( |e| quote_subexpr(e, ctx), |l, e| quote_subexpr(e, &ctx.insert(l.clone(), ())), |_| unreachable!(), |_| unreachable!(), |l| l.clone(), ) { Var(V(ref s, n)) => { match ctx.lookup(s, n) { // Non-free variable; interpolates as itself Some(()) => { let s: String = s.into(); let var = quote! { dhall_core::V(#s.into(), #n) }; bx(quote! { dhall_core::ExprF::Var(#var) }) } // Free variable; interpolates as a rust variable None => { let s: String = s.into(); // TODO: insert appropriate shifts ? let v: TokenStream = s.parse().unwrap(); quote! { { let x: dhall_core::SubExpr<_, _> = #v.clone(); x } } } } } e => bx(quote_expr(e)), } } fn quote_builtin(b: Builtin) -> TokenStream { format!("dhall_core::Builtin::{:?}", b).parse().unwrap() } fn quote_const(c: Const) -> TokenStream { format!("dhall_core::Const::{:?}", c).parse().unwrap() } fn quote_binop(b: BinOp) -> TokenStream { format!("dhall_core::BinOp::{:?}", b).parse().unwrap() } fn quote_label(l: &Label) -> TokenStream { let l = String::from(l); quote! { dhall_core::Label::from(#l) } } fn bx(x: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { quote! { dhall_core::bx(#x) } }