use crate::semantics::{ skip_resolve, typecheck, Hir, HirKind, Nir, NirKind, NzEnv, VarEnv, }; use crate::syntax::map::DupTreeMap; use crate::syntax::Const::Type; use crate::syntax::{ BinOp, Builtin, Const, Expr, ExprKind, InterpolatedText, InterpolatedTextContents, Label, NaiveDouble, NumKind, Span, UnspannedExpr, V, }; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::convert::TryInto; /// A partially applied builtin. /// Invariant: the evaluation of the given args must not be able to progress further #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(crate) struct BuiltinClosure { env: NzEnv, b: Builtin, /// Arguments applied to the closure so far. args: Vec, } impl BuiltinClosure { pub fn new(b: Builtin, env: NzEnv) -> NirKind { apply_builtin(b, Vec::new(), env) } pub fn apply(&self, a: Nir) -> NirKind { use std::iter::once; let args = self.args.iter().cloned().chain(once(a)).collect(); apply_builtin(self.b, args, self.env.clone()) } /// This doesn't break the invariant because we already checked that the appropriate arguments /// did not normalize to something that allows evaluation to proceed. pub fn normalize(&self) { for x in self.args.iter() { x.normalize(); } } pub fn to_hirkind(&self, venv: VarEnv) -> HirKind { HirKind::Expr(self.args.iter().fold( ExprKind::Builtin(self.b), |acc, v| { ExprKind::App( Hir::new(HirKind::Expr(acc), Span::Artificial), v.to_hir(venv), ) }, )) } } pub(crate) fn rc(x: UnspannedExpr) -> Expr { Expr::new(x, Span::Artificial) } // Ad-hoc macro to help construct the types of builtins macro_rules! make_type { (Type) => { rc(ExprKind::Const(Const::Type)) }; (Bool) => { rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Bool)) }; (Natural) => { rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Natural)) }; (Integer) => { rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Integer)) }; (Double) => { rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Double)) }; (Text) => { rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Text)) }; ($var:ident) => { rc(ExprKind::Var(V(stringify!($var).into(), 0))) }; (Optional $ty:ident) => { rc(ExprKind::App( rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Optional)), make_type!($ty) )) }; (List $($rest:tt)*) => { rc(ExprKind::App( rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::List)), make_type!($($rest)*) )) }; ({ $($label:ident : $ty:ident),* }) => {{ let mut kts = DupTreeMap::new(); $( kts.insert( Label::from(stringify!($label)), make_type!($ty), ); )* rc(ExprKind::RecordType(kts)) }}; ($ty:ident -> $($rest:tt)*) => { rc(ExprKind::Pi( "_".into(), make_type!($ty), make_type!($($rest)*) )) }; (($($arg:tt)*) -> $($rest:tt)*) => { rc(ExprKind::Pi( "_".into(), make_type!($($arg)*), make_type!($($rest)*) )) }; (forall ($var:ident : $($ty:tt)*) -> $($rest:tt)*) => { rc(ExprKind::Pi( stringify!($var).into(), make_type!($($ty)*), make_type!($($rest)*) )) }; } pub(crate) fn type_of_builtin(b: Builtin) -> Hir { use Builtin::*; let expr = match b { Bool | Natural | Integer | Double | Text => make_type!(Type), List | Optional => make_type!( Type -> Type ), NaturalFold => make_type!( Natural -> forall (natural: Type) -> forall (succ: natural -> natural) -> forall (zero: natural) -> natural ), NaturalBuild => make_type!( (forall (natural: Type) -> forall (succ: natural -> natural) -> forall (zero: natural) -> natural) -> Natural ), NaturalIsZero | NaturalEven | NaturalOdd => make_type!( Natural -> Bool ), NaturalToInteger => make_type!(Natural -> Integer), NaturalShow => make_type!(Natural -> Text), NaturalSubtract => make_type!(Natural -> Natural -> Natural), IntegerToDouble => make_type!(Integer -> Double), IntegerShow => make_type!(Integer -> Text), IntegerNegate => make_type!(Integer -> Integer), IntegerClamp => make_type!(Integer -> Natural), DoubleShow => make_type!(Double -> Text), TextShow => make_type!(Text -> Text), ListBuild => make_type!( forall (a: Type) -> (forall (list: Type) -> forall (cons: a -> list -> list) -> forall (nil: list) -> list) -> List a ), ListFold => make_type!( forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> forall (list: Type) -> forall (cons: a -> list -> list) -> forall (nil: list) -> list ), ListLength => make_type!(forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> Natural), ListHead | ListLast => { make_type!(forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> Optional a) } ListIndexed => make_type!( forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> List { index: Natural, value: a } ), ListReverse => make_type!( forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> List a ), OptionalBuild => make_type!( forall (a: Type) -> (forall (optional: Type) -> forall (just: a -> optional) -> forall (nothing: optional) -> optional) -> Optional a ), OptionalFold => make_type!( forall (a: Type) -> (Optional a) -> forall (optional: Type) -> forall (just: a -> optional) -> forall (nothing: optional) -> optional ), OptionalNone => make_type!( forall (A: Type) -> Optional A ), }; skip_resolve(&expr).unwrap() } // Ad-hoc macro to help construct closures macro_rules! make_closure { (var($var:ident)) => {{ rc(ExprKind::Var(V( Label::from(stringify!($var)).into(), 0 ))) }}; (λ($var:tt : $($ty:tt)*) -> $($body:tt)*) => {{ let var = Label::from(stringify!($var)); let ty = make_closure!($($ty)*); let body = make_closure!($($body)*); rc(ExprKind::Lam(var, ty, body)) }}; (Type) => { rc(ExprKind::Const(Type)) }; (Natural) => { rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Natural)) }; (List $($ty:tt)*) => {{ let ty = make_closure!($($ty)*); rc(ExprKind::App( rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::List)), ty )) }}; (Some($($v:tt)*)) => { rc(ExprKind::SomeLit( make_closure!($($v)*) )) }; (1 + $($v:tt)*) => { rc(ExprKind::BinOp( BinOp::NaturalPlus, make_closure!($($v)*), rc(ExprKind::Num(NumKind::Natural(1))) )) }; ([ $($head:tt)* ] # $($tail:tt)*) => {{ let head = make_closure!($($head)*); let tail = make_closure!($($tail)*); rc(ExprKind::BinOp( BinOp::ListAppend, rc(ExprKind::NEListLit(vec![head])), tail, )) }}; } #[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)] fn apply_builtin(b: Builtin, args: Vec, env: NzEnv) -> NirKind { use NirKind::*; use NumKind::{Bool, Double, Integer, Natural}; // Small helper enum enum Ret { NirKind(NirKind), Nir(Nir), DoneAsIs, } let make_closure = |e| { typecheck(&skip_resolve(&e).unwrap()) .unwrap() .eval(env.clone()) }; let ret = match (b, args.as_slice()) { (Builtin::Bool, []) | (Builtin::Natural, []) | (Builtin::Integer, []) | (Builtin::Double, []) | (Builtin::Text, []) => Ret::NirKind(BuiltinType(b)), (Builtin::Optional, [t]) => Ret::NirKind(OptionalType(t.clone())), (Builtin::List, [t]) => Ret::NirKind(ListType(t.clone())), (Builtin::OptionalNone, [t]) => { Ret::NirKind(EmptyOptionalLit(t.clone())) } (Builtin::NaturalIsZero, [n]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Natural(n)) => Ret::NirKind(Num(Bool(*n == 0))), _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::NaturalEven, [n]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Natural(n)) => Ret::NirKind(Num(Bool(*n % 2 == 0))), _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::NaturalOdd, [n]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Natural(n)) => Ret::NirKind(Num(Bool(*n % 2 != 0))), _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::NaturalToInteger, [n]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Natural(n)) => Ret::NirKind(Num(Integer(*n as isize))), _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::NaturalShow, [n]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Natural(n)) => Ret::Nir(Nir::from_text(n)), _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::NaturalSubtract, [a, b]) => match (&*a.kind(), &*b.kind()) { (Num(Natural(a)), Num(Natural(b))) => { Ret::NirKind(Num(Natural(if b > a { b - a } else { 0 }))) } (Num(Natural(0)), _) => Ret::Nir(b.clone()), (_, Num(Natural(0))) => Ret::NirKind(Num(Natural(0))), _ if a == b => Ret::NirKind(Num(Natural(0))), _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::IntegerShow, [n]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Integer(n)) => { let s = if *n < 0 { n.to_string() } else { format!("+{}", n) }; Ret::Nir(Nir::from_text(s)) } _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::IntegerToDouble, [n]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Integer(n)) => { Ret::NirKind(Num(Double(NaiveDouble::from(*n as f64)))) } _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::IntegerNegate, [n]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Integer(n)) => Ret::NirKind(Num(Integer(-n))), _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::IntegerClamp, [n]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Integer(n)) => { Ret::NirKind(Num(Natural((*n).try_into().unwrap_or(0)))) } _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::DoubleShow, [n]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Double(n)) => Ret::Nir(Nir::from_text(n)), _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::TextShow, [v]) => match &*v.kind() { TextLit(tlit) => { if let Some(s) = tlit.as_text() { // Printing InterpolatedText takes care of all the escaping let txt: InterpolatedText = std::iter::once(InterpolatedTextContents::Text(s)) .collect(); Ret::Nir(Nir::from_text(txt)) } else { Ret::DoneAsIs } } _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::ListLength, [_, l]) => match &*l.kind() { EmptyListLit(_) => Ret::NirKind(Num(Natural(0))), NEListLit(xs) => Ret::NirKind(Num(Natural(xs.len()))), _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::ListHead, [_, l]) => match &*l.kind() { EmptyListLit(n) => Ret::NirKind(EmptyOptionalLit(n.clone())), NEListLit(xs) => { Ret::NirKind(NEOptionalLit(xs.iter().next().unwrap().clone())) } _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::ListLast, [_, l]) => match &*l.kind() { EmptyListLit(n) => Ret::NirKind(EmptyOptionalLit(n.clone())), NEListLit(xs) => Ret::NirKind(NEOptionalLit( xs.iter().rev().next().unwrap().clone(), )), _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::ListReverse, [_, l]) => match &*l.kind() { EmptyListLit(n) => Ret::NirKind(EmptyListLit(n.clone())), NEListLit(xs) => { Ret::NirKind(NEListLit(xs.iter().rev().cloned().collect())) } _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::ListIndexed, [t, l]) => { match l.kind() { EmptyListLit(_) | NEListLit(_) => { // Construct the returned record type: { index: Natural, value: t } let mut kts = HashMap::new(); kts.insert( "index".into(), Nir::from_builtin(Builtin::Natural), ); kts.insert("value".into(), t.clone()); let t = Nir::from_kind(RecordType(kts)); // Construct the new list, with added indices let list = match l.kind() { EmptyListLit(_) => EmptyListLit(t), NEListLit(xs) => NEListLit( xs.iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, e)| { let mut kvs = HashMap::new(); kvs.insert( "index".into(), Nir::from_kind(Num(Natural(i))), ); kvs.insert("value".into(), e.clone()); Nir::from_kind(RecordLit(kvs)) }) .collect(), ), _ => unreachable!(), }; Ret::NirKind(list) } _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, } } (Builtin::ListBuild, [t, f]) => { let list_t = Nir::from_builtin(Builtin::List).app(t.clone()); Ret::Nir( .app( make_closure(make_closure!( λ(T : Type) -> λ(a : var(T)) -> λ(as : List var(T)) -> [ var(a) ] # var(as) )) .app(t.clone()), ) .app(EmptyListLit(t.clone()).into_nir()), ) } (Builtin::ListFold, [_, l, _, cons, nil]) => match &*l.kind() { EmptyListLit(_) => Ret::Nir(nil.clone()), NEListLit(xs) => { let mut v = nil.clone(); for x in xs.iter().cloned().rev() { v =; } Ret::Nir(v) } _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::OptionalBuild, [t, f]) => { let optional_t = Nir::from_builtin(Builtin::Optional).app(t.clone()); Ret::Nir( .app( make_closure(make_closure!( λ(T : Type) -> λ(a : var(T)) -> Some(var(a)) )) .app(t.clone()), ) .app(EmptyOptionalLit(t.clone()).into_nir()), ) } (Builtin::OptionalFold, [_, v, _, just, nothing]) => match &*v.kind() { EmptyOptionalLit(_) => Ret::Nir(nothing.clone()), NEOptionalLit(x) => Ret::Nir(, _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, (Builtin::NaturalBuild, [f]) => Ret::Nir( .app(make_closure(make_closure!( λ(x : Natural) -> 1 + var(x) ))) .app(Num(Natural(0)).into_nir()), ), (Builtin::NaturalFold, [n, t, succ, zero]) => match &*n.kind() { Num(Natural(0)) => Ret::Nir(zero.clone()), Num(Natural(n)) => { let fold = Nir::from_builtin(Builtin::NaturalFold) .app(Num(Natural(n - 1)).into_nir()) .app(t.clone()) .app(succ.clone()) .app(zero.clone()); Ret::Nir( } _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }, _ => Ret::DoneAsIs, }; match ret { Ret::NirKind(v) => v, Ret::Nir(v) => v.kind().clone(), Ret::DoneAsIs => AppliedBuiltin(BuiltinClosure { b, args, env }), } } impl std::cmp::PartialEq for BuiltinClosure { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.b == other.b && self.args == other.args } } impl std::cmp::Eq for BuiltinClosure {}