// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Serokell <https://serokell.io/> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 use std::process::Stdio; use tokio::process::Command; use std::path::Path; use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum PushProfileError { #[error("Failed to calculate activate bin path from deploy bin path: {0}")] DeployPathToActivatePathError(#[from] super::DeployPathToActivatePathError), #[error("Failed to run Nix build command: {0}")] BuildError(std::io::Error), #[error("Nix build command resulted in a bad exit code: {0:?}")] BuildExitError(Option<i32>), #[error("Activation script deploy-rs-activate does not exist in profile.\n\ Did you forget to use deploy-rs#lib.<...>.activate.<...> on your profile path?")] DeployRsActivateDoesntExist, #[error("Activation script activate-rs does not exist in profile.\n\ Is there a mismatch in deploy-rs used in the flake you're deploying and deploy-rs command you're running?")] ActivateRsDoesntExist, #[error("Failed to run Nix sign command: {0}")] SignError(std::io::Error), #[error("Nix sign command resulted in a bad exit code: {0:?}")] SignExitError(Option<i32>), #[error("Failed to run Nix copy command: {0}")] CopyError(std::io::Error), #[error("Nix copy command resulted in a bad exit code: {0:?}")] CopyExitError(Option<i32>), } pub async fn push_profile( supports_flakes: bool, check_sigs: bool, repo: &str, deploy_data: &super::DeployData<'_>, deploy_defs: &super::DeployDefs, keep_result: bool, result_path: Option<&str>, extra_build_args: &[String], ) -> Result<(), PushProfileError> { info!( "Building profile `{}` for node `{}`", deploy_data.profile_name, deploy_data.node_name ); let mut build_c = if supports_flakes { Command::new("nix") } else { Command::new("nix-build") }; let mut build_command = if supports_flakes { build_c.arg("build").arg(format!( "{}#deploy.nodes.\"{}\".profiles.\"{}\".path", repo, deploy_data.node_name, deploy_data.profile_name )) } else { build_c.arg(&repo).arg("-A").arg(format!( "deploy.nodes.\"{}\".profiles.\"{}\".path", deploy_data.node_name, deploy_data.profile_name )) }; build_command = match (keep_result, supports_flakes) { (true, _) => { let result_path = result_path.unwrap_or("./.deploy-gc"); build_command.arg("--out-link").arg(format!( "{}/{}/{}", result_path, deploy_data.node_name, deploy_data.profile_name )) } (false, false) => build_command.arg("--no-out-link"), (false, true) => build_command.arg("--no-link"), }; for extra_arg in extra_build_args { build_command = build_command.arg(extra_arg); } let build_exit_status = build_command // Logging should be in stderr, this just stops the store path from printing for no reason .stdout(Stdio::null()) .status() .await .map_err(PushProfileError::BuildError)?; match build_exit_status.code() { Some(0) => (), a => return Err(PushProfileError::BuildExitError(a)), }; if ! Path::new(format!("{}/deploy-rs-activate", deploy_data.profile.profile_settings.path).as_str()).exists() { return Err(PushProfileError::DeployRsActivateDoesntExist); } if ! Path::new(format!("{}/activate-rs", deploy_data.profile.profile_settings.path).as_str()).exists() { return Err(PushProfileError::ActivateRsDoesntExist); } if let Ok(local_key) = std::env::var("LOCAL_KEY") { info!( "Signing key present! Signing profile `{}` for node `{}`", deploy_data.profile_name, deploy_data.node_name ); let sign_exit_status = Command::new("nix") .arg("sign-paths") .arg("-r") .arg("-k") .arg(local_key) .arg(&deploy_data.profile.profile_settings.path) .status() .await .map_err(PushProfileError::SignError)?; match sign_exit_status.code() { Some(0) => (), a => return Err(PushProfileError::SignExitError(a)), }; } debug!( "Copying profile `{}` to node `{}`", deploy_data.profile_name, deploy_data.node_name ); let mut copy_command_ = Command::new("nix"); let mut copy_command = copy_command_.arg("copy"); if deploy_data.merged_settings.fast_connection != Some(true) { copy_command = copy_command.arg("--substitute-on-destination"); } if !check_sigs { copy_command = copy_command.arg("--no-check-sigs"); } let ssh_opts_str = deploy_data .merged_settings .ssh_opts // This should provide some extra safety, but it also breaks for some reason, oh well // .iter() // .map(|x| format!("'{}'", x)) // .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(" "); let hostname = match deploy_data.cmd_overrides.hostname { Some(ref x) => x, None => &deploy_data.node.node_settings.hostname, }; let copy_exit_status = copy_command .arg("--to") .arg(format!("ssh://{}@{}", deploy_defs.ssh_user, hostname)) .arg(&deploy_data.profile.profile_settings.path) .env("NIX_SSHOPTS", ssh_opts_str) .status() .await .map_err(PushProfileError::CopyError)?; match copy_exit_status.code() { Some(0) => (), a => return Err(PushProfileError::CopyExitError(a)), }; Ok(()) }