use std::env; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use walkdir::WalkDir; fn dhall_files_in_dir<'a>( dir: &'a Path, take_a_suffix: bool, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { WalkDir::new(dir) .into_iter() .filter_map(|e| e.ok()) .filter_map(move |path| { let path = path.path(); let path = path.strip_prefix(dir).unwrap(); let ext = path.extension(); if ext != Some(&OsString::from("dhall")) && ext != Some(&OsString::from("dhallb")) { return None; } let ext = ext.unwrap(); let path = path.to_string_lossy(); let path = &path[..path.len() - 1 - ext.len()]; let path = if take_a_suffix { if &path[path.len() - 1..] != "A" { return None; } else { path[..path.len() - 1].to_owned() } } else { path.to_owned() }; let name = path.replace("/", "_").replace("-", "_"); Some((name, path)) }) } fn make_test_module( w: &mut impl Write, // Where to output the generated code mod_name: &str, // Name of the module, used in the output of `cargo test` subdir: &str, // Directory containing the tests files feature: &str, // Relevant variant of `dhall::tests::Feature` mut exclude: impl FnMut(&str) -> bool, // Given a file name, whether to exclude it ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let all_tests_dir = Path::new("../dhall-lang/tests/"); let tests_dir = all_tests_dir.join(subdir); writeln!(w, "mod {} {{", mod_name)?; for (name, path) in dhall_files_in_dir(&tests_dir.join("success/"), true) { if exclude(&("success/".to_owned() + &path)) { continue; } writeln!( w, r#"make_spec_test!({}, Success, success_{}, "{}/success/{}");"#, feature, name, tests_dir.to_string_lossy(), path )?; } for (name, path) in dhall_files_in_dir(&tests_dir.join("failure/"), false) { if exclude(&("failure/".to_owned() + &path)) { continue; } writeln!( w, r#"make_spec_test!({}, Failure, failure_{}, "{}/failure/{}");"#, feature, name, tests_dir.to_string_lossy(), path )?; } writeln!(w, "}}")?; Ok(()) } fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { // Tries to detect when the submodule gets updated. // To force regeneration of the test list, just `touch dhall-lang/.git` println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=../dhall-lang/.git"); println!( "cargo:rerun-if-changed=../.git/modules/dhall-lang/refs/heads/master" ); let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let parser_tests_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); let mut file = File::create(parser_tests_path)?; make_test_module(&mut file, "parse", "parser/", "Parser", |path| { // Too slow in debug mode path == "success/largeExpression" // TODO: Inline headers || path == "success/unit/import/inlineUsing" || path == "success/unit/import/Headers" || path == "success/unit/import/HeadersDoubleHash" || path == "success/unit/import/HeadersDoubleHashPrecedence" || path == "success/unit/import/HeadersHashPrecedence" || path == "success/unit/import/HeadersInteriorHash" // TODO: projection by expression || path == "success/recordProjectionByExpression" || path == "success/RecordProjectionByType" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByType" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeEmpty" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectFields" // TODO: RFC3986 URLs || path == "success/unit/import/urls/emptyPath0" || path == "success/unit/import/urls/emptyPath1" || path == "success/unit/import/urls/emptyPathSegment" // TODO: toMap || path == "success/toMap" })?; make_test_module(&mut file, "printer", "parser/", "Printer", |path| { // Failure tests are only for the parser path.starts_with("failure/") // Too slow in debug mode || path == "success/largeExpression" // TODO: Inline headers || path == "success/unit/import/inlineUsing" || path == "success/unit/import/Headers" // TODO: projection by expression || path == "success/recordProjectionByExpression" || path == "success/RecordProjectionByType" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByType" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeEmpty" // TODO: RFC3986 URLs || path == "success/unit/import/urls/emptyPath0" || path == "success/unit/import/urls/emptyPath1" || path == "success/unit/import/urls/emptyPathSegment" // TODO: toMap || path == "success/toMap" })?; make_test_module( &mut file, "binary_encoding", "parser/", "BinaryEncoding", |path| { // Failure tests are only for the parser path.starts_with("failure/") // Too slow in debug mode || path == "success/largeExpression" // See || path == "success/double" || path == "success/unit/DoubleLitExponentNoDot" || path == "success/unit/DoubleLitSecretelyInt" // TODO: Inline headers || path == "success/unit/import/inlineUsing" || path == "success/unit/import/Headers" // TODO: projection by expression || path == "success/recordProjectionByExpression" || path == "success/RecordProjectionByType" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByType" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeEmpty" // TODO: RFC3986 URLs || path == "success/unit/import/urls/emptyPath0" || path == "success/unit/import/urls/emptyPath1" || path == "success/unit/import/urls/emptyPathSegment" // TODO: toMap || path == "success/toMap" }, )?; make_test_module( &mut file, "binary_decoding", "binary-decode/", "BinaryDecoding", |path| { false // TODO: projection by expression || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectFields" || path == "success/unit/recordProjectionByExpression" // TODO: toMap || path == "success/unit/ToMap" || path == "success/unit/ToMapAnnotated" }, )?; make_test_module( &mut file, "beta_normalize", "normalization/", "Normalization", |path| { // We don't support bignums path == "success/simple/integerToDouble" // Too slow || path == "success/remoteSystems" // TODO: projection by expression || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeEmpty" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeNonEmpty" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeNormalizeProjection" // TODO: fix Double/show || path == "success/prelude/JSON/number/1" // TODO: toMap || path == "success/unit/EmptyToMap" || path == "success/unit/ToMap" || path == "success/unit/ToMapWithType" // TODO: Normalize field selection further by inspecting the argument || path == "success/simplifications/rightBiasedMergeWithinRecordProjectionWithinFieldSelection0" || path == "success/simplifications/rightBiasedMergeWithinRecordProjectionWithinFieldSelection1" || path == "success/simplifications/rightBiasedMergeWithinRecursiveRecordMergeWithinFieldselection" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeWithinFieldSelection" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionWithinFieldSelection" || path == "success/unit/RecursiveRecordMergeWithinFieldSelection0" || path == "success/unit/RecursiveRecordMergeWithinFieldSelection1" || path == "success/unit/RecursiveRecordMergeWithinFieldSelection2" || path == "success/unit/RecursiveRecordMergeWithinFieldSelection3" || path == "success/unit/RightBiasedMergeWithinFieldSelection0" || path == "success/unit/RightBiasedMergeWithinFieldSelection1" || path == "success/unit/RightBiasedMergeWithinFieldSelection2" || path == "success/unit/RightBiasedMergeWithinFieldSelection3" || path == "success/unit/RightBiasedMergeEquivalentArguments" }, )?; make_test_module( &mut file, "alpha_normalize", "alpha-normalization/", "AlphaNormalization", |_| false, )?; make_test_module( &mut file, "typecheck", "typecheck/", "Typecheck", |path| { false // TODO: Enable imports in typecheck tests || path == "failure/importBoundary" // Too slow || path == "success/prelude" // TODO: Inline headers || path == "failure/customHeadersUsingBoundVariable" // TODO: projection by expression || path == "failure/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeFieldTypeMismatch" || path == "failure/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeNotPresent" // TODO: toMap || path == "failure/unit/EmptyToMap" || path == "failure/unit/HeterogenousToMap" || path == "failure/unit/MistypedToMap1" || path == "failure/unit/MistypedToMap2" || path == "failure/unit/MistypedToMap3" || path == "failure/unit/MistypedToMap4" || path == "failure/unit/NonRecordToMap" }, )?; make_test_module( &mut file, "type_inference", "type-inference/", "TypeInference", |path| { false // TODO: projection by expression || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByType" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeEmpty" || path == "success/unit/RecordProjectionByTypeJudgmentalEquality" // TODO: toMap || path == "success/unit/ToMap" || path == "success/unit/ToMapAnnotated" }, )?; Ok(()) }