use dhall_syntax::{Builtin, Integer, Natural}; use crate::api::Type; /// A Rust type that can be represented as a Dhall type. /// /// A typical example is `Option`, /// represented by the dhall expression `Optional Bool`. /// /// This trait can and should be automatically derived. /// /// The representation needs to be independent of the value. /// For this reason, something like `HashMap` cannot implement /// [StaticType] because each different value would /// have a different Dhall record type. pub trait StaticType { fn static_type() -> Type; } macro_rules! derive_builtin { ($ty:ty, $builtin:ident) => { impl StaticType for $ty { fn static_type() -> Type { Type::make_builtin_type(Builtin::$builtin) } } }; } derive_builtin!(bool, Bool); derive_builtin!(Natural, Natural); derive_builtin!(u64, Natural); derive_builtin!(Integer, Integer); derive_builtin!(String, Text); impl StaticType for (A, B) where A: StaticType, B: StaticType, { fn static_type() -> Type { Type::make_record_type( vec![ ("_1".to_owned(), A::static_type()), ("_2".to_owned(), B::static_type()), ] .into_iter(), ) } } impl StaticType for std::result::Result where T: StaticType, E: StaticType, { fn static_type() -> Type { Type::make_union_type( vec![ ("Ok".to_owned(), Some(T::static_type())), ("Err".to_owned(), Some(E::static_type())), ] .into_iter(), ) } } impl StaticType for Option where T: StaticType, { fn static_type() -> Type { Type::make_optional_type(T::static_type()) } } impl StaticType for Vec where T: StaticType, { fn static_type() -> Type { Type::make_list_type(T::static_type()) } } impl<'a, T> StaticType for &'a T where T: StaticType, { fn static_type() -> Type { T::static_type() } }