use std::env; use std::fs::{read_to_string, File}; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write}; use std::path::Path; use abnf_to_pest::render_rules_to_pest; fn convert_abnf_to_pest() -> std::io::Result<()> { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let abnf_path = "src/syntax/text/dhall.abnf"; let visibility_path = "src/syntax/text/dhall.pest.visibility"; let grammar_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("dhall.pest"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", abnf_path); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", visibility_path); let mut data = read_to_string(abnf_path)?; data.push('\n'); let data = data.replace('∀', ""); // TODO: waiting for abnf 0.6.1 let mut rules = abnf_to_pest::parse_abnf(&data)?; for line in BufReader::new(File::open(visibility_path)?).lines() { let line = line?; if line.len() >= 2 && &line[0..2] == "# " { if let Some(x) = rules.get_mut(&line[2..]) { x.silent = true; } } } let mut file = File::create(grammar_path)?; writeln!(&mut file, "// AUTO-GENERATED FILE. See")?; // Work around some greediness issue in the grammar. rules.remove("missing"); writeln!( &mut file, r#"missing = {{ "missing" ~ !simple_label_next_char }}"# )?; // Prefer my nice error message to illegible parse errors. rules.remove("unicode_escape"); rules.remove("unbraced_escape"); rules.remove("braced_escape"); rules.remove("braced_codepoint"); rules.remove("unicode_suffix"); writeln!( &mut file, r#"unicode_escape = _{{ HEXDIG{{4}} | "{{" ~ HEXDIG+ ~ "}}" }}"# )?; rules.remove("simple_label"); writeln!( &mut file, "simple_label = {{ keyword ~ simple_label_next_char+ | !keyword ~ simple_label_first_char ~ simple_label_next_char* }}" )?; rules.remove("nonreserved_label"); writeln!( &mut file, "nonreserved_label = _{{ !(builtin ~ !simple_label_next_char) ~ label }}" )?; // Setup grammar for precedence climbing rules.remove("operator_expression"); writeln!( &mut file, r##" import_alt = {{ "?" ~ whsp1 }} bool_or = {{ "||" }} natural_plus = {{ "+" ~ whsp1 }} text_append = {{ "++" }} list_append = {{ "#" }} bool_and = {{ "&&" }} natural_times = {{ "*" }} bool_eq = {{ "==" }} bool_ne = {{ "!=" }} operator = _{{ equivalent | bool_ne | bool_eq | natural_times | combine_types | prefer | combine | bool_and | list_append | text_append | natural_plus | bool_or | import_alt }} operator_expression = {{ application_expression ~ (whsp ~ operator ~ whsp ~ application_expression)* }} "## )?; writeln!( &mut file, "final_expression = ${{ SOI ~ complete_expression ~ EOI }}" )?; writeln!(&mut file)?; writeln!(&mut file, "{}", render_rules_to_pest(rules).pretty(80))?; Ok(()) } // Generate pest parser manually because otherwise we'd need to modify something outside of // OUT_DIR and that's forbidden by fn generate_pest_parser() -> std::io::Result<()> { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let grammar_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("dhall.pest"); let grammar_path = grammar_path.to_str(); let output_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); let pest = quote::quote!( #[grammar = #grammar_path] struct DhallParser; ); let derived = pest_generator::derive_parser(pest, false); let file_contents = quote::quote!( struct DhallParser; #derived ); let mut file = File::create(output_path)?; writeln!(file, "{}", file_contents) } fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { convert_abnf_to_pest()?; generate_pest_parser()?; Ok(()) }