import Verification.Tree import AvlVerification namespace BST open Primitives (Result) open avl_verification (AVLNode Ordering) open Tree (AVLTree AVLNode.left AVLNode.right AVLNode.val) inductive ForallNode (p: T -> Prop): AVLTree T -> Prop | none : ForallNode p none | some (a: T) (left: AVLTree T) (right: AVLTree T) : ForallNode p left -> p a -> ForallNode p right -> ForallNode p (some ( a left right)) theorem ForallNode.left {p: T -> Prop} {t: AVLTree T}: ForallNode p t -> ForallNode p t.left := by intro Hpt cases Hpt with | none => simp [AVLTree.left, ForallNode.none] | some a left right f_pleft f_pa f_pright => simp [AVLTree.left, f_pleft] theorem ForallNode.right {p: T -> Prop} {t: AVLTree T}: ForallNode p t -> ForallNode p t.right := by intro Hpt cases Hpt with | none => simp [AVLTree.right, ForallNode.none] | some a left right f_pleft f_pa f_pright => simp [AVLTree.right, f_pright] theorem ForallNode.label {a: T} {p: T -> Prop} {left right: AVLTree T}: ForallNode p ( a left right) -> p a := by intro Hpt cases Hpt with | some a left right f_pleft f_pa f_pright => exact f_pa theorem ForallNode.not_mem {a: T} (p: T -> Prop) (t: Option (AVLNode T)): ¬ p a -> ForallNode p t -> a ∉ AVLTree.set t := fun Hnpa Hpt => by cases t with | none => simp [AVLTree.set]; tauto | some t => cases Hpt with | some b left right f_pbleft f_pb f_pbright => simp [AVLTree.set_some] push_neg split_conjs . by_contra hab; rw [hab] at Hnpa; exact Hnpa f_pb . exact ForallNode.not_mem p left Hnpa f_pbleft . exact ForallNode.not_mem p right Hnpa f_pbright theorem ForallNode.not_mem' {a: T} (p: T -> Prop) (t: Option (AVLNode T)): p a -> ForallNode (fun x => ¬p x) t -> a ∉ AVLTree.set t := fun Hpa Hnpt => by refine' ForallNode.not_mem (fun x => ¬ p x) t _ _ simp [Hpa] exact Hnpt theorem ForallNode.imp {p q: T -> Prop} {t: AVLTree T}: (∀ x, p x -> q x) -> ForallNode p t -> ForallNode q t := fun Himp Hpt => by induction Hpt . simp [ForallNode.none] . constructor . assumption . apply Himp; assumption . assumption -- This is the binary search invariant. variable [LinearOrder T] inductive Invariant: AVLTree T -> Prop | none : Invariant none | some (a: T) (left: AVLTree T) (right: AVLTree T) : ForallNode (fun v => v < a) left -> ForallNode (fun v => a < v) right -> Invariant left -> Invariant right -> Invariant (some ( a left right)) @[simp] theorem singleton_bst {a: T}: Invariant (some ( a none none)) := by apply Invariant.some all_goals simp [ForallNode.none, Invariant.none] theorem left {t: AVLTree T}: Invariant t -> Invariant t.left := by intro H induction H with | none => exact Invariant.none | some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => simp [AVLTree.left]; assumption theorem right {t: AVLTree T}: Invariant t -> Invariant t.right := by intro H induction H with | none => exact Invariant.none | some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => simp [AVLTree.right]; assumption -- TODO: ask at most for LT + Irreflexive (lt_irrefl) + Trichotomy (le_of_not_lt)? theorem left_pos {left right: Option (AVLNode T)} {a x: T}: BST.Invariant (some ( a left right)) -> x ∈ AVLTree.set ( a left right) -> x < a -> x ∈ AVLTree.set left := fun Hbst Hmem Hxa => by simp [AVLTree.set_some] at Hmem rcases Hmem with (Heq | Hleft) | Hright . rewrite [Heq] at Hxa; exact absurd Hxa (lt_irrefl _) . assumption . exfalso -- Hbst -> x ∈ right -> ForallNode (fun v => ¬ v < a) refine' ForallNode.not_mem' (fun v => v < a) right Hxa _ _ simp [le_of_not_lt] cases Hbst with | some _ _ _ _ Hforall _ => refine' ForallNode.imp _ Hforall exact fun x => le_of_lt assumption theorem right_pos {left right: Option (AVLNode T)} {a x: T}: BST.Invariant (some ( a left right)) -> x ∈ AVLTree.set ( a left right) -> a < x -> x ∈ AVLTree.set right := fun Hbst Hmem Hax => by simp [AVLTree.set_some] at Hmem rcases Hmem with (Heq | Hleft) | Hright . rewrite [Heq] at Hax; exact absurd Hax (lt_irrefl _) . exfalso refine' ForallNode.not_mem' (fun v => a < v) left Hax _ _ simp [le_of_not_lt] cases Hbst with | some _ _ _ Hforall _ _ => refine' ForallNode.imp _ Hforall exact fun x => le_of_lt assumption . assumption end BST