use std::cmp::max; use crate::builtins::{type_of_builtin, Builtin}; use crate::error::{ErrorBuilder, TypeError, TypeMessage}; use crate::operations::typecheck_operation; use crate::semantics::{Hir, HirKind, Nir, NirKind, Tir, TyEnv, Type}; use crate::syntax::{Const, ExprKind, InterpolatedTextContents, NumKind, Span}; fn function_check(a: Const, b: Const) -> Const { if b == Const::Type { Const::Type } else { max(a, b) } } pub fn mkerr(msg: S) -> Result { Err(TypeError::new(TypeMessage::Custom(msg.to_string()))) } pub fn mk_span_err(span: Span, msg: S) -> Result { mkerr( ErrorBuilder::new(msg.to_string()) .span_err(span, msg.to_string()) .format(), ) } /// When all sub-expressions have been typed, check the remaining toplevel /// layer. fn type_one_layer( env: &TyEnv, ekind: ExprKind>, span: Span, ) -> Result { let span_err = |msg: &str| mk_span_err(span.clone(), msg); Ok(match ekind { ExprKind::Import(..) => { unreachable!("This case should have been handled in resolution") } ExprKind::Var(..) | ExprKind::Const(Const::Sort) | ExprKind::Lam(..) | ExprKind::Pi(..) | ExprKind::Let(..) | ExprKind::Annot(..) => { unreachable!("This case should have been handled in type_with") } ExprKind::Const(Const::Type) => Type::from_const(Const::Kind), ExprKind::Const(Const::Kind) => Type::from_const(Const::Sort), ExprKind::Num(num) => Type::from_builtin(match num { NumKind::Bool(_) => Builtin::Bool, NumKind::Natural(_) => Builtin::Natural, NumKind::Integer(_) => Builtin::Integer, NumKind::Double(_) => Builtin::Double, }), ExprKind::Builtin(b) => { let t_hir = type_of_builtin(b); typecheck(&t_hir)?.eval_to_type(env)? } ExprKind::TextLit(interpolated) => { let text_type = Type::from_builtin(Builtin::Text); for contents in interpolated.iter() { use InterpolatedTextContents::Expr; if let Expr(x) = contents { if *x.ty() != text_type { return span_err("InvalidTextInterpolation"); } } } text_type } ExprKind::SomeLit(x) => { if x.ty().ty().as_const() != Some(Const::Type) { return span_err("InvalidOptionalType"); } let t = x.ty().to_nir(); Nir::from_builtin(Builtin::Optional) .app(t) .to_type(Const::Type) } ExprKind::EmptyListLit(t) => { let t = t.eval_to_type(env)?; match t.kind() { NirKind::ListType(..) => {} _ => return span_err("InvalidListType"), }; t } ExprKind::NEListLit(xs) => { let mut iter = xs.iter(); let x =; for y in iter { if x.ty() != y.ty() { return span_err("InvalidListElement"); } } if x.ty().ty().as_const() != Some(Const::Type) { return span_err("InvalidListType"); } let t = x.ty().to_nir(); Nir::from_builtin(Builtin::List).app(t).to_type(Const::Type) } ExprKind::RecordLit(kvs) => { // An empty record type has type Type let mut k = Const::Type; for v in kvs.values() { // Check that the fields have a valid kind match v.ty().ty().as_const() { Some(c) => k = max(k, c), None => return mk_span_err(v.span(), "InvalidFieldType"), } } let kts = kvs .iter() .map(|(x, v)| (x.clone(), v.ty().to_nir())) .collect(); Nir::from_kind(NirKind::RecordType(kts)).to_type(k) } ExprKind::RecordType(kts) => { // An empty record type has type Type let mut k = Const::Type; for t in kts.values() { // Check the type is a Const and compute final type match t.ty().as_const() { Some(c) => k = max(k, c), None => return mk_span_err(t.span(), "InvalidFieldType"), } } Type::from_const(k) } ExprKind::UnionType(kts) => { // An empty union type has type Type; // an union type with only unary variants also has type Type let mut k = Const::Type; for t in kts.values() { if let Some(t) = t { match t.ty().as_const() { Some(c) => k = max(k, c), None => { return mk_span_err(t.span(), "InvalidVariantType") } } } } Type::from_const(k) } ExprKind::Op(op) => typecheck_operation(env, span, op)?, ExprKind::Assert(t) => { let t = t.eval_to_type(env)?; match t.kind() { NirKind::Equivalence(x, y) if x == y => {} NirKind::Equivalence(..) => return span_err("AssertMismatch"), _ => return span_err("AssertMustTakeEquivalence"), } t } }) } /// `type_with` typechecks an expression in the provided environment. Optionally pass an annotation /// to compare with. // We pass the annotation to avoid duplicating the annot checking logic. I hope one day we can use // it to handle the annotations in merge/toMap/etc. uniformly. pub fn type_with<'hir>( env: &TyEnv, hir: &'hir Hir, annot: Option, ) -> Result, TypeError> { let tir = match hir.kind() { HirKind::Var(var) => Tir::from_hir(hir, env.lookup(*var)), HirKind::Import(_, ty) => Tir::from_hir(hir, ty.clone()), HirKind::Expr(ExprKind::Var(_)) => { unreachable!("Hir should contain no unresolved variables") } HirKind::Expr(ExprKind::Const(Const::Sort)) => { return mk_span_err(hir.span(), "Sort does not have a type") } HirKind::Expr(ExprKind::Annot(x, t)) => { let t = match t.kind() { HirKind::Expr(ExprKind::Const(Const::Sort)) => { Type::from_const(Const::Sort) } _ => type_with(env, t, None)?.eval_to_type(env)?, }; type_with(env, x, Some(t))? } HirKind::Expr(ExprKind::Lam(binder, annot, body)) => { let annot = type_with(env, annot, None)?; let annot_nf = annot.eval_to_type(env)?; let body_env = env.insert_type(binder, annot_nf); let body = type_with(&body_env, body, None)?; let u_annot = annot.ty().as_const().unwrap(); let u_body = match body.ty().ty().as_const() { Some(k) => k, _ => return mk_span_err(hir.span(), "Invalid output type"), }; let u = function_check(u_annot, u_body).to_universe(); let ty_hir = Hir::new( HirKind::Expr(ExprKind::Pi( binder.clone(), annot.to_hir(), body.ty().to_hir(body_env.as_varenv()), )), hir.span(), ); let ty = Type::new(ty_hir.eval(env), u); Tir::from_hir(hir, ty) } HirKind::Expr(ExprKind::Pi(binder, annot, body)) => { let annot = type_with(env, annot, None)?; let annot_val = annot.eval_to_type(env)?; let body_env = env.insert_type(binder, annot_val); let body = type_with(&body_env, body, None)?; body.ensure_is_type(env)?; let ks = annot.ty().as_const().unwrap(); let kt = body.ty().as_const().unwrap(); let ty = Type::from_const(function_check(ks, kt)); Tir::from_hir(hir, ty) } HirKind::Expr(ExprKind::Let(binder, annot, val, body)) => { let val_annot = annot .as_ref() .map(|t| Ok(type_with(env, t, None)?.eval_to_type(env)?)) .transpose()?; let val = type_with(env, &val, val_annot)?; let val_nf = val.eval(env); let body_env = env.insert_value(&binder, val_nf, val.ty().clone()); let body = type_with(&body_env, body, None)?; let ty = body.ty().clone(); Tir::from_hir(hir, ty) } HirKind::Expr(ekind) => { let ekind = ekind.traverse_ref(|e| type_with(env, e, None))?; let ty = type_one_layer(env, ekind, hir.span())?; Tir::from_hir(hir, ty) } }; if let Some(annot) = annot { if *tir.ty() != annot { return mk_span_err( hir.span(), &format!( "annot mismatch: {} != {}", tir.ty().to_expr_tyenv(env), annot.to_expr_tyenv(env) ), ); } } Ok(tir) } /// Typecheck an expression and return the expression annotated with its type if type-checking /// succeeded, or an error if type-checking failed. pub fn typecheck<'hir>(hir: &'hir Hir) -> Result, TypeError> { type_with(&TyEnv::new(), hir, None) } /// Like `typecheck`, but additionally checks that the expression's type matches the provided type. pub fn typecheck_with<'hir>( hir: &'hir Hir, ty: &Hir, ) -> Result, TypeError> { let ty = typecheck(ty)?.eval_to_type(&TyEnv::new())?; type_with(&TyEnv::new(), hir, Some(ty)) }