use std::collections::BTreeMap; // use itertools::*; use lalrpop_util; use pest::iterators::Pair; use pest::Parser; use dhall_parser::{DhallParser, Rule}; use crate::core::{bx, Builtin, Const, Expr, V}; use crate::grammar; use crate::grammar_util::{BoxExpr, ParsedExpr}; use crate::lexer::{Lexer, LexicalError, Tok}; pub fn parse_expr_lalrpop( s: &str, ) -> Result> { grammar::ExprParser::new().parse(Lexer::new(s)) // Ok(bx(Expr::BoolLit(false))) } pub type ParseError = pest::error::Error; pub type ParseResult = Result; pub fn custom_parse_error(pair: &Pair, msg: String) -> ParseError { let msg = format!("{} while matching on:\n{}", msg, debug_pair(pair.clone())); let e = pest::error::ErrorVariant::CustomError { message: msg }; pest::error::Error::new_from_span(e, pair.as_span()) } fn debug_pair(pair: Pair) -> String { use std::fmt::Write; let mut s = String::new(); fn aux(s: &mut String, indent: usize, prefix: String, pair: Pair) { let indent_str = "| ".repeat(indent); let rule = pair.as_rule(); let contents = pair.as_str().clone(); let mut inner = pair.into_inner(); let mut first = true; while let Some(p) = { if first { first = false; let last = inner.peek().is_none(); if last && p.as_str() == contents { let prefix = format!("{}{:?} > ", prefix, rule); aux(s, indent, prefix, p); continue; } else { writeln!( s, r#"{}{}{:?}: "{}""#, indent_str, prefix, rule, contents ) .unwrap(); } } aux(s, indent + 1, "".into(), p); } if first { writeln!( s, r#"{}{}{:?}: "{}""#, indent_str, prefix, rule, contents ) .unwrap(); } } aux(&mut s, 0, "".into(), pair); s } /* Macro to pattern-match iterators. * Returns `Result<_, IterMatchError<_>>`. * * Example: * ``` * let vec = vec![1, 2, 3]; * * match_iter!(vec.into_iter(); (x, y?, z) => { * // x: T * // y: Option * // z: T * }) * * // or * match_iter!(vec.into_iter(); (x, y, z*) => { * // x, y: T * // z: impl Iterator * }) * ``` * */ #[derive(Debug)] enum IterMatchError { NotEnoughItems, TooManyItems, NoMatchFound, Other(T), // Allow other macros to inject their own errors } macro_rules! match_iter { // Everything else pattern (@match 0, $iter:expr, $x:ident* $($rest:tt)*) => { match_iter!(@match 2, $iter $($rest)*); #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut $x = $iter; }; // Alias to use in macros (@match 0, $iter:expr, $x:ident?? $($rest:tt)*) => { match_iter!(@match 2, $iter $($rest)*); #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut $x = $iter; }; // Optional pattern (@match 0, $iter:expr, $x:ident? $($rest:tt)*) => { match_iter!(@match 1, $iter $($rest)*); #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut $x = $; match $ { Some(_) => break Err(IterMatchError::TooManyItems), None => {}, }; }; // Normal pattern (@match 0, $iter:expr, $x:ident $($rest:tt)*) => { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut $x = match $ { Some(x) => x, None => break Err(IterMatchError::NotEnoughItems), }; match_iter!(@match 0, $iter $($rest)*); }; // Normal pattern after a variable length one: declare reversed and take from the end (@match $w:expr, $iter:expr, $x:ident $($rest:tt)*) => { match_iter!(@match $w, $iter $($rest)*); #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut $x = match $iter.next_back() { Some(x) => x, None => break Err(IterMatchError::NotEnoughItems), }; }; // Check no elements remain (@match 0, $iter:expr $(,)*) => { match $ { Some(_) => break Err(IterMatchError::TooManyItems), None => {}, }; }; (@match $_:expr, $iter:expr) => {}; (@panic; $($args:tt)*) => { { let ret: Result<_, IterMatchError<()>> = match_iter!($($args)*); ret.unwrap() } }; ($iter:expr; ($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr) => { { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut iter = $iter; // Not a real loop; used for error handling let ret: Result<_, IterMatchError<_>> = loop { match_iter!(@match 0, iter, $($args)*); break Ok($body); }; ret } }; } /* Extends match_iter with typed matches. Takes a callback that determines * when a capture matches. * Returns `Result<_, IterMatchError<_>>`; errors returned by the callback will * get propagated using IterMatchError::Other. * * Example: * ``` * macro_rules! callback { * (@type_callback, positive, $x:expr) => { * if $x >= 0 { Ok($x) } else { Err(()) } * }; * (@type_callback, negative, $x:expr) => { * if $x <= 0 { Ok($x) } else { Err(()) } * }; * (@type_callback, any, $x:expr) => { * Ok($x) * }; * } * * let vec = vec![-1, 2, 3]; * * match_iter_typed!(callback; vec.into_iter(); * (x: positive, y?: negative, z: any) => { ... }, * ) * ``` * */ macro_rules! match_iter_typed { // Collect untyped arguments to pass to match_iter! (@collect, ($($vars:tt)*), ($($args:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($x:ident : $ty:ident, $($rest:tt)*)) => { match_iter_typed!(@collect, ($($vars)*), ($($args)*), ($($acc)*, $x), ($($rest)*)) }; (@collect, ($($vars:tt)*), ($($args:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($x:ident? : $ty:ident, $($rest:tt)*)) => { match_iter_typed!(@collect, ($($vars)*), ($($args)*), ($($acc)*, $x?), ($($rest)*)) }; (@collect, ($($vars:tt)*), ($($args:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($x:ident* : $ty:ident, $($rest:tt)*)) => { match_iter_typed!(@collect, ($($vars)*), ($($args)*), ($($acc)*, $x??), ($($rest)*)) }; // Catch extra comma if exists (@collect, ($($vars:tt)*), ($($args:tt)*), (,$($acc:tt)*), ($(,)*)) => { match_iter_typed!(@collect, ($($vars)*), ($($args)*), ($($acc)*), ()) }; (@collect, ($iter:expr, $body:expr, $callback:ident, $error:ident), ($($args:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($(,)*)) => { match_iter!($iter; ($($acc)*) => { match_iter_typed!(@callback, $callback, $iter, $($args)*); $body }) }; // Pass the matches through the callback (@callback, $callback:ident, $iter:expr, $x:ident : $ty:ident $($rest:tt)*) => { let $x = $callback!(@type_callback, $ty, $x); #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut $x = match $x { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => break Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)), }; match_iter_typed!(@callback, $callback, $iter $($rest)*); }; (@callback, $callback: ident, $iter:expr, $x:ident? : $ty:ident $($rest:tt)*) => { let $x = $|x| $callback!(@type_callback, $ty, x)); #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut $x = match $x { Some(Ok(x)) => Some(x), Some(Err(e)) => break Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)), None => None, }; match_iter_typed!(@callback, $callback, $iter $($rest)*); }; (@callback, $callback: ident, $iter:expr, $x:ident* : $ty:ident $($rest:tt)*) => { let $x = $|x| $callback!(@type_callback, $ty, x)).collect(); let $x: Vec<_> = match $x { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => break Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)), }; #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut $x = $x.into_iter(); match_iter_typed!(@callback, $callback, $iter $($rest)*); }; (@callback, $callback:ident, $iter:expr $(,)*) => {}; ($callback:ident; $iter:expr; ($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr) => { { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut iter = $iter; match_iter_typed!(@collect, (iter, $body, $callback, last_error), ($($args)*), (), ($($args)*,) ) } }; } /* Extends match_iter and match_iter_typed with branching. * Returns `Result<_, IterMatchError<_>>`; errors returned by the callback will * get propagated using IterMatchError::Other. * Allows multiple branches. The passed iterator must be Clone. * Will check the branches in order, testing each branch using the callback macro provided. * * Example: * ``` * macro_rules! callback { * (@type_callback, positive, $x:expr) => { * if $x >= 0 { Ok($x) } else { Err(()) } * }; * (@type_callback, negative, $x:expr) => { * if $x <= 0 { Ok($x) } else { Err(()) } * }; * (@type_callback, any, $x:expr) => { * Ok($x) * }; * (@branch_callback, typed, $($args:tt)*) => { * match_iter_typed!(callback; $($args)*) * }; * (@branch_callback, untyped, $($args:tt)*) => { * match_iter!($($args)*) * }; * } * * let vec = vec![-1, 2, 3]; * * match_iter_branching!(branch_callback; vec.into_iter(); * typed!(x: positive, y?: negative, z: any) => { ... }, * untyped!(x, y, z) => { ... }, * ) * ``` * */ macro_rules! match_iter_branching { (@noclone, $callback:ident; $arg:expr; $( $submac:ident!($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr ),* $(,)*) => { { #[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut last_error = IterMatchError::NoMatchFound; // Not a real loop; used for error handling // Would use loop labels but they create warnings #[allow(unreachable_code)] loop { $( let matched: Result<_, IterMatchError<_>> = $callback!(@branch_callback, $submac, $arg; ($($args)*) => $body); #[allow(unused_assignments)] match matched { Ok(v) => break Ok(v), Err(e) => last_error = e, }; )* break Err(last_error); } } }; ($callback:ident; $iter:expr; $($args:tt)*) => { { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut iter = $iter; match_iter_branching!(@noclone, $callback; iter.clone(); $($args)*) } }; } macro_rules! named { ($name:ident<$o:ty>; $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => ( #[allow(unused_variables)] fn $name<'a>(pair: Pair<'a, Rule>) -> ParseResult<$o> { $submac!(pair; $($args)*) } ); } macro_rules! rule { ($name:ident<$o:ty>; $($args:tt)*) => ( named!($name<$o>; match_rule!( Rule::$name => match_pest!( $($args)* ), )); ); } macro_rules! match_pest { (@type_callback, $ty:ident, $x:expr) => { $ty($x) }; (@branch_callback, children, $pair:expr; $($args:tt)*) => { { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut pairs = $pair.clone().into_inner(); match_iter_typed!(match_pest; pairs; $($args)*) } }; (@branch_callback, self, $pair:expr; ($x:ident : $ty:ident) => $body:expr) => { { let $x = match_pest!(@type_callback, $ty, $pair.clone()); match $x { Ok($x) => Ok($body), Err(e) => Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)), } } }; (@branch_callback, raw_pair, $pair:expr; ($x:ident) => $body:expr) => { { let $x = $pair.clone(); Ok($body) } }; (@branch_callback, captured_str, $pair:expr; ($x:ident) => $body:expr) => { { let $x = $pair.as_str(); Ok($body) } }; ($pair:expr; $($args:tt)*) => { { let pair = $pair; let result = match_iter_branching!(@noclone, match_pest; pair; $($args)*); result.map_err(|e| match e { IterMatchError::Other(e) => e, _ => custom_parse_error(&pair, "No match found".to_owned()), }) } }; } macro_rules! match_children { ($pairs:expr; ($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr) => { match_pest!($pairs; children!($($args)*) => $body) }; } macro_rules! binop { ($pair:expr; $f:expr) => { { let f = $f; match_children!($pair; (first: expression, rest*: expression) => { rest.fold(first, |acc, e| bx(f(acc, e))) }) } }; } macro_rules! match_rule { ($pair:expr; $($pat:pat => $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ),)*) => { { #[allow(unreachable_patterns)] match $pair.as_rule() { $( $pat => $submac!($pair; $($args)*), )* r => Err(custom_parse_error(&$pair, format!("Unexpected {:?}", r))), } } }; } named!(eoi<()>; match_pest!( children!() => () )); named!(str<&'a str>; match_pest!( captured_str!(s) => s.trim() )); named!(raw_str<&'a str>; match_pest!( captured_str!(s) => s )); rule!(escaped_quote_pair<&'a str>; children!() => "''" ); rule!(escaped_interpolation<&'a str>; children!() => "${" ); rule!(single_quote_continue>; // TODO: handle interpolation // children!(c: expression, rest: single_quote_continue) => { // rest.push(c); rest // }, children!(c: escaped_quote_pair, rest: single_quote_continue) => { rest.push(c); rest }, children!(c: escaped_interpolation, rest: single_quote_continue) => { rest.push(c); rest }, // capture interpolation as string children!(c: raw_str, rest: single_quote_continue) => { rest.push(c); rest }, children!() => { vec![] }, ); named!(natural; match_pest!( raw_pair!(pair) => { pair.as_str().trim() .parse() .map_err(|e: std::num::ParseIntError| custom_parse_error(&pair, format!("{}", e)))? } )); named!(integer; match_pest!( raw_pair!(pair) => { pair.as_str().trim() .parse() .map_err(|e: std::num::ParseIntError| custom_parse_error(&pair, format!("{}", e)))? } )); rule!(let_binding<(&'a str, Option>, BoxExpr<'a>)>; children!(name: str, annot?: expression, expr: expression) => (name, annot, expr) ); named!(record_entry<(&'a str, BoxExpr<'a>)>; match_children!((name: str, expr: expression) => (name, expr)) ); named!(partial_record_entries<(BoxExpr<'a>, BTreeMap<&'a str, ParsedExpr<'a>>)>; match_children!((expr: expression, entries*: record_entry) => { let mut map: BTreeMap<&str, ParsedExpr> = BTreeMap::new(); for (n, e) in entries { map.insert(n, *e); } (expr, map) }) ); rule!(non_empty_record_literal<(BoxExpr<'a>, BTreeMap<&'a str, ParsedExpr<'a>>)>; self!(x: partial_record_entries) => x ); rule!(non_empty_record_type<(BoxExpr<'a>, BTreeMap<&'a str, ParsedExpr<'a>>)>; self!(x: partial_record_entries) => x ); rule!(union_type_entry<(&'a str, BoxExpr<'a>)>; children!(name: str, expr: expression) => (name, expr) ); rule!(union_type_entries>>; children!(entries*: union_type_entry) => { let mut map: BTreeMap<&str, ParsedExpr> = BTreeMap::new(); for (n, e) in entries { map.insert(n, *e); } map } ); rule!(non_empty_union_type_or_literal <(Option<(&'a str, BoxExpr<'a>)>, BTreeMap<&'a str, ParsedExpr<'a>>)>; children!(label: str, e: expression, entries: union_type_entries) => { (Some((label, e)), entries) }, children!(l: str, e: expression, rest: non_empty_union_type_or_literal) => { let (x, mut entries) = rest; entries.insert(l, *e); (x, entries) }, children!(l: str, e: expression) => { let mut entries = BTreeMap::new(); entries.insert(l, *e); (None, entries) }, ); rule!(empty_union_type<()>; children!() => ()); named!(expression>; match_rule!( // TODO: parse escapes and interpolation Rule::double_quote_literal => match_children!((strs*: raw_str) => { bx(Expr::TextLit(strs.collect())) }), Rule::single_quote_literal => match_children!((eol: raw_str, contents: single_quote_continue) => { contents.push(eol); bx(Expr::TextLit(contents.into_iter().rev().collect())) }), Rule::natural_literal_raw => match_pest!( self!(n: natural) => bx(Expr::NaturalLit(n)) ), Rule::integer_literal_raw => match_pest!( self!(n: integer) => bx(Expr::IntegerLit(n)) ), Rule::identifier_raw => match_children!((name: str, idx?: natural) => { match Builtin::parse(name) { Some(b) => bx(Expr::Builtin(b)), None => match name { "True" => bx(Expr::BoolLit(true)), "False" => bx(Expr::BoolLit(false)), "Type" => bx(Expr::Const(Const::Type)), "Kind" => bx(Expr::Const(Const::Kind)), name => bx(Expr::Var(V(name, idx.unwrap_or(0)))), } } }), Rule::lambda_expression => match_children!((label: str, typ: expression, body: expression) => { bx(Expr::Lam(label, typ, body)) }), Rule::ifthenelse_expression => match_children!((cond: expression, left: expression, right: expression) => { bx(Expr::BoolIf(cond, left, right)) }), Rule::let_expression => match_children!((bindings*: let_binding, final_expr: expression) => { bindings.fold(final_expr, |acc, x| bx(Expr::Let(x.0, x.1, x.2, acc))) }), Rule::forall_expression => match_children!((label: str, typ: expression, body: expression) => { bx(Expr::Pi(label, typ, body)) }), Rule::arrow_expression => match_children!((typ: expression, body: expression) => { bx(Expr::Pi("_", typ, body)) }), Rule::merge_expression => match_children!((x: expression, y: expression, z?: expression) => { bx(Expr::Merge(x, y, z)) }), Rule::empty_collection => match_children!((x: str, y: expression) => { match x { "Optional" => bx(Expr::OptionalLit(Some(y), vec![])), "List" => bx(Expr::ListLit(Some(y), vec![])), _ => unreachable!(), } }), Rule::non_empty_optional => match_children!((x: expression, _y: str, z: expression) => { bx(Expr::OptionalLit(Some(z), vec![*x])) }), Rule::annotated_expression => binop!(Expr::Annot), Rule::import_alt_expression => binop!(Expr::ImportAlt), Rule::or_expression => binop!(Expr::BoolOr), Rule::plus_expression => binop!(Expr::NaturalPlus), Rule::text_append_expression => binop!(Expr::TextAppend), Rule::list_append_expression => binop!(Expr::ListAppend), Rule::and_expression => binop!(Expr::BoolAnd), Rule::combine_expression => binop!(Expr::Combine), Rule::prefer_expression => binop!(Expr::Prefer), Rule::combine_types_expression => binop!(Expr::CombineTypes), Rule::times_expression => binop!(Expr::NaturalTimes), Rule::equal_expression => binop!(Expr::BoolEQ), Rule::not_equal_expression => binop!(Expr::BoolNE), Rule::application_expression => binop!(Expr::App), Rule::selector_expression_raw => match_children!((first: expression, rest*: str) => { rest.fold(first, |acc, e| bx(Expr::Field(acc, e))) }), Rule::empty_record_type => match_pest!( children!() => bx(Expr::Record(BTreeMap::new())) ), Rule::empty_record_literal => match_pest!( children!() => bx(Expr::RecordLit(BTreeMap::new())) ), Rule::non_empty_record_type_or_literal => match_pest!( children!(first_label: str, rest: non_empty_record_type) => { let (first_expr, mut map) = rest; map.insert(first_label, *first_expr); bx(Expr::Record(map)) }, children!(first_label: str, rest: non_empty_record_literal) => { let (first_expr, mut map) = rest; map.insert(first_label, *first_expr); bx(Expr::RecordLit(map)) }, ), Rule::union_type_or_literal => match_pest!( children!(_e: empty_union_type) => { bx(Expr::Union(BTreeMap::new())) }, children!(x: non_empty_union_type_or_literal) => { match x { (Some((l, e)), entries) => bx(Expr::UnionLit(l, e, entries)), (None, entries) => bx(Expr::Union(entries)), } }, ), Rule::non_empty_list_literal_raw => match_children!((items*: expression) => { bx(Expr::ListLit(None,|x| *x).collect())) }), )); rule!(final_expression>; children!(e: expression, _eoi: eoi) => e ); pub fn parse_expr_pest(s: &str) -> ParseResult { let pairs = DhallParser::parse(Rule::final_expression, s)?; // Match the only item in the pairs iterator match_iter!(@panic; pairs; (p) => final_expression(p)) // Ok(bx(Expr::BoolLit(false))) } #[test] fn test_parse() { use crate::core::Expr::*; // let expr = r#"{ x = "foo", y = 4 }.x"#; // let expr = r#"(1 + 2) * 3"#; let expr = r#"if True then 1 + 3 * 5 else 2"#; println!("{:?}", parse_expr_lalrpop(expr)); use std::thread; // I don't understand why it stack overflows even on tiny expressions... thread::Builder::new() .stack_size(3 * 1024 * 1024) .spawn(move || match parse_expr_pest(expr) { Err(e) => { println!("{:?}", e); println!("{}", e); } ok => println!("{:?}", ok), }) .unwrap() .join() .unwrap(); // assert_eq!(parse_expr_pest(expr).unwrap(), parse_expr_lalrpop(expr).unwrap()); // assert!(false); println!("test {:?}", parse_expr_lalrpop("3 + 5 * 10")); assert!(parse_expr_lalrpop("22").is_ok()); assert!(parse_expr_lalrpop("(22)").is_ok()); assert_eq!( parse_expr_lalrpop("3 + 5 * 10").ok(), Some(Box::new(NaturalPlus( Box::new(NaturalLit(3)), Box::new(NaturalTimes( Box::new(NaturalLit(5)), Box::new(NaturalLit(10)) )) ))) ); // The original parser is apparently right-associative assert_eq!( parse_expr_lalrpop("2 * 3 * 4").ok(), Some(Box::new(NaturalTimes( Box::new(NaturalLit(2)), Box::new(NaturalTimes( Box::new(NaturalLit(3)), Box::new(NaturalLit(4)) )) ))) ); assert!(parse_expr_lalrpop("((((22))))").is_ok()); assert!(parse_expr_lalrpop("((22)").is_err()); println!("{:?}", parse_expr_lalrpop("\\(b : Bool) -> b == False")); assert!(parse_expr_lalrpop("\\(b : Bool) -> b == False").is_ok()); println!("{:?}", parse_expr_lalrpop("")); assert!(parse_expr_lalrpop("").is_ok()); assert!(parse_expr_lalrpop("[] : List Bool").is_ok()); // println!("{:?}", parse_expr_lalrpop("< Left = True | Right : Natural >")); // println!("{:?}", parse_expr_lalrpop(r#""bl${42}ah""#)); // assert!(parse_expr_lalrpop("< Left = True | Right : Natural >").is_ok()); }