#![allow(non_snake_case)] use dhall_core::core::*; use dhall_generator::dhall_expr; use std::fmt; use std::rc::Rc; fn apply_builtin( b: Builtin, mut args: Vec>, ) -> SubExpr where S: fmt::Debug, A: fmt::Debug, { use dhall_core::BinOp::*; use dhall_core::Builtin::*; use dhall_core::Expr::*; let f = rc(Builtin(b)); // How many arguments a builtin needs, and which argument // should be normalized and pattern-matched let (len_consumption, arg_to_eval) = match b { OptionalSome => (1, None), OptionalNone => (1, None), NaturalIsZero => (1, Some(0)), NaturalEven => (1, Some(0)), NaturalOdd => (1, Some(0)), NaturalToInteger => (1, Some(0)), NaturalShow => (1, Some(0)), ListLength => (2, Some(1)), ListHead => (2, Some(1)), ListLast => (2, Some(1)), ListReverse => (2, Some(1)), ListIndexed => (2, Some(1)), ListBuild => (2, Some(1)), OptionalBuild => (2, Some(1)), ListFold => (5, Some(1)), OptionalFold => (5, Some(1)), NaturalBuild => (1, Some(0)), NaturalFold => (4, Some(0)), _ => (0, None), }; // Abort if not enough arguments present if len_consumption > args.len() { return rc(App(f, args)); } // Normalize the important argument if let Some(i) = arg_to_eval { args[i] = Rc::clone(&normalize_whnf(&args[i])); } let evaled_arg = arg_to_eval.map(|i| args[i].as_ref()); let ret = match (b, evaled_arg, args.as_slice()) { (OptionalSome, _, [x, ..]) => rc(OptionalLit(None, Some(Rc::clone(x)))), (OptionalNone, _, [t, ..]) => rc(OptionalLit(Some(Rc::clone(t)), None)), (NaturalIsZero, Some(NaturalLit(n)), _) => rc(BoolLit(*n == 0)), (NaturalEven, Some(NaturalLit(n)), _) => rc(BoolLit(*n % 2 == 0)), (NaturalOdd, Some(NaturalLit(n)), _) => rc(BoolLit(*n % 2 != 0)), (NaturalToInteger, Some(NaturalLit(n)), _) => { rc(IntegerLit(*n as isize)) } (NaturalShow, Some(NaturalLit(n)), _) => { rc(TextLit(n.to_string().into())) } (ListLength, Some(EmptyListLit(_)), _) => rc(NaturalLit(0)), (ListLength, Some(NEListLit(ys)), _) => rc(NaturalLit(ys.len())), (ListHead, Some(EmptyListLit(t)), _) => { rc(OptionalLit(Some(t.clone()), None)) } (ListHead, Some(NEListLit(ys)), _) => { rc(OptionalLit(None, ys.iter().cloned().next())) } (ListLast, Some(EmptyListLit(t)), _) => { rc(OptionalLit(Some(t.clone()), None)) } (ListLast, Some(NEListLit(ys)), _) => { rc(OptionalLit(None, ys.iter().cloned().last())) } (ListReverse, Some(EmptyListLit(t)), _) => rc(EmptyListLit(t.clone())), (ListReverse, Some(NEListLit(ys)), _) => { let ys = ys.iter().rev().cloned().collect(); rc(NEListLit(ys)) } (ListIndexed, Some(EmptyListLit(t)), _) => { let t = Rc::clone(t); dhall_expr!([] : List ({ index : Natural, value : t })) } (ListIndexed, Some(NEListLit(xs)), _) => { let xs = xs .iter() .cloned() .enumerate() .map(|(i, e)| { let i = rc(NaturalLit(i)); dhall_expr!({ index = i, value = e }) }) .collect(); rc(NEListLit(xs)) } (ListBuild, _, [a0, g, ..]) => { loop { if let App(f2, args2) = g.as_ref() { if let (Builtin(ListFold), [_, x, rest..]) = (f2.as_ref(), args2.as_slice()) { // fold/build fusion break rc(App(x.clone(), rest.to_vec())); } }; let a0 = Rc::clone(a0); let a1 = shift(1, &V("a".into(), 0), &a0); // TODO: use Embed to avoid reevaluating g break dhall_expr!(g (List a0) (λ(a : a0) -> λ(as : List a1) -> [ a ] # as) ([] : List a0)); } } (OptionalBuild, _, [a0, g, ..]) => { loop { if let App(f2, args2) = g.as_ref() { if let (Builtin(OptionalFold), [_, x, rest..]) = (f2.as_ref(), args2.as_slice()) { // fold/build fusion break rc(App(x.clone(), rest.to_vec())); } }; let a0 = Rc::clone(a0); // TODO: use Embed to avoid reevaluating g break dhall_expr!((g (Optional a0)) (λ(x: a0) -> [x] : Optional a0) ([] : Optional a0)); } } (ListFold, Some(EmptyListLit(_)), [_, _, _, _, nil, ..]) => { Rc::clone(nil) } (ListFold, Some(NEListLit(xs)), [_, _, _, cons, nil, ..]) => { xs.iter().rev().fold(Rc::clone(nil), |acc, x| { let x = x.clone(); let acc = acc.clone(); let cons = Rc::clone(cons); dhall_expr!(cons x acc) }) } // // fold/build fusion // (ListFold, [_, App(box Builtin(ListBuild), [_, x, rest..]), rest..]) => { // normalize_whnf(&App(bx(x.clone()), rest.to_vec())) // } ( OptionalFold, Some(OptionalLit(_, Some(x))), [_, _, _, just, _, ..], ) => { let x = x.clone(); let just = Rc::clone(just); dhall_expr!(just x) } ( OptionalFold, Some(OptionalLit(_, None)), [_, _, _, _, nothing, ..], ) => Rc::clone(nothing), // // fold/build fusion // (OptionalFold, [_, App(box Builtin(OptionalBuild), [_, x, rest..]), rest..]) => { // normalize_whnf(&App(bx(x.clone()), rest.to_vec())) // } (NaturalBuild, _, [g, ..]) => { loop { if let App(f2, args2) = g.as_ref() { if let (Builtin(NaturalFold), [x, rest..]) = (f2.as_ref(), args2.as_slice()) { // fold/build fusion break rc(App(x.clone(), rest.to_vec())); } }; // TODO: use Embed to avoid reevaluating g break dhall_expr!(g Natural (λ(x : Natural) -> x + 1) 0); } } (NaturalFold, Some(NaturalLit(0)), [_, _, _, zero]) => Rc::clone(zero), (NaturalFold, Some(NaturalLit(n)), [_, t, succ, zero]) => { let fold = rc(Builtin(NaturalFold)); let n = rc(NaturalLit(n - 1)); let t = Rc::clone(t); let succ = Rc::clone(succ); let zero = Rc::clone(zero); dhall_expr!(succ (fold n t succ zero)) } // (NaturalFold, Some(App(f2, args2)), _) => { // match (f2.as_ref(), args2.as_slice()) { // // fold/build fusion // (Builtin(NaturalBuild), [x, rest..]) => { // rc(App(x.clone(), rest.to_vec())) // } // _ => return rc(App(f, args)), // } // } _ => return rc(App(f, args)), }; // Put the remaining arguments back and eval again. In most cases // ret will not be of a form that can be applied, so this won't go very deep. // In lots of cases, there are no remaining args so this cann will just return ret. normalize_whnf(&rc(Expr::App(ret, args.split_off(len_consumption)))) } /// Reduce an expression to its weak head normal form, i.e. normalize /// just enough to get the first constructor of the final expression /// Is identical to normalize on primitive types, but not on more complex /// types like functions and records. /// This allows normalization to be lazy. pub fn normalize_whnf(e: &SubExpr) -> SubExpr where S: fmt::Debug, A: fmt::Debug, { use dhall_core::BinOp::*; use dhall_core::Expr::*; match e.as_ref() { Let(f, _, r, b) => { let vf0 = &V(f.clone(), 0); let r2 = shift(1, vf0, r); // TODO: use a context let b2 = subst(vf0, &r2, b); // TODO: add tests sensitive to shift errors before // trying anything let b3 = shift(-1, vf0, &b2); normalize_whnf(&b3) } Annot(x, _) => normalize_whnf(x), Note(_, e) => normalize_whnf(e), App(f, args) => { let f = normalize_whnf(f); match (f.as_ref(), args.as_slice()) { (_, []) => f, // TODO: use Embed to avoid reevaluating f (App(f, args1), args2) => normalize_whnf(&rc(App( f.clone(), args1.iter().chain(args2.iter()).cloned().collect(), ))), (Lam(ref x, _, ref b), [a, rest..]) => { // Beta reduce let vx0 = &V(x.clone(), 0); let a2 = shift(1, vx0, a); let b2 = subst(vx0, &a2, &b); let b3 = shift(-1, vx0, &b2); normalize_whnf(&rc(App(b3, rest.to_vec()))) } (Builtin(b), _) => apply_builtin(*b, args.to_vec()), _ => rc(App(f, args.to_vec())), } } BoolIf(b, t, f) => { let b = normalize_whnf(b); match b.as_ref() { BoolLit(true) => normalize_whnf(t), BoolLit(false) => normalize_whnf(f), _ => rc(BoolIf(b, t.clone(), f.clone())), } } OptionalLit(t, es) => { if !es.is_none() { rc(OptionalLit(None, es.clone())) } else { rc(OptionalLit(t.clone(), es.clone())) } } // TODO: interpolation // TextLit(t) => BinOp(o, x, y) => { let x = normalize_whnf(x); let y = normalize_whnf(y); rc(match (o, x.as_ref(), y.as_ref()) { (BoolAnd, BoolLit(x), BoolLit(y)) => BoolLit(*x && *y), (BoolOr, BoolLit(x), BoolLit(y)) => BoolLit(*x || *y), (BoolEQ, BoolLit(x), BoolLit(y)) => BoolLit(x == y), (BoolNE, BoolLit(x), BoolLit(y)) => BoolLit(x != y), (NaturalPlus, NaturalLit(x), NaturalLit(y)) => { NaturalLit(x + y) } (NaturalTimes, NaturalLit(x), NaturalLit(y)) => { NaturalLit(x * y) } (TextAppend, TextLit(x), TextLit(y)) => TextLit(x + y), (ListAppend, EmptyListLit(t), EmptyListLit(_)) => { EmptyListLit(Rc::clone(t)) } (ListAppend, EmptyListLit(_), _) => return y, (ListAppend, _, EmptyListLit(_)) => return x, (ListAppend, NEListLit(xs), NEListLit(ys)) => { let xs = xs.into_iter().cloned(); let ys = ys.into_iter().cloned(); NEListLit(xs.chain(ys).collect()) } (o, _, _) => BinOp(*o, x, y), }) } Field(e, x) => { let e = normalize_whnf(e); match (e.as_ref(), x) { (RecordLit(kvs), x) => match kvs.get(&x) { Some(r) => normalize_whnf(r), None => rc(Field(e, x.clone())), }, (_, x) => rc(Field(e, x.clone())), } } _ => Rc::clone(e), } } /// Reduce an expression to its normal form, performing beta reduction /// /// `normalize` does not type-check the expression. You may want to type-check /// expressions before normalizing them since normalization can convert an /// ill-typed expression into a well-typed expression. /// /// However, `normalize` will not fail if the expression is ill-typed and will /// leave ill-typed sub-expressions unevaluated. /// pub fn normalize(e: SubExpr) -> SubExpr where S: fmt::Debug, A: fmt::Debug, { map_subexpr_rc(&normalize_whnf(&e), |x| normalize(Rc::clone(x))) }