use elsa::vec::FrozenVec; use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::ops::{Deref, Index}; use crate::semantics::{Import, ImportLocation}; use crate::syntax::Span; use crate::Typed; #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct ImportId<'cx>(usize, PhantomData<&'cx ()>); #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct ImportResultId<'cx>(usize, PhantomData<&'cx ()>); /// What's stored for each `ImportId`. Allows getting and setting a result for this import. pub struct StoredImport<'cx> { cx: Ctxt<'cx>, pub base_location: ImportLocation, pub import: Import, pub span: Span, result: OnceCell>, } /// Implementation detail. Made public for the `Index` instances. #[derive(Default)] pub struct CtxtS<'cx> { imports: FrozenVec>>, import_results: FrozenVec>>, } /// Context for the dhall compiler. Stores various global maps. /// Access the relevant value using `cx[id]`. #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct Ctxt<'cx>(&'cx CtxtS<'cx>); impl Ctxt<'_> { pub fn with_new(f: impl for<'cx> FnOnce(Ctxt<'cx>) -> T) -> T { let cx = CtxtS::default(); let cx = Ctxt(&cx); f(cx) } } impl<'cx> Ctxt<'cx> { /// Store an import and the location relative to which it must be resolved. pub fn push_import( self, base_location: ImportLocation, import: Import, span: Span, ) -> ImportId<'cx> { let stored = StoredImport { cx: self, base_location, import, span, result: OnceCell::new(), }; let id = self.0.imports.len(); self.0.imports.push(Box::new(stored)); ImportId(id, PhantomData) } /// Store the result of fetching an import. pub fn push_import_result(self, res: Typed<'cx>) -> ImportResultId<'cx> { let id = self.0.import_results.len(); self.0.import_results.push(Box::new(res)); ImportResultId(id, PhantomData) } } impl<'cx> StoredImport<'cx> { /// Get the id of the result of fetching this import. Returns `None` if the result has not yet /// been fetched. pub fn get_resultid(&self) -> Option> { self.result.get().copied() } /// Store the result of fetching this import. pub fn set_resultid(&self, res: ImportResultId<'cx>) { let _ = self.result.set(res); } /// Get the result of fetching this import. Returns `None` if the result has not yet been /// fetched. pub fn get_result(&self) -> Option<&'cx Typed<'cx>> { let res = self.get_resultid()?; Some(&[res]) } /// Get the result of fetching this import. Panicx if the result has not yet been /// fetched. pub fn unwrap_result(&self) -> &'cx Typed<'cx> { self.get_result() .expect("imports should all have been resolved at this stage") } /// Store the result of fetching this import. pub fn set_result(&self, res: Typed<'cx>) -> ImportResultId<'cx> { let res =; self.set_resultid(res); res } } impl<'cx> Deref for Ctxt<'cx> { type Target = &'cx CtxtS<'cx>; fn deref(&self) -> &&'cx CtxtS<'cx> { &self.0 } } impl<'cx> Index> for CtxtS<'cx> { type Output = StoredImport<'cx>; fn index(&self, id: ImportId<'cx>) -> &StoredImport<'cx> { &self.imports[id.0] } } impl<'cx> Index> for CtxtS<'cx> { type Output = Typed<'cx>; fn index(&self, id: ImportResultId<'cx>) -> &Typed<'cx> { &self.import_results[id.0] } } impl<'a, 'cx, T> Index<&'a T> for CtxtS<'cx> where Self: Index, T: Copy, { type Output = >::Output; fn index(&self, id: &'a T) -> &Self::Output { &self[*id] } } /// Empty impl, because `FrozenVec` does not implement `Debug` and I can't be bothered to do it /// myself. impl<'cx> std::fmt::Debug for Ctxt<'cx> { fn fmt(&self, _: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { Ok(()) } }