use clap::Clap; use merge::Merge; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::process::Stdio; use tokio::process::Command; use std::path::Path; use std::process; extern crate pretty_env_logger; #[macro_use] extern crate log; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; macro_rules! good_panic { ($($tts:tt)*) => {{ error!($($tts)*); process::exit(1); }} } /// Simple Rust rewrite of a simple Nix Flake deployment tool #[derive(Clap, Debug)] #[clap(version = "1.0", author = "notgne2 ")] struct Opts { /// Log verbosity #[clap(short, long, parse(from_occurrences))] verbose: i32, #[clap(subcommand)] subcmd: SubCommand, } /// Deploy profiles #[derive(Clap, Debug)] struct DeployOpts { /// The flake to deploy #[clap(default_value = ".")] flake: String, /// Prepare server (for first deployments) #[clap(short, long)] prime: bool, /// Check signatures when using `nix copy` #[clap(short, long)] checksigs: bool, } /// Activate a profile on your current machine #[derive(Clap, Debug)] struct ActivateOpts { profile_path: String, closure: String, /// Command for activating the given profile #[clap(short, long)] activate_cmd: Option, /// Command for bootstrapping #[clap(short, long)] bootstrap_cmd: Option, /// Auto rollback if failure #[clap(short, long)] auto_rollback: bool, } #[derive(Clap, Debug)] enum SubCommand { Deploy(DeployOpts), Activate(ActivateOpts), } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Merge)] pub struct GenericSettings { #[serde(rename(deserialize = "sshUser"))] pub ssh_user: Option, pub user: Option, #[serde( skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty", default, rename(deserialize = "sshOpts") )] #[merge(strategy = merge::vec::append)] pub ssh_opts: Vec, #[serde(rename(deserialize = "fastConnection"))] pub fast_connection: Option, #[serde(rename(deserialize = "autoRollback"))] pub auto_rollback: Option, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct NodeSettings { pub hostname: String, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct ProfileSettings { pub path: String, pub activate: Option, pub bootstrap: Option, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct Profile { #[serde(flatten)] pub profile_settings: ProfileSettings, #[serde(flatten)] pub generic_settings: GenericSettings, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct Node { #[serde(flatten)] pub generic_settings: GenericSettings, #[serde(flatten)] pub node_settings: NodeSettings, pub profiles: HashMap, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct Data { #[serde(flatten)] pub generic_settings: GenericSettings, pub nodes: HashMap, } async fn deploy_profile( profile: &Profile, profile_name: &str, node: &Node, node_name: &str, top_settings: &GenericSettings, supports_flakes: bool, check_sigs: bool, repo: &str, ) -> Result<(), Box> { info!( "Deploying profile `{}` for node `{}`", profile_name, node_name ); let mut merged_settings = top_settings.clone(); merged_settings.merge(node.generic_settings.clone()); merged_settings.merge(profile.generic_settings.clone()); let ssh_user: Cow = match &merged_settings.ssh_user { Some(u) => u.into(), None => whoami::username().into(), }; let profile_user: Cow = match &merged_settings.user { Some(x) => x.into(), None => match &merged_settings.ssh_user { Some(x) => x.into(), None => good_panic!( "Neither user nor sshUser set for profile `{}` of node `{}`", profile_name, node_name ), }, }; let sudo: Option = match merged_settings.user { Some(ref user) if user != &ssh_user => Some(format!("sudo -u {}", user).into()), _ => None, }; let profile_path = match &profile_user[..] { "root" => format!("/nix/var/nix/profiles/{}", profile_name), _ => format!( "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/{}/{}", profile_user, profile_name ), }; info!( "Building profile `{}` for node `{}`", profile_name, node_name ); if supports_flakes { Command::new("nix") .arg("build") .arg("--no-link") .arg(format!( "{}#deploy.nodes.{}.profiles.{}.path", repo, node_name, profile_name )) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn()? .await?; } else { Command::new("nix-build") .arg(&repo) .arg("-A") .arg(format!( "deploy.nodes.{}.profiles.{}.path", node_name, profile_name )) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn()? .await?; } let current_exe = std::env::current_exe().expect("Expected to find current executable path"); if !current_exe.starts_with("/nix/store/") { good_panic!("The deploy binary must be in the Nix store"); } if let Ok(local_key) = std::env::var("LOCAL_KEY") { info!( "Signing key present! Signing profile `{}` for node `{}`", profile_name, node_name ); Command::new("nix") .arg("sign-paths") .arg("-r") .arg("-k") .arg(local_key) .arg(&profile.profile_settings.path) .arg(¤t_exe) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn()? .await?; } info!("Copying profile `{} for node `{}`", profile_name, node_name); let mut copy_command_ = Command::new("nix"); let mut copy_command = copy_command_.arg("copy"); if let Some(true) = merged_settings.fast_connection { copy_command = copy_command.arg("--substitute-on-destination"); } if !check_sigs { copy_command = copy_command.arg("--no-check-sigs"); } let ssh_opts_str = merged_settings .ssh_opts // This should provide some extra safety, but it also breaks for some reason, oh well // .iter() // .map(|x| format!("'{}'", x)) // .collect::>() .join(" "); copy_command .arg("--to") .arg(format!( "ssh://{}@{}", ssh_user, node.node_settings.hostname )) .arg(&profile.profile_settings.path) .arg(¤t_exe) .env("NIX_SSHOPTS", ssh_opts_str) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn()? .await?; info!( "Activating profile `{}` for node `{}`", profile_name, node_name ); let mut self_activate_command = format!( "{} activate '{}' '{}'", current_exe.as_path().to_str().unwrap(), profile_path, profile.profile_settings.path, ); if let Some(sudo_cmd) = sudo { self_activate_command = format!("{} {}", sudo_cmd, self_activate_command); } if let Some(ref bootstrap_cmd) = profile.profile_settings.bootstrap { self_activate_command = format!( "{} --bootstrap-cmd '{}'", self_activate_command, bootstrap_cmd ); } if let Some(ref activate_cmd) = profile.profile_settings.activate { self_activate_command = format!( "{} --activate-cmd '{}'", self_activate_command, activate_cmd ); } let mut c = Command::new("ssh"); let mut ssh_command = c.arg(format!( "ssh://{}@{}", ssh_user, node.node_settings.hostname )); for ssh_opt in merged_settings.ssh_opts { ssh_command = ssh_command.arg(ssh_opt); } ssh_command.arg(self_activate_command).spawn()?.await?; Ok(()) } #[inline] async fn deploy_all_profiles( node: &Node, node_name: &str, supports_flakes: bool, repo: &str, top_settings: &GenericSettings, prime: bool, check_sigs: bool, ) -> Result<(), Box> { info!("Deploying all profiles for `{}`", node_name); if prime { info!("Bootstrapping {}", node_name); let profile = match node.profiles.get("system") { Some(x) => x, None => good_panic!("No system profile was found, needed for priming"), }; deploy_profile( &profile, "system", node, node_name, top_settings, supports_flakes, check_sigs, repo, ) .await?; } for (profile_name, profile) in &node.profiles { // This will have already been deployed if prime && profile_name == "system" { continue; } deploy_profile( &profile, profile_name, node, node_name, top_settings, supports_flakes, check_sigs, repo, ) .await?; } Ok(()) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { if let Err(_) = std::env::var("DEPLOY_LOG") { std::env::set_var("DEPLOY_LOG", "info"); } pretty_env_logger::init_custom_env("DEPLOY_LOG"); let opts: Opts = Opts::parse(); match opts.subcmd { SubCommand::Deploy(deploy_opts) => { let flake_fragment_start = deploy_opts.flake.find('#'); let (repo, maybe_fragment) = match flake_fragment_start { Some(s) => (&deploy_opts.flake[..s], Some(&deploy_opts.flake[s + 1..])), None => (deploy_opts.flake.as_str(), None), }; let (maybe_node, maybe_profile) = match maybe_fragment { Some(fragment) => { let fragment_profile_start = fragment.find('.'); match fragment_profile_start { Some(s) => (Some(&fragment[..s]), Some(&fragment[s + 1..])), None => (Some(fragment), None), } } None => (None, None), }; let test_flake_status = Command::new("nix") .arg("eval") .arg("--expr") .arg("builtins.getFlake") .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .status() .await?; let supports_flakes = test_flake_status.success(); let data_json = match supports_flakes { true => { let c = Command::new("nix") .arg("eval") .arg("--json") .arg(format!("{}#deploy", repo)) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) // TODO forward input args? .output() .await?; String::from_utf8(c.stdout)? } false => { let c = Command::new("nix-instanciate") .arg("--strict") .arg("--read-write-mode") .arg("--json") .arg("--eval") .arg("--E") .arg(format!("let r = import {}/.; in if builtins.isFunction r then (r {{}}).deploy else r.deploy", repo)) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .output() .await?; String::from_utf8(c.stdout)? } }; let data: Data = serde_json::from_str(&data_json)?; match (maybe_node, maybe_profile) { (Some(node_name), Some(profile_name)) => { let node = match data.nodes.get(node_name) { Some(x) => x, None => good_panic!("No node was found named `{}`", node_name), }; let profile = match node.profiles.get(profile_name) { Some(x) => x, None => good_panic!("No profile was found named `{}`", profile_name), }; deploy_profile( &profile, profile_name, node, node_name, &data.generic_settings, supports_flakes, deploy_opts.checksigs, repo, ) .await?; } (Some(node_name), None) => { let node = match data.nodes.get(node_name) { Some(x) => x, None => good_panic!("No node was found named `{}`", node_name), }; deploy_all_profiles( node, node_name, supports_flakes, repo, &data.generic_settings,, deploy_opts.checksigs, ) .await?; } (None, None) => { info!("Deploying all profiles on all nodes"); for (node_name, node) in &data.nodes { deploy_all_profiles( node, node_name, supports_flakes, repo, &data.generic_settings,, deploy_opts.checksigs, ) .await?; } } (None, Some(_)) => good_panic!( "Profile provided without a node, this is not (currently) supported" ), }; } SubCommand::Activate(activate_opts) => { info!("Activating profile"); Command::new("nix-env") .arg("-p") .arg(&activate_opts.profile_path) .arg("--set") .arg(&activate_opts.closure) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .spawn()? .await?; if let (Some(bootstrap_cmd), false) = ( activate_opts.bootstrap_cmd, !Path::new(&activate_opts.profile_path).exists(), ) { let bootstrap_status = Command::new("bash") .arg("-c") .arg(&bootstrap_cmd) .env("PROFILE", &activate_opts.profile_path) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .status() .await; match bootstrap_status { Ok(s) if s.success() => (), _ => { tokio::fs::remove_file(&activate_opts.profile_path).await?; good_panic!("Failed to execute bootstrap command"); } } } if let Some(activate_cmd) = activate_opts.activate_cmd { let activate_status = Command::new("bash") .arg("-c") .arg(&activate_cmd) .env("PROFILE", &activate_opts.profile_path) .status() .await; match activate_status { Ok(s) if s.success() => (), _ if activate_opts.auto_rollback => { Command::new("nix-env") .arg("-p") .arg(&activate_opts.profile_path) .arg("--rollback") .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn()? .await?; let c = Command::new("nix-env") .arg("-p") .arg(&activate_opts.profile_path) .arg("--list-generations") .output() .await?; let generations_list = String::from_utf8(c.stdout)?; let last_generation_line = generations_list .lines() .last() .expect("Expected to find a generation in list"); let last_generation_id = last_generation_line .split_whitespace() .next() .expect("Expected to get ID from generation entry"); debug!("Removing generation entry {}", last_generation_line); warn!("Removing generation by ID {}", last_generation_id); Command::new("nix-env") .arg("-p") .arg(&activate_opts.profile_path) .arg("--delete-generations") .arg(last_generation_id) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn()? .await?; // TODO: why are we doing this? // to run the older version as long as the command is the same? Command::new("bash") .arg("-c") .arg(&activate_cmd) .spawn()? .await?; good_panic!("Failed to execute activation command"); } _ => {} } } } } Ok(()) }