import Verification.Tree import Verification.BinarySearchTree import Verification.Specifications namespace Implementation open Primitives open avl_verification open Tree (AVLTree AVLTree.set) open Specifications (OrdSpecLinearOrderEq infallible ltOfRustOrder gtOfRustOrder) variable (T: Type) (H: avl_verification.Ord T) [LinearOrder T] (Ospec: OrdSpecLinearOrderEq H) @[pspec] theorem AVLTreeSet.insert_loop_spec_local (p: T -> Prop) (Hcmp_spec: ∀ a b, ∃ o, H.cmp a b = Result.ok o) (a: T) (t: Option (AVLNode T)): ∃ added t_new, AVLTreeSet.insert_loop T H a t = Result.ok ⟨ added, t_new ⟩ -- ∧ AVLTree.set t'.2 = insert a (AVLTree.set t) ∧ (BST.ForallNode p t -> p a -> BST.ForallNode p t_new) := by match t with | none => simp [AVLTreeSet.insert_loop, AVLTree.set, setOf] intros _ Hpa constructor; all_goals try simp [BST.ForallNode.none] exact Hpa | some ( b left right) => rw [AVLTreeSet.insert_loop] simp only [] progress keep Hordering as ⟨ ordering ⟩ cases ordering all_goals simp only [] { progress keep Htree as ⟨ added₁, right₁, Hnode ⟩ refine' ⟨ added₁, ⟨ some ( b left right₁), _ ⟩ ⟩ simp only [true_and] intros Hptree Hpa constructor exact Hptree.left exact Hptree.label exact Hnode Hptree.right Hpa } { simp; tauto } { -- TODO: investigate wlog. -- Symmetric case of left. progress keep Htree as ⟨ added₁, left₁, Hnode ⟩ refine' ⟨ added₁, ⟨ some ( b left₁ right), _ ⟩ ⟩ simp only [true_and] intros Hptree Hpa constructor exact Hnode Hptree.left Hpa exact Hptree.label exact Hptree.right } @[pspec] lemma AVLTreeSet.insert_loop_spec_global (a: T) (t: Option (AVLNode T)) : BST.Invariant t -> ∃ added t_new, AVLTreeSet.insert_loop T H a t = Result.ok ⟨ added, t_new ⟩ ∧ BST.Invariant t_new ∧ AVLTree.set t_new = {a} ∪ AVLTree.set t := by intro Hbst match t with | none => simp [AVLTreeSet.insert_loop, AVLTree.set, setOf] | some ( b left right) => rw [AVLTreeSet.insert_loop] simp only [] have : ∀ a b, ∃ o, H.cmp a b = .ok o := infallible H progress keep Hordering as ⟨ ordering ⟩ cases ordering all_goals simp only [] { have ⟨ added₂, right₂, ⟨ H_result, ⟨ H_bst, H_set ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ := AVLTreeSet.insert_loop_spec_global a right (BST.right Hbst) progress keep Htree with AVLTreeSet.insert_loop_spec_local as ⟨ added₁, right₁, Hnode ⟩ exact (fun x => b < x) rewrite [Htree] at H_result; simp at H_result refine' ⟨ added₁, ⟨ some ( b left right₁), _ ⟩ ⟩ simp only [true_and] split_conjs cases' Hbst with _ _ _ H_forall_left H_forall_right H_bst_left H_bst_right constructor exact H_forall_left apply Hnode; exact H_forall_right exact (ltOfRustOrder H b a Hordering) exact H_bst_left convert H_bst exact H_result.2 simp [AVLTree.set_some] rewrite [H_result.2, H_set] simp } { simp; split_conjs . tauto . simp [Ospec.equivalence _ _ Hordering] } { have ⟨ added₂, left₂, ⟨ H_result, ⟨ H_bst, H_set ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ := AVLTreeSet.insert_loop_spec_global a left (BST.left Hbst) progress keep Htree with AVLTreeSet.insert_loop_spec_local as ⟨ added₁, left₁, Hnode ⟩ exact (fun x => x < b) rewrite [Htree] at H_result; simp at H_result refine' ⟨ added₁, ⟨ some ( b left₁ right), _ ⟩ ⟩ simp only [true_and] split_conjs cases' Hbst with _ _ _ H_forall_left H_forall_right H_bst_left H_bst_right constructor apply Hnode; exact H_forall_left exact (gtOfRustOrder H b a Hordering) exact H_forall_right convert H_bst exact H_result.2 exact H_bst_right simp [AVLTree.set_some] rewrite [H_result.2, H_set] simp [Set.singleton_union, Set.insert_comm, Set.insert_union] } @[pspec] def AVLTreeSet.insert_spec (a: T) (t: AVLTreeSet T): BST.Invariant t.root -> (∃ t' added,t.insert _ H a = Result.ok (added, t') -- it's still a binary search tree. ∧ BST.Invariant t'.root ∧ AVLTree.set t'.root = {a} ∪ AVLTree.set t.root) := by rw [AVLTreeSet.insert]; intro Hbst progress keep h as ⟨ t', Hset ⟩; simp; assumption end Implementation